How did this happen?

How did this happen?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Santa's little helper stays the same

90's - young kid simpson fan who didn't understand all the adult references and pop culture shit because they were too young to have seen the movie or recognize it. just liked it because it was funny cartoon. themes seemed more mature because they were younger

2009 simpsons fan - 20 or 30 something person who now feels they've outgrown the childish humor. they get all the references and can't stand references to younger shit because it reminds them that pop culture is slowly forgetting them and moving on to a younger demographic. they also recognizing political themes now.

>watching cartoons for "mature themes and situations"

literally fucking kill yourself you literal neckbeard fedora retard faggot go watch anime or something


What happened to Sneed?

Took over Chuck's business

Officially bait. Everyone agree?


Formerly Chuck's Little Helper

How did this happen?

The slow loss of most of the original writers after Phil Hartman died.

they realized that millenials are man children who love Family Guy lite and can't relate to adult plots and mature themes.
the blame is on us. not them. they only did their research.


>Homer : Idiot who follows people around
>Marge : Idiot who is sometimes used to nag on Homer
>Lisa : Whatever the women's movement considers correct this week
>Maggie : Killer
>Bart : Huge failure due to his gender, often shown as washed up in future scenes.

sneed hams?


>often shown as washed up in future scenes
This has always pissed me off
His brightest future is being a dead beat dad.

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".

This shit is so stupid. It's almost like it's a bot doing this stuff.

fuck off reddit

That`s not the fucking joke.

>millions of ordinary people watch animation with mature themes and situations
>millions of ordinary people are moved by breathtaking works of animation all the time
>buzzword spouting nobody attacks a strawman resembling himself more than anything else in a childish attempt to appear mature

how did it all go so right?


reddit on the right

the fact that Sneed got denied on cancerous kym is more proof that its /ourmeme/

NOW we`re talking.

>Entire writing staff changes
>How did this happen?

Based sneedchads

John Swartzwelder was the heart of that show. The show should’ve ended in 2004

This Steamed Hams meme is so fucking Reddit it hurts

>these videos aren't funny but fuckin ranrnadom XDDDD omg

Chuck was the heart of that show. The show should’ve ended in 1999

t. Sneedposter
Fuck off with your failed meme

t. sneedfag
Steamed Hams was here ages before your meme and doesn`t sneed your virgin-ass approval.

>How did this happen?
Yes, how did the guy who made watched 400 episodes of zombie simpson?

The older I get, the more I hate Lisa. She's the worst.

>not on stage 4 pancreatic cancer

Holy shit, this better be quality bait you are using here boy.

I'm not.

Steamed Hams is literally 100% Reddit tier.

The "DUDE LOOK HOW IM RANDOMLY MORPHING LE STEAMED HAMS NOW XDDDD" is not funny at all. It's Reddit shit, random for the sake of random.

Sneedposting is pure and normies will never get it. Steamed Hams is for every fucking Reddit retard out there

Steamed hams is such a widespread meme that it didn't even originate on Sup Forums, it originated on Sup Forums back in like 2008 because back then the mods completely ignored that board.

>flavor-of-the-month sneed
why did I laugh at this

well, yes.


hop in dude

Sneed is random for the sake of random. You just spam every simpsons thread with it. it's not clever nor funny. please kys with your forced meme BS.


based subtle sneedposter

If steamed hams were there it'd be 1st place

The resurgence of steamed hams in 2017 has nothing to do with Sup Forums. Fuck off, youtube tourist.


big, if true

itt: youtube memes

Sneed and fuck feels more like a chemo kinda meme, know what im memeing?

Steamed hams is not a youtube meme

Sneed is not a youtube meme

Yeah, it's a reddit meme

go back to youtube

Chuck is not a youtube meme

Is Sneed?

Yeah, anyone who hates it is immediately exposed as cancer.

>taxposting isn't even on the list
I will be dead before I allow my meme portfolio to be audited by a sneedposter

You retards kept watching it in order to get mad at something because your life is so hollow it's the only way you can feel anything.

>le projecting xDDD

Damn right bitch, I'm projecting the truth about your sad life. Now an hero. Do it now!

best steamed hams right here

>it's funny because it references muh video games XD
Fuck off, Sup Forumsermin.

Fuck off, redditor sneed poster.

Who REALLY killed Mr. Burns??

Baneposting was confirmed on kym. No one likes sneed because it's just shit


I will fucking destroy you kid.....


Una vela/Bootleg simpsons > Sneedposting

>it’s another samefagging thread

quiet fa/tv/irgin.


sneed is Sup Forums
steamed hams is Sup Forums
una vela is Sup Forums
simpson fanfic comics is facebook but at the same time kino


And bane got hijacked by swaglord and underage spics.

wut in le fuq?!

Trips confirm.

most of the writers left

I don't know anything about Metal Gear and don't find this funny at all. If it doesn't work without knowing the reference than it's even worse than Family Guy.

Fuck the sneedfags, let's get this Simpsons thread back on track. Post your favorite couch gag.
