I'm not even a weeb and i cried at this, lads. It's so good and cute desu, what did you guys think?
I'm not even a weeb and i cried at this, lads. It's so good and cute desu, what did you guys think?
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your taste must be enviable
thumbnail looks like she has a massive boner in her skirt
Lol kick rocks weeb
>I love you
just fucked my shit UP. I could feel everyone's heartbreak in the theater
Shit was cash.
What is that music that plays during the Opening-like sequence
First track on the OST.
Only good thing were the visuals.
>cried at your name
Go watch 5 cm/s
Now that's Shinkai's truly soul-destroying work
Well why would you need to be a weeb to cry at it? It wasn't made for weebs and it got reviewed by a hundred critics on RT. It's got no relation to weebs.
Sup Forums gives this between a 4/10 to 7/10, yet Sup Forums rates it much higher, I wonder why this is?
As a mtf transgender I broke down in tears for literally 20 minutes during the scene where Taki is living the girl's life. It described my life perfect and what I had to go through when I was in high school and college.
Sup Forums only like moeshit
Sup Forums recognizes the true kino
On a related note, I watched Koe no Katachi on the theater out of curiousity and there were people literally weeping on that scene where the deaf girl grovels at the moms feet.
it was okay, nothing too special
as always, japanese animated movies have beautiful production value, so it's always nice to see movies from japan, even if it's weeb
Faggot. Kys
girls und panzer is better
I thoroughly enjoyed it, but I honestly dont remember much of the plot, only the visuals. Need to rewatch it again.
Almost perfect movie, the only part I didn't quite like was when they planned to blow up the sub station and convince the people that there was a forest fire, besides that it's 10/10 pitch perfect
Dream lantern
most Sup Forums posters would never admit it is good just because it's popular
t. Sup Forums poster
Sup Forums doesn't like anything, including "moeshit." Kyoto Animation is supposedly the king of "moeshit" anime, yet it's also the most hated studio on Sup Forums.
Sup Forums knows Shinkai has already made a masterpiece and that's 5cm per second. This is just a rehash of that same concept with a happier ending for normalfags.
the anime industry is in complete fucking shit state that this mediocre as fuck movie is suddenly "da best thing ever"
Also anime is more popular than ever so the noobs all attached themselves to this because it was the newest shiniest shit.
5 CM and Your Name have very different styles, structures and stories.
You've never seen a mediocre anime if you think Your Name is what a mediocre anime looks like. It's not even close to mediocre.
Everything but the art style was remarkably mediocre. try rewatching it sometime. I watched it 5 times and I assure you it's average
It has cutting edge visuals, a strong soundtrack and good direction. The story has some holes. This is your idea of mediocre?
lacks characterisation, character story arcs and pacing issues. All of shinkai's movies have these problems though
Your name is more conventional sure, but it fixes these problems and it's a better movie for it, you can't deny it.
Repetitive music that felt invasive at points, cringy internal monologue full of redundancy, average story that forces you to suspend your disbelief, some good comedic moments though most of them fall flat. 7.6/10, epitome of mediocrity.
Unironically my favorite film of the year aside from BR2049
>lacks characterisation, character story arcs
This is Baby's First Writing 101-tier criticism. Not everything is about characterization and character arcs, and it's an hour long movie divided into three stories.
>epitome of mediocrity
This is completely false.
Unironically kill yourself.
Everything feels mediocre on Toshiba 12inch laptop
It's one of the most mediocre-at-best animu films I've ever seen. Makoto Shinkai only knows 2 things: romance and paradoxes.
Are Shinkai's other films worth watching?
I've only seen your name, 5cm/s and garden of words
Is "mediocre" joining "generic" as the go-to buzzword for saying you didn't like something?
The only good anime films are Mamoru Oshii ones
I think the consensus is that Early Days and Lost Voices are weak movies. Voices of a Distant Star was his breakthrough (short) movie that he made entirely by himself, and is worth watching just for that.
I didn't get it. What the fuck was so sad or romantic or whatever?
You watch anime. You cried at anime. You are a weeaboo. Nobody gets in this deep without having some proclivity for faggotry.
5cm/s is a cringe fest and those stupid cloudy wallpapers are terrible
>f-five centimeters per second oni-chan :|
>the velocity at which leaves fall...five centimeters pe-
>You watch anime. You cried at anime. You are a weeaboo.
That's not what weeaboo means, at all.
>Nobody gets in this deep without having some proclivity for faggotry.
RT has 100 critic reviews for Your Name. 97 of them are positive. The movie was also one of the biggest hits of all time in Japan. It's not some secret otaku anime.
Almost every work of fiction has characters talking in a way that isn't realistic.
God, I hope I never become this jaded and bitter.
