What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

that he wasn't doing any fucking

He had a choice.
A life filled with truth or a life filled with happiness.

lack of the taste of steak

He was banned from plugging into the matrix and exploring his sexual fantasies while on the ship. This led to him being disgruntled and eventually betraying the crew. This is why he was so obsessed with Morpheus and Trinity.

? Where...

>with Morpheus
What the fuck.

He yearned for the bliss of ignorance. The truth may be desirable but it can be painful to live with.



maybe watch the fucking movie. it literally explains what his problem was.

Who plugged him in though?

in the future, please don't respond with real, good answers
this place is for bullshit only

Holy shit i never made this connection

>can plug into the matrix and have an experience indistinguishable from reality
>it's just that he has memories of the "real world" too so he knows it's fake
>except that it doesn't matter if it's fake since everything is indistinguishable from reality
>the matrix is just as real as the real world if you can't fucking tell the difference without being unplugged so who gives a shit about muh real world sucking
>you can just plug in when you start to feel tired of the real world
>machines don't give a fuck what you do as long as you don't wake people up so plugging in to eat steak or fuck supermodels is okay, just don't wake others

He was a brainlet who never took a philosophy training program. He was hung up on muh reality when it literally didn't matter whatsoever in any practical way to his life. The difference of realities only mattered to the audience because the writers of the movie were also brainlets who took philosophy 101 but nothing else and think that shit is deep.

Trinity wouldn’t fuck him.

The eagles

He took the redpill.

>Do not feel envious of the happiness of those who live in a fool's paradise, for only a fool will think that is happiness.
- Bertrand Russell

Only after years of browsing Sup Forums do i find this hilarious.

Except the real machines were out to kill him and all the other real people, so there was a problem and he betrayed the crew so he could happily get put back in

>never take advice from a failed wanna-be cenobite like Bertrand Russell
- Some Dude


The real machines were trying to kill a rebellion against The System. If the people who woke up never tried to wake others and just lived their lives quietly between the Matrix and the real world, the machines wouldn't care. The machines planned to have a small portion of people be set free anyways.

Cypher could just have created an anti-Zion group of people who didn't fight the war and just kept to themselves.