Did TLJ explain why

Luke goes from nearly killing Kylo in his sleep because of a premonition of the future; to abandoning the entire galaxy as his premonition becomes reality? How does that make any sense?

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Pointless to think about. Dark side just teasing you.Search your feelings and you know this is the truth.

>Expect Luke to be a hero and take responsibility for his own mistake
>He doesn't


Why did Luke go to full cuck-exile? Kylo killed all those people and tried to kill Luke.

Real Luke would have been 100% sure that he wasn't wrong and Kylo truly is evil sith.

Because he realized it was his fear that ultimately brought the worst to pass. He realized he was making the Vader mistake and removed himself from the equation.

I blame books. We should just burn all books.

But but by doing so he allowed his worst fears to come to fruition.

He did that when he tried to kill kylo. Imagine if Anikan would have stopped after windu.

This. Luke caused Ben to turn into an evil cunt. He didn't take responsibility, sure, but he just got depressed about literally making the new Vader and tapped out. He thought he was just gonna keep making things worse.

This movie did a lot of things wrong but i really don't mind Lukes arc. The dude has been through a lot. He wasn't the young hero anymore

Imagine if Luke had actually avenged his students and not abandoned the galaxy to another holocaust.

So his school gets burned down, and his students get massacred and this guy that was willing to kill kylo literally minutes before all this went down just says 'fuck it' and goes into exile. This is a realistic response?

He already made the mistake though...

Why wouldn't he try to remedy his mistake if he was stalwart enough to ignite his lightsaber in the first place???

I just think in Luke's mind the Jedi are just as responsible for this constant state of war as the Sith are.

>A brief summary of The Last Jedi

Fine, then he should have exterminated Kylo and the "Knights of Ren" and Snoke and then he truly would've become Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi.

Fear leads to anger...

This guy whos supposed to be the greatest Jedi pushed his nephew to the dark side. That's not easy to bounce back from

Don't you mean Disney's Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi?

You have to be very intelligent to understand The Last Jedi so I can see why you're having some trouble. Luke figured out that the Force is like yin and yang - this fact is very in your face in the series so you should be able to understand this much. As one side gets stronger the other side does in kind.

Luke figured out too late that by raising a new generation of Jedi he had also raised the new generation of Sith Lords because the Force is always 100% balanced in the Star Wars canon post-TFA. He didn't know this ahead of time from his training or reading the ancient Jedi texts because, as Yoda says, they weren't page turners and therefore weren't worth studying. When Kylo killed the other Jedi in training the Force shifted back out of balance and therefore Rey became God incarnate despite never training a day in her life.

Snoke commented that he assumed Kylo's rise to power would cause Luke to rise in power as both sides are always 100% balanced. He didn't realize until Rey entered the throne room that the balance in the Force went to Rey. It's implied that Luke exiled himself to take his power out of the Force balance equation and therefore make life easier for everyone. By the end of TLJ he realizes that his power still counts in the equation so he force projects himself and sudokus, all of his Force energy going directly into Rey and Rose and Admiral Holdo's Jewish lesbian lover because the Force is female.

You'd know this if you'd actually watched the movie with the eyes of a true fan and not the eyes of an Alt Right misogynistic racist.

He said that Snoke had already converted him...and he's about to kill him in his sleep because of things he will potentially do, and then when he ACTUALLY does them he exits stage left. It don't make no sense.

They didn't even need to slander his character to write him out.

They could have said something along the lines of
>Anti-Jedi Sentiment is still quite strong in the Republic, from years of Empire propoganda, so Luke had to train his pupils in secret. When the First Order attacked and kidnapped Ben it was exposed to the galaxy. The public was outraged by this and Luke was exiled from the inner rim as punishment for his perceived crimes.

It' a pity that Luke is the only character they treat with that kind of gritty realism. Leia has literally failed at everything she has done in her entire life, but for some reason everyone wants to follow her? She's turned a republic made of several planets into 8 people hiding away in her dead x-husband's ride, her son is responsible for the genocide of millions, and yet people love her. Luke lost a hand, has scars, had to deal with his entire reality unraveling..the new heroes lost some extras whose names I doubt they even knew. Isn't it interesting that the grounded realistic depression and death only happen to the old heroes, because they are old, oh except Leia of course.

he realized the force is female and he doesn't deserve it as a WHITE MALE

Except, that wasn't how the force worked at all until RJ got a hold of the story. According to Disney's canon, the first Jedi were just people with the force who learned how to use it. Sith and Jedi came out of a fundamental misunderstanding of what to do with it. Force can be in anyone, it's just a random thing that happens, like a mutation. Sith and Jedi only exist in our minds, and if anyone should have figured that out, it should have been Luke Skywalker who was literally an archivist for the Jedi lore and a consular, ie healer, mediator, and archivist. But I'm sure now it will be Rey once she finishes her heroine's journey by curing Kylo with her love.

Then when he reveals the truth he says that all he saw was a scared little boy. The part about Snoke already converting him was a dirty lie

Nobody actually ever read the ancient Jedi texts. They were too boring to read so only Rey can do it. If they did someone would've brought up the fact that Snoke was the very first Force user and was a mix of both good and evil.