>Baby's First Writing 101-tier
You got that right also I shouldn't have said story arcs because there are none just like there are no real characters they are just self inserts for the audience.
yeah they are all good in one way or another and he certainly has his own style he's only done 2 other feature length movies though
Place promised in our early days/above the clouds
very pretty but the pacing is fucked and it feels like you've watched a 3 hour long movie rather than 90 minute movie
children who chase lost voices/journey to argartha is a bit of a knockoff ghibli adventure movie weak overall but it has it's moments
she and her cat was the one he made himself and won a bunch of awards for
Your name characters are bland too and Shinkai skipped past them actually getting to know each other. In the end why would you care or even get emotional for their story? It's just cheap melodrama.
so Koe no Katachi
Anime or manga?
It was corny as shit after thanksgiving, and I hated ever fucking nanosecond of it.
>He didn't watch it in IMAX
There are no self-insert characters in anime. It's just another way of saying "I don't like this."
>she and her cat was the one he made himself and won a bunch of awards for
He made that himself too, but Voices of a Distant Star is what put him on the map and was the length of an anime episode. She and Her Cat was 5 minutes long.
>It's just cheap melodrama.
And here's yet another meme case of "I didn't like this but can't/won't explain why."
The Koe no Katachi movie was kino.
lmao self-hating weebs on damage control
there's nothing bitter about it; you just need to watch more movies
maybe when you have a handle on quality content you won't feel the need to preface your weak opinions with "im not a weeaboo but..."
but it's better than the manga
>Almost every work of fiction has characters talking in a way that isn't realistic.
not the point
the fact that you can't pick up the exact way this dialogue is cringy is evidence that you are in fact, full weeb.
I'm not a weeb and you have no evidence that I am.
>there's nothing bitter about it; you just need to watch more movies
I have watched a lot of movies.
>maybe when you have a handle on quality content
I do, but you don't.
>you won't feel the need to preface your weak opinions with "im not a weeaboo but..."
I made no such preface.
That's not what weeb means. You have no evidence I'm a weeb.
>"I don't like this."
never said I don't like it, your name is just better.
What do you do when nature blocks your love Sup Forums?
>I'm not even a weeb
lmao big whoop so you aren't OP
i can still tell you are by the shape of your arguments and your defense of this infantile garbage
>muh semantics
>muh overly specific cleverly designed definition of weeb that excludes me
It's embarrassing enough to own a plushie domo-kun, but it's way more shameful to excuse it away as some common pop-cultural reference that is in no way weeby and totally appropriate and mature and manly.
Look at the artwork of OP's movie. You're not going to convince anyone that it deserves the same recognition as say, a Bakshi animation. It's kitsch. Just enjoy it for what it is.
What would Freud say?
I don't think I'm bitter, the movie just failed to make me feel sad about... something? The music and over the top melodramatic presentation certainly seemed to attempt that, but it just didn't work for me. It tried to hammer a feeling into my brain.
Because these movie uses a lot of anime tropes they are already familiar with and outside of that offers nothing impressive besides the visuals. Sup Forums is not really familiar with japanese melodrama so they probably respond more kindly.
>lmao big whoop so you aren't OP
OP isn't a weeb either.
>i can still tell you are by the shape of your arguments and your defense of this infantile garbage
You have no evidence I'm a weeb and there's nothing infantile about Your Name.
>muh overly specific cleverly designed definition of weeb that excludes me
It's not my definition, it's just the definition. I am exluded from it because I don't meet the criteria.
>It's embarrassing enough to own a plushie domo-kun
I don't own a plushie.
>Look at the artwork of OP's movie. You're not going to convince anyone that it deserves the same recognition as say, a Bakshi animation.
Your Name has gotten heaps of awards and nominations and critical acclaim and is the #4 movie of all time in Japan and the #1 Japanese movie all time when accounting for foreign sales. Bakshi is mostly forgotten.
Tropes are a meme and Your Name was a massive success in Japan.
I watched it on a flight between Tokyo and Bangkok this summer and loved it; had to hide my feels
>a lot of anime tropes
It falls back on a couple but desu they overlap with body swap movie tropes too
>massive success in Japan.
So? It's nothing new that Japs have shit taste.
So if the argument is that only an ignorance of "anime tropes" and "Japanese melodrama" could make people like Your Name, then how was it such a huge success in Japan?
Shit taste doesn't mean anything. It's a complete non-argument.
Because Japanese like cliched Japanese melodrama and pretty visuals? It offered nothing new or interesting at all, general audiences are not a way to measure movie's quality.
Novelty is not a way to measure a movie's quality, and I suppose you are also going to say that the awards, nominations and critical acclaim that the movie received are also not a way to measure its quality.
Why do people like 5cm/s? It's pretty, sure, but it's unbearably slow and ends incredibly abruptly.
Sounds cute desu. Don't listen to these cunts here :)
Go first
Fuck both of you. Pretentious cunts.
How am I being pretentious?
>ywn drink a young girls saliva alcohol
Ladies firs...oh, wait, you're a man.
shoo mentally ill homo shoo
>"let's write our names on each other's hands so that we won't forget each other"
>he fucking writes "I love you"
Was Taki retarded?