This scene was literally Space Leia of the Hobbit movies
This scene was literally Space Leia of the Hobbit movies
no, at least space leia was softened by the special effects in the prequels, this was garbage out of nowhere in an up until then absolutely amazing series.
The hobbit movies had like 6 of those scenes
not really. Even after seeing some of the shoddy effects in the PT, nobody ever expected to see a coked up CGI Leia flying through space
Try this scene
Yoda flipping through the air and the sheev spin fit right alongside the death and return of super leia
It was, but it didn't really have any significance to the plot and was at least entertaining
whats wrong with this scene
Nah, that scene was actually enjoyable because it was clear Jackson said fuck it and started making scenes that were essentially rollercoaster rides regardless of they made any sense.
It least it was in the book.
Looks like the memes got to someone that took them seriously lmao
>Legolas is on an unstable structure, and should be an easy death
>For some reason, he can rum up falling bricks to save his life
compared to
>Leia can use the force to save herself from death with no prior buildup
Big dimes Hurricanrana from Legolas.
legolas apparently knows the viet vo dao martial art. Also fuck elementary physics.
dude elves are as light as feathers the mass of the brick is pushing his lighter mass upwards
this scene is fine
>Light as feather
>Scissors a giant Orc of the bridge
Pick one.
The movies do this shit a lot, and it's dumb but it kind of makes sense given that he's a high elf even compared to Tauriel. At least for the snow at Caradhas when he's not sinking down, but the crumbling tower bridge was just poorly shot.
why aren't you complaining about Legolas not leaving footprints in the snow in the original trilogy? He's a fucking elf. Deal with it.
that move requires no mass on legolas' part, that's working the mass of the orc to his advantage
No he would be just hanging there like a necklace
It'crazy how many deus ex machina moments they could fit into every single movie. Also hope there's a fan cut without the romance triangle out there.
I actually like the thing between Kili and Tauriel. We know of a few Noldor/Human pairs, but what of Silvan elves or lesser?
no he wouldn't
Oh, ok then.
I honestly don't get why people think the Leia scene was that bad, I mean sure it looked a bit cheesy but nothing about it was particularly unbelievable other than maybe the surprising fact that Leia can use the Force. But she IS Luke's twin sister and part of the Skywalker family so...
geriatric cokehead in a dress flying through space like Mary Poppins brah. It just looked ridiculous
God damn this is dumb.
Why the fuck can't we get an ADVENTURE movie?
The Hobbit is an ADVENTURE story. It's not an ACTION story.
>I mean sure it looked a bit cheesy but nothing about it was particularly unbelievable
How about the fact that a human fucking being literally survived being in the vacuum of space for an extended amount of time. How fucking stupid do you have to be to let this shit slide. Sure it is sci-fi but there are rules that are set in that reality. I can accept explosions in space but people should fucking die being unprotected in space.
Because one thing is a little detail and the other is an entire scene in a movie of other retarded action scenes. Scenes that are so fucking far from any tangible reality that the audience knows that it leads to complete and total disconnect.
It was just a few seconds. You'd have to be floating there for a full minute to die.
Elves(Legolas especially) were established in the first trilogy to be light on their feet, so when it popped up in the Hobbit movies it shouldn't have been a surprise, like Leia was.
Nigger it was more than a full minute in the realm of movie time.
At least 2001 did it right where it was only about 10 seconds being thrown from the pod into the doorway, not being out in the harsh cold vacuum just floating around only to wake up and soar through the air like fucking Superman.
Jesus christ people. How do even possibly defend this shit.
was it also extablished that they're expert barrel-balancers?
>in the realm of movie time.
The fuck does that even mean? It was not a full minute not even close.
2001 was actually less realistic since he just got up and continued the mission like nothing happened. Leia ended up on a stretcher which is what would actually happen.
Vacuum is not something that instakills you but it does fuck you up.
From the time she was blown out into space to the time she woke up and flew, it was more than a minute. They spent a bit trying to trick everyone into acting like she actually died only to have her not. Also Leia ended up on a stretcher mainly due to her PROLONGED contact with space and the fact that she was literally sucked out into space via an explosion behind her. That would fuck up an old woman but Dave was only in contact with space extremely briefly compared to Leia.
I'm gonna answer you seriously.
After a few hits and missed in the start of the movie (space bombers, arching lasers), finally a grand moment.
So this is how it happens.
A dramatic moment to remember...
actually the pressure difference would start to make your blood boil in a matter of seconds, less than a minute. That is before every single vein in your body expands because of the pressure shift. That's some very very nasty stuff.
