How do i save the onesi loved if no one loves me?

how do i save the onesi loved if no one loves me?

How does one's face get that wide? Like holy fuck


By staying far away from them

>destroys your movie

not fat or asian enough. could not relate


the kiss between her and finn was the ugliest fucking on screen kiss i have ever seen. it was laugh out loud funny.


*destroys your heroic sacrifice*

who could dominate a diversity hire negro in a movie?


fat chink

She's not even fat really, her head is very round

did she actually gain weight to prepare for the role?

Why did they use this as a promotional photo? Makes her out to be a bitch when she is mostly cheerly and wants to be cute.

*will be single handedly responsible for TLJ completing flopping in China*

>Vietnam payback time

hello beautiful

The fact that she's not fat yet her face is fucking obese is concerning.

Got any publicity bodyshots that prove your point?

Wouldnt her t-boning fynns speeder at super high speeds kill them both?


the last jedi

Does Disney honestly think they're doing a service to this ugly gook? She's been given a part in the most popular franchise of all time and now she's never going to get another acting position ever again. She probably quit her job at the fish market just to play Rose.

I didnt care much for fynn on this or last movie but when he was about to sacrifice himself I thought that was a great way to send him off.

But no. Wars arent won with sacrifice, theyre won by saving the ones you love even if it means letting the first order blow a hole through the only wall between then and the rebels and murdering all of them

Diversity guys. you gotta have good and ugly lol

>wants to represent Asian people in film
>picks the most fuck ugly bitch in Hollywood
Thanks a lot Kathleen

this has instantly cured my yellow fever thanks
nice digits btw

>Where did you get this ship?
>I actually bought it myself HAHAHAHAHAHA

Star Wars is not a franchise about plot points, logic, or actions; it’s a franchise about ideas and feelings. And the point of this sequence is the idea of oppression and inequality, and the feeling of righteous indignation about it, and giving Rose the opportunity to vocalize those points and establish herself as the voice for that in this new trilogy. Because, again, it’s been a missed opportunity for a long time that Star Wars has been preoccupied with the experiences of royals, elites, religious orders, and other upscale characters at the expense of everybody else. It’s a really cool step to have this character, who’s essentially a one woman get-over-your-bullshit machine, come to this glamorous place and point out that the villainy isn’t just the space Nazis, it’s the upper class that lets the Nazis get away with stuff because they stand to benefit. You see, it’s the non-mystical, on the ground component that allows the film to get away from the narrowly classist vision of the Force going on in the Rey-Luke stuff

*pan flute music*