/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons

Brazzers Edition

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What is she, /swco/?

Realistic Rex looks weird.

An angel in heaven now.

A disobedient slave that should know her place?


You really think that people can't tell the clones are CGI?

Are you 12?


Quick question that I'm sure will make me feel stupid once answered: Where can you find Tales of the Jedi in the Legends Mega? I know Darkhorse comics, but in which folder?

Are you?


Whatever happened to Lux Bonteri after the Clone Wars? He must've maintained connections with Saw, and probably even financed him shortly after the formation of the Empire. Lux is also probably dead though, and would've shown up in the Rouge One rebel council if he were still a senator.

>numbers are right to left, top to bottom

I dare you to disagree.

>right to left
If you meant left to right then yes I agree

>Lux is also probably dead though,
Well duh, Togruta bodily fluids are poisonous to humans

>one guy on the internet is fooled

They're so real. So lifelike.

I'd do her
No regrets

o-oh... shit. I'm retarded.

How to improve /swco/

Perm ban all SS, Aphra fans and people who post this forced meme

Aphra and what is she aren't bannable so there's nothing we can do about them

>Wanting things unique to /swco/ to disappear

It's treason then...

user, it's just the one guy.

When you think about it, even the humans in Star Wars are aliens.

What is she is fine, because it's unobrusive. /ss/ posting is shit, forced, tired, and unoriginal.

There's only one meme that truly makes us original, though.

>moving goalposts
As expected, you're just a troll.


That's true for real life too.

>and unoriginal.
It literally started in these threads

>Aphra fans

I barely like Aphra but everyone has a right to a star wars waifu

How did I move the goalposts? I never claimed that NO ONE was fooled, but that's a low fucking bar.

They look good, but they don't by any means look real on most of the closeups.

Just look at pic related. The clone on the right looks fantastic. But the clone on the left looks fucking horrific. I'm sorry if you think that looks good.

>The fakest part about this .webm isn't the CGI clones, or the droids, or the LAATs, or Yoda, those are all actually pretty well done for 2002; but the way the spry and athletic jedi awkwardly hobble onto the gunships like old people.

I just mean ss shit in general. I think it's a stupid meme. I know that it started here when it comes to SS/Ezra shit.

And either way, she's been off the show for over a year. We need to move on and let fresh memes join the club.

That generic lumpy tentacle alien with lots of teeth is the worst alien design in the franchise

>I like to use greentext for all my sentences, because it's my first day on Sup Forums.

>I don't know why I used the arrow, I didn't even realize it until after I posted.

>worse than a literal worm in a rock
I know that was a weak part of TFA, but come on.

>That low

I'd argue with you over this to no end. If anything, it beats the current back and forth going on.

In Star Wars even older memes check out

>current back and forth going on

>How did I move the goalposts? I never claimed that NO ONE was fooled,
You did. If you'd said "some people" it'd be different.

>but they don't by any means look real on most of the closeups.
They do.

>Just look at pic related. The clone on the right looks fantastic. But the clone on the left looks fucking horrific. I'm sorry if you think that looks good.
I'm sorry if you think that looks bad, because it doesn't. It just looks like well-polished armor.

Damn, that meme has become self-referential by this point. I haven't seen it in ages.

>Dooku in AotC predicts that "10,000 more systems will rally to our cause."

>10,000 inhabited planets

>That's probably way less than half the inhabited planets in the galaxy

>Tens of thousands, maybe even a hundred thousand or more planets with people on them

>We keep going back to the same dozen or so

Alright, dude. Whatever you say.

>10,000 inhabited planets
10,000 solar systems dude.

The whole ss/greentext/goalpost debate going on, I mean.

Kind of makes you wonder about the variety of these worlds. I mean, supposing we were able to see each and every one, how long before we get complaints of 'another (desert/ice/jungle/whatever) planet'.

I never realised how similar the ghost is to Alien's Narcissus

That's different than planets

Furthermore, you don't need a majority of the planets to turn the tide in the war. Most of them aren't powerful or useful whatsoever. From a brief peek at the Wook, it looks like there are only a few thousand senators, which means there's only a few thousand systems that really matter at all.

Shaak Ti's actress trips on her dress and faceplants but she's out of view enough it's hard to notice.

But it's funny.

