can we have a relatively serious discussion on why/how this woman got the most relevant role of the 2010s in cinema?
>laughable acting skills
>homely face
>low to average aesthetics
>not athletic
>no muscle
>literally who before the new trilogy
>non-existent career
>not (((one of them)))
HOW? how on Earth did she do it?
Can we have a relatively serious discussion on why/how this woman got the most relevant role of the 2010s in cinema?
Other urls found in this thread:
how did the original star wars cast do it?
She cried real good.
But tbqh, she is a nobody and it was a callback to Lucas and the OT cast. That's it.
She is pretty decent at acting and she is pretty athletic for a woman who is relatively attractive and can act well.
If you notice, almost all of the new actors are ugly. rey is ugly. finn is one of the ugliest men ever on screen. fat asian is ugly. etc etc. i think the SJW writers are making a political statement with the ugly casting.
It's especially weird given that she doesn't even want to play Rey at all outside of this one trilogy, so they're basically sacrificing the entire thing & all the legacy characters in the name of building hers up, for nothing.
I think she found the little man in the boat for KK.
she looks the same always. not human. robo-uggo.
Disney execs have a thing for snake blowjobs, she was the only one who could unhinge her jaw during the casting cough session so she won.
>How did she do it?
She was cast because she's masculine and looks vaguely mongoloid. It helps (((Hollywood))) push their tranny, feminist agenda while simultaneously trying to appeal to the Chinese market.
Average female viewer can easily identify with her
And apparently she doesn't even like movies (because they're problematic). She's says she's more of a book person.
who knows? hehe...
she know how to do that thing where you make a Vulcan greeting with your hand and shove the ballsack through the V to rub the ball on the left with her thumb while gripping the base of the shaft and rubbing that ball of the right with her pinkie and slowly taking you into her mouth while moaning about the force will her overcome the gag reflex but really it just helps you resist grabbing the back of her head and just shoving it in but you can’t right now because she’s still convinced she’s an empowered lady
nobody in the OT was such a bad actor even if they had no experience whatsoever. they all did ok, but daisy can't even keep a straight face while "acting"
She gave a lot of teethy BJs
>I think she found the little man in the boat for KK.
She is so Anglo-Saxon looking it hurts
>come play lego with me user
how do you respond
and still no short men.
> baka
"I'm not your fucking dad."
Oh come on she's not that bad.
>>Decent acting
>>Attractive face
The other ones I can't argue, but the above two should be enough for SW movies helmed by Disney.
Or would you rather that asian woman be Rey?
With the exception of Ford, Lucas went explicitly for unknown actors in the original SW. They wanted more or less to recreate the same thing. Hamill was unknown, was not particularly handsome, in A New Hope he didn't have a lot of muscle, and is 5'9".
inb4 shill
Bitch, you already built it!
She seems a little slow.
The same way they always do, she sucked a lot of Weinsteingoldshekelberg cock
manlets are hated throughout our universe everywhere user
i should know im 5'9 and im not even aloud to have an opinion
>can we have a relatively serious discussion on why/how this woman got the most relevant role of the 2010s in cinema?
You clearly dont mean to do so, you have a laughably biased and subjective meme of a list of complaints that no one will take any of your points seriously. So just from the start, your premise is BS
>laughable acting skills
Shes a good actress, especially for someone in her first major role.
>homely face
I happen to think she has a gorgeous face. Again, its subjective, and a pretty face isnt necessary for her role as a scavenger
>low to average aesthetics
its a movie about an orphan living on a desert planet as a scavenger. wtf does this have to do with the role
>not athletic
this is simply untrue, shes thin and fit and in shape
>no muscle
fuck off, name one leading lady with muscles. anyways, shes toned
>literally who before the new trilogy
they deliberately chose no-names in order to pay them less because they knew they would have to cough up the big bucks for the OT stars. Daisy and Boyega were nobodies, Adam Driver and Oscar Isaacs had only had a few roles of note and so were paid more than Daisy and John but less than the OT characters
>non-existent career
see above. also thats a silly point to make, Leia, Luke and Han were all nobodies prior to the OT
>not (((one of them)))
>muh jews
get a life
>HOW? how on Earth did she do it?
stay mad,faggot
fat neck
all of these are debatable but don't even try to defend her abysmal acting. watch TFA again and tell me with a straight face she can act
shes unironically a better actress than Natalie Portman was as Padme and on par with what leia was in ANH. Only people who complain about her acting are people who claim she "overacts" which is what her character acts like
what? there was terrible acting in the ot. it was part of the charm. it was sincere bad acting. in star schwartz it seems like ironic and self aware bad acting. for that reason alone i don't know how people can stomach this garbage
Unironically, this. First thing I thought while seeing the very first still of her: very good aesthetics.