Space is not just cold, it is a vacuum too. This is yet to be portrayed in any movie. We always get the freezing scene, which is absolutely not what would happen. There's no air to convey heat, the only heat you would lose in space would be through radiation. No frost, no ice. You would die burning from inside out, feeling your body ripped out by expansion due to the pressure or rather it's lack thereof.
>ogre cave scene
>river scene
>Smaug melted gold scene
>the entirety of movie 3 especially the bridge scene
What the fuck was wrong with this series
Bulging eyes scene in Total Recall
If he was as light as a feather wouldn't he calmly float downward instead of plummeting straight down like, I don't know, a human?
IMO it started with Gandalf apparently told the dwarves to eat and drink EVERYTHING in the Hobbit house, not even a single bread may be left... And then sing a song.
"We need to infuse comic relief and action scenes in whatever made LOTR work, it tests well will our 12-15 year old demographic"
About the same problem as TLJ
I'll never be able to understand how people can defend a movie that has stuff like this on display.
Like "this"... or the fucking "Liquid Gold Dragon Statue Project", or the fucking romance between an elf and a DWARF, or the disgusting CGI litteraly everywhere, or the entire "try to open once, fail, drop the key and leave after months of travel" sequence, and on and on and on.
Took me 5 hours to go through this nightmare, i've never suffered as much watching a movie as i did watching this one (close second being Annie Hall).
How did this serie happen ? How did Jackson screw up so badly ? The same human being can produce Fellowship of the Ring and this massive piece of shit ? What the fuck ?
I haven't even watched the third one yet, reading that it's worst that 2 actually scares me.
And i'm not even a massive fan, i've read the books (and Bilbo, and Silmarillion) but that's about it.
Pretty sure these 3 movies pushed a lot of fragile people to commit suicide.
That scene is literally the Hobbit. The foodfight in Rivendell and the nude bathing are what the dwarves would do.
So what happens exactly ? You die but the body remains the same outside ? Do you never ever freeze ? Where does the heat go ?
The part where he was hiding just a loaf of bread in his shirt or something. They can't just leave him some breakfast for tomorrow?
I mean it just reeks of..
How do I put this. This movie was written by a team of psychologists that base it on the last 50 box office hits like and AI wrote it.
We need some comedy here, it'll get the movie going and then some action scenes here and there, yes yes we'll CGI it.
A master story teller like Tolkien deserves better and they almost nailed it with LOTR
You do understand that vacuum is just a difference of just one atmosphere of pressure right? All you said is complete bullshit.
I mean i'm not saying that it's harmless, but 10-15 seconds of exposure won't cause any major damage.
You know you can boil an egg at room temperature in a vacuum right?
It's time to get over it.
We have seen everything.
So the untalented people in Hollywood have to top what we saw.
Yes, I said untalented.
We are past the generations of writers/creators etc.
We are in the generation of fans making material.
Fanfics are what we are witnessing.
Remember sitting around with your toys and how your Leonardo Ninja Turtle would do like 5 or 6 flips before landing, when the show only had one or two flips.
Welcome to current Hollywood.
Everything is a remake.
Everything is rehashed.
And it's only going to get worse.
They're taking iconic characters and attempting to top not only their mythos but the stories they belonged too.
Now take what I said into consideration. When during the 80s something as simply as kicking the door open and striking a pose was enough to display how badass the hero is all you needed to give that wow factor to an audience.
It's gone.
No. The hero needs to come flipping, crashing, sliding, into the scene with guns/weapons/claws blazing, explosions everywhere, bodies flying all over, villains in shock or running for their lives.
And it'll be this way until people quit paying to see it at the box office. Which is not likely to happen.
Leia shouldn't have been a surprise either. (The force pulling aspect, not the biology)
This is another example of something being believable in the lore that should never be put to film. Just like space Leia, it may be "Canon" but it looks stupid as fuck.
He's a fucking Silvan, Sindar by patriarchal lineage, you utter mongoloid. And no, it makes zero sense.
Gas yourself, you tripfag waste of oxygen.
The reason you die is because asphyxia, since all air leaves your body and your brain will not be able to get enough oxygen, you may experience some superficial blood vessel damage (Eyes, ears and nose for example), but you are not going to bleed fast enough for you to die because of that.
Oh, and the heat will go nowhere fast since you have nothing to transfer the heat to.
No. And he isn't a human, he's an elf which means he gets different applications of physics.
Legolas has walked on snow who gives a fuck
except Nasa has this experiment/accident on video. No major damage if you say so, the guy went unconscious in less than 15 seconds.
