Does Sup Forums like The Big Sick?
I thought it was pretty good desu.
Does Sup Forums like The Big Sick?
I thought it was pretty good desu.
Race. Mixing.
Who. Cares.
>poo married to ugly white woman
>cast qt white woman to play her
>protagonist has the same name as the actor portraying him
>"an awkward true story"
>unfunny pajeet from unfunny hbo show
Fucking dropped
Not bad, about as good as a apatow movie. It was pretty overhyped though
None of the retards mentioning race even watched the movie, and that's a fact.
Go back to your containment board and stay there.
kumail has the smug look of a job interviewer who isn't going to give you the job
tagline: when Kumar mistakes white woman for designated shitting street
Kumail makes a great case for once again banning all non-white immigration.
This was the only embarrassing part. Besides that it was alright, made me laugh a few times. 6/10. The “cultural misunderstandings while dating a white girl” bits were pretty accurate too.
>Zoe Kazan
I don't mind this movie.
But you are 100% right about his look.
Don't know why men from the asian continent put white women on pedestals. Most of them are used goods by the time they're legal and make for terrible wives
in real life a cutie like her would never date a ugly pajeet
even if hes tall
White women are literally the best in the world, so much so that our rejects are still thirsted after. (As in this case.)
because Hollywood movies
same reason why asian women put white guys on a pedestal
racist fucks, no sex ed, think more white = more beauty
take your pick
Pajeet here, didn't like it.
do u feel envy looking at pajeets who live in USA making 100k dollars a year while you stay in India making maybe 10k usd if youre lucky?
honest question
Lmao, emily is better than Zoe Kazan. Indoor kids ftw.
honestly found it really chill. It's pretty good and he portrayed his family in a shitty way too, so i dont understand when they say this is propaganda since he didnt portray his culture in a good light.
I wish emily played in it instead of zoe kazan
>i dont understand when they say this is propaganda
Shitting in the clean gene pool.
oh okay so youre just racist
What does that even mean? There are over a billion Indians. They don't need to pollute the white race.
>being unironically triggered by an interracial couple
Yes, it's anti-white propaganda you brainlet.
you should talk to people more
His wife actually is not terrible looking considering what he looks like. Zoe Kazan may look like she has that indie quirky cute girl look, but she's really not very attractive. She has a big round face with eyes that are too far apart and no chin, which makes her nose look too big.
Vanity casting, sure, but nowhere near the level of something like Love where Paul Rust and his ugly wife cast all these hot chicks as his romantic interest, including Gillian Jacobs as a proxy for her.
I talk to people plenty. What does talking to people have to do with miscegenation propaganda?
>interracial couples dont exist therefore these movies are propaganda to increase the number of interracial couples
my bad, i shouldve said "you should go out more"
Why should something that's bad be promoted?
>Thinks there still exist a person that is purely from one race
>doesnt know his ancestors raped and got raped
Of course people are still purely from one race. Are you retarded? Ask for a bone marrow transplant and see what happens.
You seem to be missing the point: race mixing and non-whites in white countries make them worse in every meaningful way.
okay, my man. You be you.
>has literally no argument
>just posts a dumb frog
Why am I not surprised.
This Indian in particular really hates white people which makes his desire to be paired up with white women all the more creepy.
Makes it look like he's just into white women due to a desire to conquer white people. Seems like a common desire amongst non-whites given the whining you can see on various web forums like for Asian men. They'll talk shit about white people all the time and then talk about how much they want white women who they may even call garbage.
they should have hired a decent actor to play kumail
It's really too bad this tandoori burner didn't die in real life.
>is utterly uniformed, does not live in the real world and wants to argue online
I have no argument cause i know i cant change your mind. I can provide statistics on how illogical racism is and how stupid it is to think it's "anti-white" propaganda but i'd be spending the rest of my afternoon arguing with a lonely autist who still believes in race superiority. Read some history, archaeology and realize every race has had a glory era. Races dont mean shit.
And i bet youre a burger based on that level of education.
btw i forgot my frog
>I have no argument cause i know i cant change your mind.
Of course my mind can be changed. I used to share your view before I actually researched this stuff instead of peddling the same shit that the media, corporations, and academia promote.
>I can provide statistics on how illogical racism is
Please, tell me how whites wouldn't be better off in every meaningful way if their countries weren't 95%+ white.
>Read some history, archaeology and realize every race has had a glory era. Races dont mean shit.
Oh wow you're legitimately stupid. You actually believe that every race is equally capable. Do you deny evolution, too?
as a geneticist, your comment just proved that you have no idea how evolution works.
And yes, no race is pure. It doesnt exist. All races are equally capable. You complain about but look at persia, it was the center of the world, culture and wisdom. Look at Saudi arabia once it found a way to sell oil, it became one of the most advanced countries in the world. Look at japan, it bounced back from two atomic bombs. And before you say nigger, look at south africa, have you been there? It's no different from a 1st world country. And on the subject of browns, look at the top players of silicon valley, those innovators are brown. Youtube's original ceo was brown, AMD's ceo is chinese lady.
You in fact dont know about history, science and just lack general life experience by you mentioning that "whites are superior".
There is no superiority in race. There is in species. Not race.
>Of course people are still purely from one race. Are you retarded? Ask for a bone marrow transplant and see what happens.
t. brainlet
>It doesnt exist.
Pick your word for it then. Populations. The white population would be better off in every meaningful way if they were left alone in their own countries.
Also look up some twin studies you imbecile.
>And before you say nigger, look at south africa, have you been there? It's no different from a 1st world country
This is good bait.
>And on the subject of browns, look at the top players of silicon valley, those innovators are brown.
"I don't know what outliers are."
>You in fact dont know about history
History shows that anywhere whites go it becomes a first world country. What a shock.
>and just lack general life experience
I've lived and traveled all over. My experiences matches the data.
Save yourself some time and just link me to data that shows that diversity benefits whites. Go on. I mean it's pushed so heavily it must surely be true. It's also why Brazil is the best country in the world.
>History shows that anywhere whites go it becomes a first world country
two largest conflicts in human history were really civilised
Wow, what a shithole.
>two largest conflicts in human history were really civilised
What point are you trying to make? Are you saying that niggers would be more civilized with the weapons they were too stupid to invent?
not to mention mating with prestine white women
>not to mention mating with prestine white women
No prestine white woman would go near a pajeet.
>And before you say nigger, look at south africa, have you been there?
Is this a joke?
Didn't feel quite right. Something felt wrong in the pacing or the realism, but it comes from the fact that it's a true story.