Boogie Nights thread?

People tell me I look like Han Solo.

amazing movie. pta's best imo. really glad it's been resurfaced into the mainstream as of late


The best scene is the drug deal ripoff, pure kino desu

god tier movie - although julianne moore tits were a bit of a disapointment

ahaha yea!! for sure my man!! :D

kill yourself

looks like someone's a bit of a grumpy gus. come over here and hug me

Was he a cuck?

how much do you squat?

yes great scene. love that slow push in on Mark and the way Thomas Jane flips out in that scene. he's really underrated in that movie.

a lot of great scenes and squences tho in that movie. and the way pta moves the camera. the type of movement and cutting only a young energetic genius could make

People tell him that he looks like Han Solo

wrong thread, fuckboy

lmao, very timely.



Very much so. And they called him "Little Bill" because he had a tiny penis. This guy was the ultimate cuck.

>that soundtrack
>Heather Graham's tits
>the Sister Christian scene
>young vietnam fucking shits
>pool party tracking scene
>William H Macy as a cuck

I fucking love this movie

Yeah, and it's aged pretty well too.

for sure, anyone remember that older chic watching in the driveway? Damn.

No because he didn't like it

Is this a case of early work best work? He goes farther up his own ass with each new film

Not really, It's kind immature. He's made at least one better film.

>cut to sausages in the frying pan


The term cuckold just means a man who's significant other has committed adultery against him. It is only until resonantly that the word is associated with a fetish.


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