Films that are shilled heavily on Sup Forums, pic extremely related.
Films that are shilled heavily on Sup Forums, pic extremely related
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Seriously why has it been shilled here so hard? I watched it and it wasn't bad. Wasn't very good either. From what these fags are saying you'd think it's a masterpiece
because they have an angle
I think ppl enjoy talking about the movie.
Another half enjoy saying it's Netflix shit
The rest circle jerk over Jew elves and think the orcs are black.
It's a good redpill for normies
Based iPhone poster
>The rest circle jerk over Jew elves and think the orcs are black.
unironically marketing to Sup Forumsacks
Bright is certainly not a bad movie, way better than fucking Eyes Wide Shut (which was absolute fucking garbage) which is shilled on here a lot too. Bright wasn't a top notch film by any means but at least it was entertaining.
>Eyes Wide Shut is bad
>a movie released almost 20 years ago is being shilled
Good job, you're double retarded
It's because people watched it and liked it and were so surprised by how good it was after critics literally called it "the worst film of the year!"
that they felt compelled to post about it. That's what happened with me anyway.
Eyes Wide Shut IS bad. It's absolute garbage. Horrible fucking acting and just fucking boring. Probably Kubrick's worst film.
>why is this being shilled?
>quick I better shill it some more with a pointless thread
The reason why this is talked about and is so popularly discussed on the board is the same reason why Joe Rogan Experience is popular (who ironically cameos in this)
>Tightly written Buddy Cop Group
>Show Don't Tell Fantasy Lore Discussion
>Unclear Racial Parallels/Social Status which causes discussion - both SJW and Sup Forums can talk
>QT Elves/Fantasy fetish groups
>(((Elves))) memes
>Interesting Artwork
>Critic and Audience Discrepancy Discussion
>Max Landis and his real world accusation discussion
>Interesting discussion on side characters such as the corrupt cops, Poison, Feds, Magic Hobo
These elements together make for heavy discussion and shitposting from all sides
>>Show Don't Tell Fantasy Lore Discussion
They had characters literally tell you the complete backstory of the Dark Lord stuff, how magic works, what a Bright is etc.
It's Nolan tier writing
>Eyes Wide Shut (which was absolute fucking garbage) which is shilled on here a lot too
t. literal retard
It's a fucking fantasy movie. it goes well for threads for the world that they created. I don't know how people are already whining about this and not the other golden boy of this site.
Yeah but then they have elements like the lizard people sign - where are these lizard people
And the Centaur cops - how do they go around places and their status in society
And the dragon flying - are they intelligent or are they just wild animals
And no - there's still details that didn't fully get explained - who were the 9 armies and so forth, why is the Dark Lord so revered 2000 year later in the graffiti, it's not "complete backstory"
These questions have been discussed regularly on this board.
top pleb
>Bright is certainly not a bad movie, way better than fucking Eyes Wide Shut
Because it's refreshing to be able to breathe for a couple hours after years of suffocating in feminist s jw Marxist propaganda.
>The reason why this is talked about and is so popularly discussed on the board is the same reason why Joe Rogan Experience is popular
>lists a bunch of reasons that have nothing to do with Joe Rogan
what did he mean by this?
>after years of suffocating in feminist s jw Marxist propaganda
You poor snowflake
We need more conservatives like pic related in Hollywood
This is your average Sup Forums poster.
>Bright is certainly not a bad movie, way better than fucking Eyes Wide Shut
what a bizarre comparison
He meant to say that it's liked by idiots
LOL you disney starcuck shills really have your panties in a twist over netflix eh??? Isnt disney starting its own streaming service???
Bright is certainly not a bad movie, way better than fucking Batman v Superman (which was absolute fucking garbage) which is shilled on here a lot too. Bright wasn't a top notch film by any means but at least it was entertaining.
Is Netflix paying you per character?
Bright is certainly not a bad movie, way better than fucking The Dark Knight Rises (which was absolute fucking garbage) which is shilled on here a lot too. Bright wasn't a top notch film by any means but at least it was entertaining.
if this is bait it is masterfully executed
friendly reminder that the same people worshiping netflix shrieked about how much they hated it when this shit came out
OP is just mad this isn't a star wars thread, every non-star wars thread is wasted advertising space.
So you're telling me people who have Netflix hate forced pandering too?
Are you implying that there aren't any disney shills in the board?
I meant to say that Joe Rogan is popular because it is a bunch of unrelated, different fields that conglomerate and feed into each other.
Joe Rogan casts a wide net and is how he proclaims "where the potheads meet up with the meatheads"- these stacking of unrelated fields keeps the audience engaged and open-minded to other fields.