There's been articles and studies that show humans can survive for minutes in a vacuum. You'd be in the ICU afterwards but you'd survive. Just like divers have survived the bends. As far as I'm concerned the medical facts behind this scene we're the least jarring. It was just how ridiculous it looked.
And he suffered no damage, only the fluids that were in contact with vacuum boiled, you know like saliva. In fact he regained consciousness and could've walked out of there.
So if someone ended up in space, he would remain at same temperature forever ? If you were to catch a human that had been floating in space for 1 or 2 billion years, would "he" still be like he was when he died ? Warm, and superficial damage only ? Would the body decay since there's no oxygen ?
No you would still lose heat by radiation (No convection), but it would all depend on how close you are to a star, you see radiation (From the star) would probably cook you and you would eventually turn to dust. Radiation is the number one hazard in space, not vacumm.
If you were far from a star i guess that you would slowly lose heat from radiation since you are dead and no longer producing heat, but you would not freeze like in the movies and eventually you would become a mummified.
It wasn't instant. His suit slowly lost pressure because the line wasn't connected, and they were repressurizing the chamber immediately. He was never exposed to an absolute vacuum.
One atmosphere dude, do you thing your body is made out of tissue paper? There is no way a difference of one atmosphere of pressure can do much damage over a few seconds. You will lose consciousness sure, but that is not the end of you, the brain can survive a couple of minutes without air, after that you are fucked.
Suspension of reality can only go so far until you get farcical bullshit that's out of place and jarring. If a movie's overall tone is farcical and ridiculous to begin with, and it has established that it gives NO fucks about fundamental laws of physics (like fucking GRAVITY), then sure, who gives two shits.
It wasn't surprising that Leia could use the Force. Obviously she could hear Luke calling to her in ESB. It was simply ridiculous to see her do something so advanced (flying like Superman through space and surviving explosive decompression and extreme cold) when her character was only established as having a rudimentary connection with the Force and zero training in how to utilize it. And I don't give no fucks about, "Well, she's old and probably practiced/trained between ROTJ and TLJ." Bullshit. You don't get any shots of her using the Force before that scene in the new films. You don't even get any mentions in exposition that she'd been practicing in her spare time. Plus, if you want to get into BS speculation territory, I would assume, since she was a diplomat/politician (young senator from Alderaan) and then a military-ish leader of the Rebellion, she probably had a lot of responsibilities to fulfill with that shit after the downfall of the Empire that conflicted with the powers bequeathed to her by her heritage. Gotta establish a new galactic government/society and court new systems to join it. Then she left the Republic and started what's essentially a new Rebellion in the Resistance and she had to lead and fund that shit (this last shit btw is not explained IN the movies, but in external media, which is FUCKING RETARDED). Leia was a political and military leader first, and not a Jedi.
why is this bad but walking on snow ok? why is it so much more jarring? It's literally in the same line of physics.
The hobbit wasn't even bad, except for the last one. All of them are far better than last jedi.
I think you're misunderstanding the concept of an atmosphere. Pressure is an absolute scale. Once you are at 0 there isn't anywhere else to go. You can't have negative pressure. If you add 1atm to 1atm then it's not that bad, you just have more pressure. Going from 1atm to 0 atm is not the same severity difference as going from 2atm to 1 atm. At 0atm there is literally no pressure holding your body together. Any liquids will evaporate and gasses will exit your body however they can.
Just visually it's jarring in an action scene. Also, thrusting off of objects that are already falling (and you're falling as well) would probably give you little to no thrust, no matter how light you are. And some of the falling stones he thrusts off of seem to hover in place just long enough for him to take advantage of. Very convenient. Additionally, the fucking high frame rate used in those movies makes shit stand out more by making it look more hyper-realistic.
It's visually jarring how autistic you are
space Leia was honestly one of the only things I liked in the movie
I'm glad she used the Force other than to just look concerned
And other Force-users were doing crazy shit too (e.g. Snoke rubbing Hux on the floor and Luke projecting his image, both from across the galaxy)
Are you fucking dumb? clearly you've never taken a physics course.
Actually pressure works just like that.
>Any liquids will evaporate
Your connective tissue should be able to endure vacuum, you see if liquid is in a closed system it will not evaporate. The superficial blood vessels like those in your eyes that may break is not enough to depressurize the whole system, that is the way the body works. Your body would suffer similar effects if you were suddenly exposed to 2 atm, no air would be able to get out of your lugs and you would die of asphyxia with minor damage to your superficial blood vessels/inner ear.