They crammed the whole "hope" thing down our throat but i guess you missed it. Leia is hope, Luke is hopelessness. The whole point of this movie was to show how the difference between the two.

Which again is idiotic because Luke was like a fanboy for the Jedi Lore. But meh, it's over now. I just hope they do something compelling instead of letting Ma-Rey Sue skate through everything without a scratch.

lol, what is hopeful about someone who has failed everything she has ever tried? She failed to stop the empire, she failed to keep her son, or husband, she failed to stop the FO, she failed to keep the republic safe, she failed the resistance...like what is hopeful about her? I didn't miss anything, I just think it's stupid that people flock to someone who has literally never done anything successfully.

He felt so much shame for contemplating killing Kylo Ren that it cut him from the Force, and the force wave / subsequent debris crushing left his body broken (thus the shaky hands). He figured he wouldn't be of any help anyways, and he felt like such an irredeemable shit bag for failing his students, that he went off to die alone.

It still doesn't make sense. I blame JJ, there was never going to be a good answer to this.

She was literally the only politician in the New Republic who considered the First Order a serious threat. She didn't kill the republic, all the people who just wanted war to end and started demilitarizing did. If anything Leah was a damned prophet seeing the issue and getting out what ships they had once Starkiller Base shot off.

I think the arc is good, and makes sense. It's just uncomfortable to see such a hero eat such a massive dick like he did. Luke Skywalker was a very important character to a lot of people, and while it was a critically admirable treatment he got, it was repulsive to see him as a dirty old hermit. I liked it, but I get the push back.


And yet without Mr. Hopelessness, she would have failed again..by being killed by the son that she failed. Man, that's a General I want to follow into battle. Never wins, can't convince anyone politically of an obvious danger...maybe she should go find an actual military adviser and step down.

I would love the Arc if that kind of storytelling were consistent. Rey should have been beaten within an inch of her life by now, Leia should be dead, Finn should be dead, Poe should be dead. It feels like Luke ate shit just to show consequence that none of the other characters face, but it's not their stakes or tension, so it still makes their characters shit.

Yoda hid from an empire chasing him down so he could train the last Jedi. Obi-Wan took Luke to the desert planet and protected him as he grew up. Luke ran away and apparently just wanted to die alone. I suspect JJ had him waiting there to train the next Jedi, which would fit, but RJ just made Luke a depressed old dude.

I think Luke should have killed another one of his students and Kylo witnessed this act and that's what inspired him to join Snoke and also is the reason why Luke is in exile.

If it was done right, that could have been a very interesting thing to see. It's better than him seeing Kylo have a wet dream and freaking out about it.


In this version he gives up the force because of visions and responsibility and so on. He wants none of it. No more force, no more seeing the future or possible futures. Just him on an island.

This luke became neutral and is not a good guy.

>Pointless to think about.
Then why is it in the fucking movie?

No it doesn't explain. At the end Luke finishes with his cognitive dissonance, and dies in peace knowing that even though HE is the ultimate fallen hero for causing all the evil in the world at the moment, he at the very least saved his friends and will know kys as to not be a villain any longer.



Luke was able to redeem Vader when Yoda and Obi-Wan failed. His whole arc showed that he was not going to fail how they did because of his integrity, compassion, and optimism. That all just got thrown out though so they didn't have to write an actual believable reason for Luke to fail (that could've taken like 2 or 3 extra hours after all)

>it's 20 ABY
>you are luke skywalker the famous "hero" of the rebellion
>it was a lifetime ago
>you wake up in your old rusty shuttle, getting out of hyperspace in a backwater system, where the force guided you
>it doesn't matter, it's always the same, every fucking day.
>after you land on an illegal spaceport, you bribe the local crimelord to keep your vessel hidden.
>he looks shifty, as you hand him the credits you decide he will die slowly before your leave, he is probably evil, he doesn't deserve to live, nobody does.
>you conceal your saber under your robe, pull up the cloak as you approach the destination.
>it's a small house in a suburbian area
>as you go inside, a woman stands before you, she is pregnant
>she asks what are you doing in her home, but you don't care about her enough to answer.
>the force is strong inside her, you lift your hands to feel her unborn child through the force.
>darkness, you see the possibility of him turning to the dark side.
>the child might be destined to be evil, you have have to do, what you have to do.
>you reach for the force and crush the skull, and break the spine of the child.
>another threat neutralised
>you apologise to the woman and walk out, she doesn't know yet, that something happened.
>it's always the same.
>it's not an easy job, but it needs to be done,
>as you walk away, you think back to the days, when you were young and you believed in the power of the light.
>it was a lifetime over
>back then you were Luke Skywalker, the paragon of virtue, the paragon of hope, a fool.
>now you know, the darkness has to be fought, it has to be defeated.
>because you are Luke Darkslayer, the man who deals with the evil.
>the man who protects the light, by any means necessary.

But that just makes the entire series retarded.

Why do jedi and sith fight eachother when they know it will do nothing? When they know killing one will just give them another sith to fight, or make the other sith stronger? Why do they train when they know training just makes the sith stronger too? Why isn't every battle fought with space tazers and space handcuffs, so they can imprison the enemy instead of spreading their dark side powers to somebody else? Or was Luke the first and only jedi since its inception about 7,000 years ago that figured it out?