I had no understanding of MMA, Comedy, or Bow Hunting - but I can tell you a lot about those disciplines listening to Joe Rogan simply because I agreed with him on certain social issues, learned some things from some nutritionists he had on, and thought it was interesting
>Jew elves and think the orcs are black
No, elves are a combination of Jews and Asians and orcs are a combination of blacks, latinos and Muslims.
However, the racial and ethnic parallels are blunt and secondary. It's a Will Smith buddy cop movie, no more, no less.
It not one of the worst films of 2017 as suggested by most of the critic, many who fear the new Neflix business model. Similarly, it's hardly original, groundbreaking or an acting or writing masterpiece. It's just some good fun for an 1.5 hours.
this entire thread stinks of shills, reverse shilling, and anti reverse 360 kickflip shill trolling.
Southpark had a parody episode that Netflix will literally fund any idea you may have. So yeah - who'd thunk not every idea would be good.
Bright was definitely entertaining though.
>No, elves are a combination of Jews and Asians and orcs are a combination of blacks, latinos and Muslims.
There's nothing asian about those elves.
If you have to hamfist real world groups on to them you'd be better of with jews+wasp+1% for asians and slavs+rednecks+niggers for orcs.
>one second the inferni take out an entire tactical police squad like nothing, dropping them likes flies
>the next they get killed by 2 beaten-up cops
Why was the writing so terribly contrived?
You forget that Ward and Jakoby were part of a prophecy, and in a world with magic, prophecies create a lot of plot armor for the heroes.
sopranos brian cranston master and commander blade runner /shillgarbage/
>way better than fucking Batman v Superman (which was absolute fucking garbage)
Bright is better than Star Wars and Marvel shit and I thought Bright was just OK. Any reviewer that trashes Bright but praises TV looking villain of the week marvel shit should be shot.
This was thouroughly enjoyable and tense, plus seeing jew elfs get btfo was great
The Agent 47 was beating the shit out of Jakoby ezpz he was just tanky
It took 3 of them together to fuck up Leilah and she didnt even die until she got pyroblasted
Because it's a good movie being trashed by for some reason.
Holy fuck i thought id check this out to see what all the fuss is about. They were not fucking around with the action scenes! I thought this is great just got to the scene where leilah and her two sidekicks just took out the homies and swat team! Jesus! THAT is how you do a Female villain not that Marvel Death shit in thor
>this kills the disney marketer
Shilled? I just watched because I didn't get that it was a Fagflix release and that it's already out. I thought it was still playing at the cinemas.
In my opinion it was a mostly great movie and there is good reason to talk about it. Especially when you consider that currently every second thread is about stupid Star Wars or some meme action hero shit.
Btw. can someone explain to me what happened to cute little Tikka at the end? Why was the Orc convinced that she was ok and why didn't Eddie Murphy nor me see where she was going?
>inferni take out an entire tactical police squad like nothing
They were led by a bright.
>2 beaten-up cops
One of them was a bright, they had another bright elf and the bad guy's magic wand. Pay fucking attention, dummy.
My best guess is that Jakoby was just very positive and kinda naive(despite being right this time).
Eager to believe in prophecies and such.
I bet she got aveda kadvarda'd as well because will smith is inexperienced
You could be right but it's still kinda confusing, what happened to the wand then? At first I expected that Tikka took it with her, but it still doesn't really add up. In the shot where the black cop blasts away the cute waifu from prometheus she isn't really visible anymore. It's like she teleported away. And then you see how the cop drops the wand and nobody seems to give a fuck about it anymore.
you can see her in the crowd of the ceremony at the end and like I said, in the abracadabra scene you can't see her getting lit up. She seems already gone at that point.
>what happened to the wand then?
Oh Will Smith just dropped it and then the feds searched the rubble and put it in a container.
There was a scene for that.
>explain to me what happened to cute little Tikka at the end?
The magic pools are connected. I believe it's implied that she was healed, disappeared and escaped to another pool. Tikka is now probably still being protected by the Shield of Light who are eager to collect Brights and magical artifacts to fight the Dark Lord's return.
Wasnt that Tikka at that poliece ceremony at the end?
Yes, it was to show Ward (and the audience) that she was fine.
You don't want the audience to think the cute white elf girl was vaporized.
Yea it was and can i be the first to say FUCK FARIES
So theres no typical leftist stuff goin on in this movie?
Nah mate pure neo fantasy, pretty good, would like more history though they mention 2 thousand years ago when they appeared so it must be what the year 4000?
Oh thanks man I completely missed that scene, probably because I watched the scene where Tikka goes missing several times.
While your theory really does make sense, she wasn't really lying in the pool at that time. At least to me this wasn't obvious at all that this could have happened.
Yes I can only handle so much cute elvish girls getting roasted in one sitting.
Also I think this is meant as a setup for another movie or even a series, depending on the success.
