dobles, senor
Dobles, senor
I ain't got no damn dobles
I don't know about any dobles, but you can check these triples amigo.
Ain't no dobles.
Revisa estos digitos compa
Keep it up and I'll take you in the back and dub ya.
the dubs don't have no say. it's just you.
You should admit your situation. There would be more dignity in it.
no puta
a ki does
check it
wait for it...
There ain't no dobles
do you have any idea how crazy these numbers are?
Get your own, beaner
hold these repeating digits please
don't put it in your pocket sir
Some have it, and some don’t...
Truly this is no country for old dubs
well, we need to know what we're checkin here
If the rule you followed, didn't bring you to digits like mine, of what use was the rule?
Doubles even if no dubs.
it's your lucky doubles
mira dobles
>"Papers said it was a crime of passion but he told me there wasn't any passion to it. Told me that he'd been planning to get dubs for about as long as he could remember. Said that if they turned him out he'd do it again. Said he knew he was going to hell."
That depends, do you see these?
And in the dream I knew that he was goin' on ahead and he was fixin' to get some dubs somewhere out there in all that dark and all that cold
and then i got dubs
left one looks fucking ugly here. what happened? she was cute enough in the movie
mira estos dobles
now that's aggravatin
truly, this is no thread for repeating digits
dole dippers
check this 8
The scarcity of dubs in this dubs thread is reflective of the harshness and anti-climax of the film, true kino.
Why was he such a fucking asshole?
So why did it take lleyn something like 8 hours to decide ok I do care about this mexican drug dealer guy, when earlier he basically brushed him off? Why did he think mexican drug dealer guy would still be alive with an open wound? Why return to the scene of a crime?
Clearly the coins were the real masterminds of everything he did
he tried to put it off but he just couldn't. I think he realised in bed that it wasn't allowing him to sleep, and he just had to go and try to give him water, as irrational as it was, otherwise it would bother him for the rest of his life.
I do think it's really dumb that he allowed the guy to find him though. It's dumb that he never checked through the whole suitcase immediately to see whether or not there was a tracker, or even to count how much money was actually in there. Also dumb that he didn't just immediately take his wife and fuck off somewhere far away, especially after the first time he encountered the guy with the bad haircut away from the crime scene.
And here we go again...
>USA channel
Watching this movie censored would be an enormous waste of time.
haha you guys are all small time