*dusts shoulder*
that all u got kid
*teleports behind u*
think fast
pssh See you 'round, kid
Billy Mays Luke in his wig was the best part of the movie.
*dabs in front of you*
Who the FUCK wrote this shit
>Amazing, every word you just said was wrong.
This was such a dumb line. I can't believe he said it fucking twice in the movie.
d-delete this
god damn this movie was lame as fuck
A fucking Sup Forums meme slipped its way in. I still haven't gotten over that.
I still love Mark. He really is the main reason i think most of us loved Star Wars
they want to force it as a meme, it's so obvious it's disgusting
Amazing. Everything you just said is factually incorrect.
luke looked bizarre in the flashbacks and in this scene
can't put my finger on why. think it's the colour of his hair.
I didn't get this either.
what did lucas mean by this?
residual self image
His foster parents were roasted merely hours before, and Ben was the closest thing he had to a family left.
>didn't even let Luke have a really final fight or even cross blades with Kylo Ren
fuck this movie
It's pretty sad knowing both of them lost their adoptive families within hours of each other, Leia was probably more used to having to make terrible sacrifices in her position though.
And people thought the dialogue in the prequels were shit
That line sounded like someone's shitpost you see in pretty much every thread
I truly think E1 was better. I Turned 360 and walked out of there.
Why did he look so different? He looked much better on the island. Why is his hair so dark when he's naturally blonde? He looks sickly.
the dialogue in the prequels was shit
female writers, the fuck did you expect?
If Luke had actually been there, and done everything his projection did--including tank the walker blasters--it would have been hype as FUCK.
>“I wish I could put my fist through this whole lousy town”
Well, Luke did used to be blonde
I wish she would put her fat yellow fist up my tight white boipuci if you catch my drift? ;)
I'm more wondering why he didn't just show up at the Not-Hoth planet himself, it would have made his sacrifice actually make sense if he died at Kylo's hands or something.
Also unrelated but fuck the people praising this shitfest just for being as different as possible, like that somehow makes the plot and jokes less retarded.
He literally looked like an out of shape hobo on the island. In the projection scene he looked like the Jedi royalty he's supposed to be.
Stop trying to be so contrarian.
fuck you, that was the only part I genuinely smile
I didn't even realize this...
the dialogue wasn’t shit in the original trilogy too. It just stands out more in the PT because they’re modern movies
>Don't kill those you hate, save the ones you love
>jedi master dies at the hands of an amateur sith
your fan-movie idea is just as gay as disney's fan-movie idea
fuck I meant to say was not wasn’t
God you people are shit at movies
>"wanna get tazed you fucking nigger?"
that part made me really uncomfortable
>just stands there and let's himself get killed
Way worse than anything in the new trilogy tbqh. He had literally no reason to do this. He says he'll become more powerful but he's just a blue ghost and all he can do is talk to people.
who the fuck signed off on this shit
George is rolling in his sleep
Amazing. Everything you just said is fundamentally disagreeable
>there is no power in immortality
So bad. So very bad. Something a 10 year old would think was awesome
Yeah, but he would have died eventually anyway. If he stayed alive a bit longer he could have trained Luke and helped the rebellion. Save immortality for when your work is done.
Why the fuck was he using a version of Anakin’s lightsaber
Kylo should have known Luke used a green one and also should have remembered he broke Anakin’s in Snoke’s room like 30 minutes ago
Why did Rian Johnson not let us see Luke use his own damn saber
Why does this movie exist
he had to die so we could get superior yoda. It's like how lucas should have died so we didn't get shit yoda in the prequels.
Yoda was an old man too old to do anything but instruct. Besides, there was nothing saying they couldn't both go see him. What, did Obi-Wan think "Yoda's a better teacher so I should kill myself so he becomes Luke's only option"?
>throws away lightsaber in comedic fashion
Last time Luke tossed away a lightsaber, it was in front of the emperor after beating Vader and still refusing to join him. It meant a whole fucking lot. Shows how little Disney cares about props as meaningful as Anakin's original lightsaber.
Leia was a central figure in a war, she knew casualties were inevitable. Luke had been a farm boy up until the droids entered his life.
>music stops for comedy moment
>luke throws lightsaber
>theater erupts in laughter
thats how it happend
>casualties are inevitable in war
This wasnt some soldiers dying in combat. Her HOME PLANET was just obliterated to prove a point and then she was drugged and interrogated
Is he seriously still wearing the same shoes?
