How do you think GOT will end?
How do you think GOT will end?
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Jon Snow as the lich king
With credits rolling.
GRRM finally details daenerys tax policy
It wont
I hope the Calheesi marries Tyrian
some goofy bullshit where jon snow has to sacrifice himself to kill the ice man. won't be the same in the books.
with diabetes and a heart attack
If the whole series wasn't a lead up to the safety dance music video I will be very disappointed.
The ice king guys hyperspace rams his blue dragon into the planet destroying everything.
ned dies
jon snow goes north of the wall
tyrion goes to kings landing to be the hand of the king
dany gets dragons
robb is proclaimed king in the north
cardiac arrest
The books? They won't. GRRM has type 40 diabeetus and "fuck you" money. He has exactly zero motivation to finish the series.
The HBO series will end with everyone dead and someone unsatisfying sitting on the throne, because jews have no creativity--their single trick, played over and over, is deconstruction and monetization of others' creative work.
God knows how the books will end but the show will have Kelly C on the thrones, no doubt tbqh senpai.
GOT will end like Lord of the Rings with Danny ruling everyone because she's so awesome.
ASOIAF will never be finished till GRRM dies and his cunt feminist wife hires writers to finish the series for her so she gets more money. The ending will be the same as the show as not to piss off the fanbase of cubicle spinsters that love Danny.
It'll be shit because they have 6 episodes to end everything going on. S7 was rushed as fuck, now theyll be rushing even more and with more shit to cover.
It already ended, HBO is beating a dead horse and feeding it to us, fuck it, whats 6 more episodes, amirite?
le funnay quips xD midget will get the throne after jon and kaleesi die defeating the ice people. Also Sansa becomes the queen in the north because yassss qwayn
Basically the shittiest reddit pandering ending you can think of will happen.
At this point im already starting to forget got existed. You cant have anything above 'yeh, alright' reaction to the ending with this. Sad, actually; yet proven with so many media that just drags on and on. At the end you just want it to end.
So, unironically, this.
They fucking ruined Littlefinger.
Littlefinger was a bitch who was running on fumes since Season 4. He was lucky as fuck since the beginning, since Ned and Cat were stupid enough to trust him. Then he escaped King's Landing after killing Joffrey and murdered Lysa Arryn on the off-chance that Sansa would go with his side of the story.
I'm glad Ol' Baelish stopped being a villain sue and got what was coming for him.