__ ________?!
>shredding ham with your shit second-hand shredder present
Why is this episode so perfect at showing the reality of Christmas?
how thick is wall
it was a joke
a Christmas joke
Why the fuck did Mark decide it was best to pretend to his parents that he and Dobby weren't an item? I get being anxious about your parents' opinion and the fact it was such short notice, but that's still an incredibly stupid thing to do.
Not only are you massively pissing off your girlfriend for no reason, you're adding extra pressure to an already tenseful day when you could just come clean.
Also cauliflowers are traditional.
>Why the fuck did Mark decide it was best to pretend to his parents that he and Dobby weren't an item?
because humans are irrational, and the humour comes from watching relatable autism on screen. Same applies to inbetweeners.
Cauliflower is not traditional.
I’m admire the intention of this joke but the show was already irredeemably shit by this point (maybe only relative to the godlike earlier seasons)
I know, that bit just particularly annoyed me. But it IS what Peep Show is all about, Mark and Jez making shit decisions that lead to cringy situations which is what makes it funny.
One of the very first scenes in the whole series is a perfect example, when Mark gets on the bus with Sophie and pats the seat next to him in welcome but doesn't take his hand away immediately after she sits down, instead he has an inner monologue for about 30 seconds about how he really should move his hand, but appears not to, then decides it's been there too long to move his hand away. It's like the first scene in S01E01 and after watching that I immediately knew this show was for me.
>whole table freezes up
>you can see his wife is used to this behaviour and instantly goes into a mental coping mechanism
>Dobby not yet understanding the full gravity of the situation
"Actually... I don't think it is."
>Sarah: Mum wanted to become a homeopath, but according to Dad, the family couldn't afford it.
>Mark's dad: It was just a fad.
>Mark's mum: It was a great deal more than a fad.
The poor woman has been repressed and bereft of her ambitions by that cauliflower-obsessed control freak. Mark should've bought a cauliflower and shredded it slowly in front of his dad, maintaining eye-contact the whole time
Chicken Run
Any of you anons ever had a Christmas like that, or even worse?
Reminder that Johnson did nothing wrong
Half of my holidays as a kid were like that
I was visibly drunk in front of my teetotal grandfather, and was chewed out by my slightly-less-drunk father over it