>dude your mom
>blow your dad lol
>i fucked your mom lol
>fuck gay shit gay fuck
>dude your dick is small
>dicks , your mom gay, fuck gay dicks
holy fuck this movies dialogue is cringe. whoever wrote this shit is a fuckin hack
>dude your mom
>blow your dad lol
>i fucked your mom lol
>fuck gay shit gay fuck
>dude your dick is small
>dicks , your mom gay, fuck gay dicks
holy fuck this movies dialogue is cringe. whoever wrote this shit is a fuckin hack
Inb4 some underaged kiddie tries to convince everyone kids actually talked like this in the 80s
They did in movies.
Did yo grow in the 80? I grew up in the 90s and that's how kids spoke.
i suck your mom's ass up your dad's gay butt hole lol
it doesnt matter if thats how they talked or not (which they didn't ) the point is how forced and corny it feels in this movie. shits major cringe
how did kids in the 80s spoke? can you provide some sample of middle school banter
how bout you go watch any movie from the 80s you fucktard
the new cast sucked ass. especially the fat ass. i liked the old one much more and them not swearing all the time gave the some child like innocence.
if you weren’t a homeschooled millennial cucklet you would know more about how children talk
t. soyboy
why so upset to such a simple question? care to recommend some r-rated movies with middle school banter?
how about the original it for starters you fucking mongoloid?
I blame that faggot from Stranger Things
He can't do anything else, but muh 80s
That movie doesn't take place in the 80s and it was a made for tv movie so it doesn't have any cursing.
yea this movie proved how much of a one trick poney the kid actually is. i actually thought he was quite good in stranger things season 1, but in s2 and It hes trash
neck yourself pussy
They were great. Get over it.
>make a thread making a claim that dialogue is cringy
>i ask you to support your claim
>get upset, provide a bad example, get upset some more
Kids still talk like this
I agree it's cringey but i remember we used to say dumb shit like this in middle school. I don't remember hearing fuck very often though.
This thread is the most unpleasant uncomfy thread I've ever seen on Sup Forums. I hope you're all pleased with yourselves.
Thank you OP. I spent the whole movie screaming at the two Stranger Things kids to SHUT THE FUCK UP.
OP made a thread about how the kids talk cringy then went off the rails and used cringy insults himself.
real children swear even more than they did in the film dude
Was there someone from stranger things besides finn?
They look the same
uhh... have you ever been 13?
You sound like a faggot.