>The whole ss/greentext/goalpost debate going on, I mean.
Ah, I got you. What's your monster order, then?


Yeah I noticed this too. At least it's a good design.

If by "well-polished," you mean "photoshopped," then sure. Just look at the lighting on him. It doesn't match the rest of the scene at all. The texture looks pretty much unrendered.

Bottom right is my favorite.

Tee hee. Just surrender you degenerate manchildren~ This franchise is OURS now! :)

sup, /swco/

I know you guys don't like mandofags, but it's ok, I like you anyway. I wanna put a little shoutout to you on my armor. I'm thinking having "/swco/" in mando'a on my bucket. What do you think would work best?

Show me your tits

Not the best list (personal taste and all that), but after careful consideration:


Funny enough, #1 looks different outside of water, and I love the arm sticking out of #11

If you're threatened by this you're sad.

tits or gtfo. Gyno is fine too but no homo

best creature
best toy

I feel threatened by that wookie. Just look at him! He's too scary.

>If by "well-polished," you mean "photoshopped," then sure.
No, I mean "well-polished" as in "very polished and shiny and smooth"

>Just look at the lighting on him. It doesn't match the rest of the scene at all.
It absolutely does are you blind? The lighting on him matches up with how Obi-Wan is lit, the only difference is that the clone's wearing stuff that's more reflective and smooth

>The texture looks pretty much unrendered.
No, it just looks like smooth armor.

Are there any torrents for all the Star Wars Comics?

Would be better if you specified Legends or Canon

Do it.

I shouldn't, it's not the Jedi way

Canon. I would like to catch up but my local comic shop fucking sucks

using this site: lingojam.com/AurebeshTranslator
/swco/ doesn't look particularly attractive in aurebesh. But if you like it, don't let us stop you.

One thing you might try if you want to have a /swco/ reference is make an unobtrusive stencil of one of the common pictures that gets posted around here like Krennic in the giant foam hat or something and spray it in an unobtrusive spot on the armor or something

>I am a hero
So is the ST going to end with all of reys waifus dieing, the first order turning out to be a race of aliens from beyond the outer rim, pointless and a balding rey being left alone on a deserted coruscant

>tits or gtfo. Gyno is fine too but no homo

Here's the mega from the pastebin
But if you were gonna buy them from a comic shop, why not just buy the trades online?

Dark Greetings
Don't care if it's technically /tg/

>blocks your path

We've been using Dark Greetings just as long

Mandos are fine as long as you aren't a sperg.


>fastest rising baby name for boys is Kylo

>I know you guys don't like mandofags, but it's ok, I like you anyway.
We don't inherently hate mandofags, it's just that so many of them are obese, neckbeards or autistic manchildren, or a combination of those and other shit.

>I wanna put a little shoutout to you on my armor. I'm thinking having "/swco/" in mando'a on my bucket. What do you think would work best?
That would work

I gotchu

It be done, vode.


Looks good

You honor us

There's not a Borg-esque assimilative race in Star Wars is there?

Hey, can someone with the capability of making high quality webms get the whole Blixus attack scene from the TCW episode "Kidnapped"? I need it for something game related.

Not really, afaik. The Ssi-Ruuk have a weird soul-stealing technology that powers all their technology, but they're (thankfully) non-canon

What prompted you to ask

I dunno I was just thinking about how cool assimilated ships in Star Trek Look. Like the Armada RTS games I'd always assemble myself a fleet of ships made of other races' people and I thought that was cool

Shows you how little input dads get into kids names: I've got a great idea, lets name him after a patricidal wreck of a person.

Inb4 highest rate of parenticide in about 20 years

If you're going to name your child after Star Wars you need to commit to it. I'm naming my children Firmus, Gasgano and First Order Flametrooper.

Fucking white people, giving their kids stupid ass names like Aymie or naming them after fantasy characters

>not Imagundi
>not Kit Fisto
>not Dexter Jexter

All right Jaqwan we get it, you should only name kids with real names.

Kit Fisto is the name of a loser, now Firmus, that's a strong, masculine name! Also Lorth.

Why do people not stick to subtle names, and go for the most obvious?

>not Rig Nema

what is she

I named my son Jizzwailer and my daughter Yakface. They'll thank me when they're grown up.


>not having twins named Luke and Leia

subtly is for suckers

Donald Trump named his son Baron. You can't make that shit up.