Yeah I just saw TLJ today for the first time and thats how it played out. They dont give a shit
They're probably pretty durable since they were for moisture farm work. Just some simple mending needed every now and again, and those little caretaker creatures could probably help.
The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.
you clearly don't know how to make a meme with traditional media
the most effective thing is to make a line that works in multiple contexts and use it 2-4 times, in different contexts
the better it is and the more impactful it is the less you need to use it and the less you should use it
>my brain can't comprehend excitement and power dominance
This makes me mad as fuck.
>oh look, it's the lightsaber my old mentor Ben gave me. The one that was used by my father throughout his time as a Jedi. The one I used to start my training and the one I lost when I finally confronted my father all those years ago... This weapon holds a vast and momentous, if not a personal history for me.
>*tosses it* lol
FUCK the Mouse.
honestly this, and she was probably in denial and/or shock
I mean this had never happened before,* she was probably telling herself it was just a video screen or she just refused to think about it, and this was before she realized she was Force-sensitive, so I don't think she could feel that those people had died
*someone will point out an old book where this happened, I'm sure of it; no one in living memory had seen it happen, or even their parents or grandparents
the final fight was a mental one, he played Kylo like a fiddle and he comforted his sister and everyone else in the base
He's obviously not talking about himself
lousy beautiful town, let's not forget
it's undeniable that excess is attractive, it's just that it can also be repulsive
>slave kids don't matter
What was wrong with Yoda in the prequels?
do you not understand that's the point?
holy shit he says it outright a bunch of times, he doesn't want anything to do with his past, he doesn't even want to be alive, he crawled into a hole and he intends to die there
yes it's sad and fucked up but so are a lot of things
>Anakins a slave
>slavery just a fact of life
>only attempt at freeing slaves is in a legitimate bet with their owner
The polar opposite
Not saying slavery is good but it's clear in Star Wars that slavery is pretty understood
didnt they call that the prime directive in episode II? the jedi counsel came up with that shit and was like "cant interfere with planet rules" or whatever
Why does luke have black hair? One of his defining physical features is his blonde hair and they couldn't even get that right. Its not even marks natural hair color!
One thing, one obvious simple thing and you still can't get it right jonson!
it's funny because every line in the movie is wrong. You see, it's an advanced form of pottery.
>honestly thinking the prequels were pro-slavery
Amazing, every word you just said was wrong.
based Raimi
I understood the point fine. An old and broken Luke I can get behind (if its done properly), but that doesn't make the scene any less retarded.
In a better set up from a better movie, they should have (and even could have with what JJ lazily set up) used the returning of his lightsaber and the weight it carries as a catalyst to reignite Luke's purpose and passion as a Jedi. But instead we get a forced humor scene.
How is it not Deus ex machina when your character can just come up with whatever power he wants to save the day? You always see that shit in kids movies or shitty thriller's where the secondary character appears out of nowhere to shoot the villain in the back.
>galactic republic lasts for 1000 years
>big bad takes it over and holds it hostage for tops 30 years
>republic taken hostage again within 30 years of it being freed from tyrants hands
How is the First Order even a thing? Wouldn't the entire Galaxy be against them?
The prime directive in Star Trek is to not might be mixing franchises
Obi just needed 30 years and he'd learn Force Ghost Lightning and btfo of Vader and Sheev himself.
>top 5 galaxy planets nobody ever heard of but had tons of cities and rebels get destroyed in force awakens
>other planets we see are junker planets
what the fuck else is there. how is every planet inhabitable and breathable
The Empire was formed from almost the entire Republic in Episode III. Most of the galaxy was pro-empire after Palpatine convinced them the Jedi were trying to take over.
The First Order had whatever was left of the Empire after 2 death stars and a few decades of no leadership were spent.
No that's Star Trek retard
How long before lightsabers are completely cut out of Star Wars for bein phallic symbols of the patriarchy?
>force ghosts can now rain lightning with perfect accuracy
This is some Force Unleashed tier shit. Maybe in Episode IX we get to see Rey pull a star destroyer into the ground.
Where does Snoke come in and build a bigger, better third death star under Luke and Leia's noses?
Leia was a bit preoccupied under her nose.
dude its just a movie............ turn your brain off......................
I care about the lore and world building in star wars. Sorry if I can not be retarded.
How did a bunch of leftists not think that haircut was racist?
really jarred me out of the movie tbqh famalam
Ok Marilyn Manson