Name me another western story with modern day elves.
People are quick to bring up Shadowrun, which is good, but still not quite modern day.
Then there's the likes of Artemis Fowl/Dresden/Harry Potter, but elves in those are always freaky little goblin people that keep to their own fantasy lands anyway.
All I need is the sequel to give us an elf girl that isn't a psychotic assassin, or a magical hobo.
It's absolutely not typical, although the basic tone is that we should all live in peace together no matter the race. However it basically shows niggers as dumb, jews as successful and whites as corrupt?
>People are getting tired of movies about race
>Let's just make one but we'll use fairy tale creatures instead
>It works
Neflix has already announced a sequel to Bright with Will Smith appearing. There's no word as to plot. However, I wouldn't be surprised to see something about undocumented South American goblins or fundamentalist Middle Easter lizard people.
It is probably still the year 2017, but they base their calender around the life and death of the Dark Lord, instead of Jesus.
...unless Christianity also started just after that, and the two are independent of each other.
In Dresden Files, the fae range from minor pixies to A-List supernaturals.
Heck, Harry is now working as the Winter Knight.
Hellboy 2 has waif Elves and is in modern day, even though the movie isn't good as the first
consider my body as ready
>Hellboy 2 has waif Elves
Badass waif elves.
OK, I just watched it because of this thread. Are criitics actually hating on it? It's a decent movie.
Read some of the reviews, a bunch of them are talking about how it ain't 'woke' enough.
Also, there's a lot of talk about how critics are throwing shit at it because Netflix threatens their stranglehold on blockbuster action films.
I liked the world and the cop shit. magic shit was eh.
Was the orc supposed to be a retard?
Marathoned the first second, here's what I thought. TRIGGER WARNING PRODUCTIONS exited that shit out fast
>he fell for the meme
racemixing, with eddie murphy having a white wife and a mulatto kid, plus the main plot is that the orc (coon stand in) is facing lots of racism but is good in the end and shit, but it is a pretty fun movie.
the do kinda show how the world is tiered with (((elves))) (watch yourselves) at the top, humans as the White stand in (even the coon/spic/gook cops) and the orcs as the shitskin group. I liked it, but im a sucker for shit like shadowrun. they did a good job of making me interested in the world they came up with, the action is pretty okay for most of it, and the acting from the orc is pretty fun
it is a typical max landis, hyperactive 11yo grade school short story premise. it just felt stupid, and the social commentary was so goddamn on the nose. another paint by numbers shitty netflix original
Its fun mindless action, really interesting and appealing visuals from based Ayer and his team, solid action specially in the scenes with the Inferni, script and dialogue were fucking weird at times, like that part in the church and when the elf qt starts speaking english just because ("now i trust you" come on Landis lmao), i liked it but the writing hurt it, tho the world they created and the lore behind it has a lot of potential, it left me wanting to see more i hope they make a second one or even a tv show.
This is the kind of shit that genuinely makes you wonder how many reviewers are bribed
How many of them could you see putting on a pair of jeans, a set of headphones, and heading out to go shopping?
It wouldn't be too uncommon among some of the higher-ranked fae in Dresden Files.
DF is basically noir detective stories against a fairly simply urban fantasy background.
No. Shills have 10 threads on the catalog all at once and have a heavy focus before the movie even comes out. Then after the movie releases the shills move on to hyping the next movie instead of discussing the movie at hand. Bright isn't a Marvel movie so you're seeing people sincerely discuss it.
i forgot about the elf starting with english out of nowhere, really triggered me. that and when she is begging to die she starts off in elvish and then switches to english, she would stick to her native tongue. the movie is filled with bad writing desu, only saved by some fun action and a cool world
You're triggering a lot of soyboys. They probably pretend to like Clockwork Orange too. Keep it up!
nah, it made sense that she would do that
do what, switch to english? no she would not, as she begged her (super qt) elf sister to kill her she would absolutely speak in her native tongue, elvish.
I just assume she's autistic, then all of her scenes make more sense.
The only time in the film where Tikka wasn't in an irrational panic was at the titty bar, and that didn't last. TIkka was basically a young and sheltered cult member who escaped and is being hunted. Don't expect too much rationality.
like everyone else in that world she didn't trust the cops
i really hope the sequel gives us more insight about all the different races and not just focuses on some prophecy storyline
>Don't expect too much rationality.
I certainly wouldn't from a Max Landis film
Nah it's just bad writing. These threads remind me of WoW threads where Blizzdrones defend the awful writing by constantly jumping through mental hoops
Bright was primarily a buddy-cop movie. They're hardly known for Academy award-level dialogue.
is english your second language, or are you just fucking stupid? because you dont seem to grasp my complaint at all.