What was message of this?

I'm a dumb white guy explain it to me Sup Forums

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Black men are too stupid to avoid the pussy trap.

Would you ask what is the message of The Hills Have Eyes, You're Next, The Strangers, Vacancy?
It's a thriller, the message is to thrill.

It doesn't have one, it was just a funny movie

>dude black people are actually afraid of white people i swear lmao

white people claim not to be racist but benefit from a system that oppresses blacks

White people use black people to put their white brains in the sacred "black bodies".
White people may seem nice but they are actually stealing your essence and who you are because white folk were made by an evil scientist on a space ship, so they ain't actually real humans like black folk

How the fuck does spending trillions on welfare programs and fuck all else benefit anyone besides black people and those who work directly for the government or non-profits to "improve" black people

It isn't enough to give me your daughter, white man. You need to smile while you're doing it

The message is upper class white liberals are more racist than any alt-righter can even dream of being.

Why does this movie about Rich White Liberal Racism trigger Sup Forums so much?

E;R's review explains it pretty well. Unfortunately it's been taken off of his own channel for some raisin.


Most people who work for the TSA are black

Its still racist to seperate black from white in america even if you do it out of the utmost respect for blacks as a liberal. Basically that racism is not just the KKK and that liberals ironically are the greatest perpetrators of racism in their quest to be "woke"

The message is that black people are superior and white people want to be them, essentially.

Ah, yes. "Systematic racism". Please, tell me what laws directly and negatively effect people who are not white?

>I'm a dumb white guy
Fuck off jew.

some guy goes to his girlfriends family's house to meet them, they seem nice enough at first albeit a little creepy, weird things happen with the employees who work on the property, turns out family isn't all of what they seem

what the fuck is so hard to understand

A girl fucks a guy and he becomes her grandfather

This is pretty much what I thought of it. I was expecting it to be all preachy with much social justice but it wasnt and I actually ended up enjoying it a lot

Slavery. Jim Crow. Redlining. Gentrification. Drug War. School To Prison pipeline. Lack of affordable housing. Lack of funds for education. Lack of access to wealth.

I think it's more of people who lean right are very vocal when it comes to racism, whereas left leaning people use lowkey racism to manipulate blacks for their voting block power

I don't see any laws holding anyone back.


but if both parties actually hate niggers one is just smart enough to use them for their own gainz why dont they get along ?

I was speaking in terms of our history. It is inarguable that slavery put black at a historical disadvantage and whites at an advantage.

wow didn't know most of Sup Forums is racist as fuck

it does
everyone is a slave to (((them)))

people in power keep people separated to control them

They're fighting over the power to oppress us.

Read the 13th amendment. Like actually read it. Slavery still exists it has just taken on a different form.

What was the chick looking at on her computer when she was sipping ceral?

Oh gotcha. So if a black person is born today, they automatically held back in life because their great great grandparents were slaves


whyte ppl are either racis or else they are exploiting blck ppl rather than treating them as human beings

fck whyte ppl

LMAO did someone make this unironically?

Same thing as King Kong. White women will get you killed.

It depends. Individual blacks aren't "oppressed" by default, but black americans as a collective generally aren't doing as well as white americans.

White women benefit from that

Also niggas got bit by dogs so gooks and ahmads can move in to America and live over people who have been here since the beginning


Just watch Being John Malkovich instead.

>and whites at an advantage.
Show me how all whites benefited from slavery.
Slavery didn't benefit anyone except for the handful of rich men and women that actually owned them, some of which weren't even white. The average man at the time had to compete with an impossible source of labor that was practically inexhaustible and suffered himself.

>slavery doesn't exist anymore, neither does Jim Crow
>drug war was fought by the government to get money from drug dealer, not to keep the black man down
>School To Prison pipeline is worse for white people
>blacks have a greater chance to get into schools thanks to affirmative action and if going to school is the best route to the middle class you could argue that blacks have the EASIEST route there
>if you're talking about poverty, the poorer you are the more accessible loans and grants are to you

The biggest problem blacks have, in my opinion, is that 75% of them are being raised without fathers. That has every negative social aspect tied to it. Crime, not being able to compete economically, being more likely to be arrested, etc. Studies show that black people born before the 60s had a higher chances than any other race to be born into a nuclear family. It wasn't until Lyndon B Johnson had a war on War on Poverty that was hurt black families who had a male in the house. The number of black children born out of wedlock was about 20% and after that war it's now close to 75%. It's also effected white people going from about 5% to 30%

Esau is so fucked up that his own people dont benefit from their own kingdom

It doesn't trigger Sup Forums; it triggers Sup Forums because there are black people involved, and the Sup Forumscucks then go on Sup Forums to post BBC threads

virtue signalling whites who pretend to care about black social issues for brownie points are racist too

>Slavery. Jim Crow. Redlining.
Doesn't exist.

"Waahhh white people are moving back into the cities they built." Go fuck yourself. You whine when we leave, and you whine when we move back. All you do is whine.

>Drug War.
Don't do drugs?

>School To Prison pipeline
Don't break the law?

>Lack of affordable housing.
You're not entitled to live anywhere, Jamal. Housing is cheap in Detroit.

>Lack of funds for education.
Bullshit. Studies have shown that school expenditure doesn't correlate with success. If you have a classroom and textbooks, congratulations, you have a world-class school system.

>Lack of access to wealth.
What's keeping you from working a job and accessing wealth?

People like you are cancer.

>most politicians are rich as fuck, white, and old enough that they were around back when it was the cool thing to look down on minorities
>"the war on drugs"
>stop and frisk
>don't even try and tell me 'black culture' wasn't designed in part in one board meeting or another just to make shit even worse for everyone middle class or lower, especially black folks

I could go on but I'm drunk and half asleep, I'm also white as fuck and literally couldn't give a shit about the plight of the black man.
The majority of our biggest problems as a species boil down to education and the fact that people in power STILL kowtow to fucking special interest groups.

There's an entire book on how - statistically - terrible single parent homes are. Especially when it's a single mother.

One of the big ones is that one parent has less income, typically. So they go to live in a more affordable place, which tends to have higher crime rates. From adolescence, children are around literal criminals and begin to embody that behavior. It's only worse when it's a lone mother with sons, because the lack of a father-figure makes them reach out toward neighbors and close family friends. Just by proximity, those people tend to be thugs or gang members.

Even for the kids that keep their head down and want to do well in school. A one parent family means that parent will often be extremely busy working, just to afford everything. So the quality time a kid has with their parent, whether that be playing around or getting help with homework, is severely limited.

He keeps calling it a documentary because the people he's specifically criticizing isn't giving it the specific adulations he wants. there's a message here I'm just not sure the director understands it

More like

>Some whites have an unhealthy obsession with blacks

So it isn't systemic racism, it's rich privilege and people in power wanting to keep everyone else down.

There was an article on 15 (((jewish))) companies that benefit from slavery, it was free labor and basically making dosh out of thin air, the only reason america is this way is because of the blood and sweat of the isrealites

looking up NCAA prospects (future victims)

her march madness fantasy team

Black people can think for themselves and don't need or want whites to do their bidding

Even if you don't think you are a racist, if you are white, you are racist.


>black director
>social commentary on racism
>horror film

you tell me

What did you mean when you said "people like you"?


Black people think they're physically superior just because they're good at basketball and football.