The problem is that the character doesn't seem to feel many emotions, and when she does they're very limited. With the Jedi in the prequels this made sense because of the Jedi code, but with her it makes no sense and it limits her character's relationships with other characters, even as our attempts to understand Rey's motivations and desires are thwarted by the fact that she is only ever demonstrably angry, sad, or happy.
based listposter
I think she fits her character well. Yeah there are better looking actresses around, say Felicity Jones. But I don't think Felicity Jones would fit the Rey image as well as her.
Her acting was pretty crap in TFA, but it improved a lot in TLJ.
>while moaning about the force will her overcome the gag reflex
Lol nice
That was before Star Wars was legendary, they were lesser known actors for a lesser known movie, now its different
>Yeah there are better looking actresses around, say Felicity Jones
She looks a lot like my ex-gf so I have a hard time taking her seriously
She looks like she might have a soul, unlike Daisy
how does it feel to know that your dead bunny whore will never be in a SW movie again and her character and movie are utterly forgotten to the point no one even mentions them outside of Sup Forums.
it must EAT YOU UP inside knowing that Based Daisyfu gets her own trilogy and your stupid and worthless bunny whore went back to obscurity (as if she ever left it)
>b--but muh bunnyfu is fertile
fuck off shes 34 and manless and childless, by now her uterus is torn up and scarred from the PID her chlamydia from her whoring gave her
now fuck off
She scored the highest in market tests for what face would sell the most toys. She also passed psychological tests to determine if she had any risk of alcoholism, drug addiction, or anti-social behavior.
Did you think the casting of Star Wars had anything to do with acting ability? You are silly, user. Daisy's work in Star Wars is less than 1% of time spent playing the role of Rey in a movie. Her job is to be a spokeswoman for Disney's Star Wars™ product line and the accompanying movies that advertise them.
women got put in charge of stuff and this was the result
She's got a unique face where she is somewhat attractive yet not intimidatingly so
This way it won't put men off watching (as might happen if, say, a Lena Dunham type was cast) but it also means women won't be intimidated and Disney can't be criticised for sexualising the strong female lead too much.
You seem upset, I like both characters. Why would I want to see Jyn in more SW movies? She's dead Jim.
tbqh there's not really that much difference in acting skills between 99% of actors. It's the director that makes the difference in their performance. If a director sucks then the actor will also suck. See also: Natalie Portman in the prequels. Natalie is perfectly capable of putting in great performances if the director is there to guide her.
It's the rare actors who essentially direct themselves that are a cut above the rest.
Are you kidding me?
Adam Driver is way more laughable, like a third of my theater broke out in snickers when he took off his mask in TFA because it was so jarring.
I mean it ended up working out real well.
That aside Adam and Daisy are probably the strongest part of the new trilogy. I don't think Daisy is bad at all. Most female actors in general are extremely mediocre.
>tbqh there's not really that much difference in acting skills between 99% of actors.
Sterility also means she won't suddenly have to take months off and miss reshoots and press tours. Not to be rude about it but there's a reason they kept forcing Judy Garland to get abortions.
Shut up.
Should have used the force to grow some tits.
>tbqh there's not really that much difference in acting skills between 99% of actors
please tell me you're shitposting. I refuse to believe anyone actually believes this
Calm down sweetums.
It's just people saying they think a girl is pretty.
Nobody's going to hurt you.
I promise.
based angryposter
I honestly cannot fathom how people find her attractive.
shes gorgeous
Isn't she a cokehead tho ?
You know those Alien screams? They're in the movies and they're seared into my brain from both the movies and autistically playing AVP2
Anyway literally every time I see a picture of her I mentally hear one of those screams.
This thread just sounds like this to me:
May the teeth be with you, always.