Predict how they will ruin it
Predict how they will ruin it
By adapting the words to screen.
Jk I only read Dune and was unimpressed.
>Paul will be played by a back guy
>the Bene Gesserit will not have an overly sexual aspect to them
>paul’s Mother will know best and argue with Leto as often as possible and undermine him
>instead of being gifted with the Voice, Chani will teach Paul the ways and be the only reason he can ride the worm
Tried reading this drivel. Got to page six when the author was obviously making shitty names up. Dropped. You don't need a bad director. It'll crash and burn regardless, I guarantee.
You're under 23 years old, aren't you
I tried reading it again a few months ago. Got 50 pages in and realized I was constantly waiting for something to actually happen. I'm fine with slow books but if you're not going to have anything happen you need to have interesting characters and dialogue to make up for it, and it had neither. Snoozefest.
You need to be 18 to post on this board, faggots.
It's a shitty book
>paul is played by a 30 year old
>"we want the star wars crowd"
>is actually an adaptation of Heroes of Dune
Someone redpill me on what this is actually about. Is it relatively action heavy or the latter?
I'm 21. I'll be 22 next February. What does my age have to do with anything?
Sup Forums most pleb board confirmed
>I'm 21.
Yeah, it shows.
I weep for the future.
It's Denis Villeneuve. French Canuck fuck has earned the benefit of the doubt at this point.
exact same month as me, motherfucker.
Because not everyone likes pulp sci fi trash? Get over yourself, dude. I have about 100 better books to read before getting back to that bargain bin Star Wars rip off again for another try
name one (1) book
Dune came out before Star Wars ya simp
I hope Goose is the star.
>Actually doubting Villeneuve
They won't appoint Lynch as a designer. Say what you want about the original, but it had great set and sound design.
Crime & Punishment
I'm aware. Doesn't change my opinion.
This. I'm interested to see what he comes out with
arrival and enemy were shit
I don't think OP is worried about Villeneuve
>Crime & Punishment
Is it just me that really fucking loved the first book, but hot absolutely bored by Children of Dune?
I'm not even sure why, i read like 1/4th of the second book, but just couldnt continue.
I still have it in my backlog cos i keep telling myself that i'll have to force myself through it and the other sequel cos i really want to read God Emperor but everytime i try to start it agian i get bored
I can go either way with Enemy but if you're at least 30, married, and have kids, Arrival hits you right in the feels.
Sup brainlet
I actually read the novels by his son that finished the series. Sex becomes a mind controlling martial art.
What day? Are you on rhe third?
Just a tip for anyone wanting to read more this next year. I used to read 100+ books a year, the last few years I've read less than 10. I started doing this last night and it's a pretty good pace.
Dune and Dune: Messiah are the only good ones.
Nah, you niggers are just turning into tumblr tier faggots just searching for a reason to get butthurt at a movie(muh too much niggers and women/muh not enough niggers and women)
Dune is one of those works that diversity would work out good for, unless its some absolutely obvious and blatant shit like making Lady Jessica a trans-black-"actress" or some shit, but im almost certain that wont be the case.
I've always imagined Duncan Idaho being a huge, black, burly dude when i read the book back in the day for example. Idris Elba(meme)would be a good cast in that case
Currently in heretics of dune.
don't do it lads, don't go this far.
I cant do that.I lvoe reading, but i have some wierd binge periods.Ive had cases where i get so fucking into a book that i read a huge ~500-600 pages book in a day(most recently this happened with Blindsight, good shit), but then i dont read anything for a month.
the shit
epic bro :D :D
Sup Forums discussing literature is hilarious
Seconded. I started doing 20 pages a day after I enlisted (reading more on my off days to make up for days where I can't read at all) and since July I've finished 100 years of solitude, American pastoral, Lolita, blood meridian, breakfast at Tiffany's, and wuthering heights. Anyone who thinks they can't get into literature or don't have the time should try this out.
Can you faggots not read nothing but childish drivel? Maybe the jungle or something that always has virgin lasers and swords in it. Something with some goddamn depth and humanity to it.
Dune isn't literature. It's a step above a young adult novel
>Crime and Punishment
Blindsight isn't nearly that long though. iirc it's only about 200+ pages or so. Not short, but can conceivably be read in one sitting.
Fucking kek Dune is a breeze to read and is fucking fast and easy. How could you be this retarded? Holy shit
Dune is objectively the best book in the series.
The sequels are quite divisive, some people REALLY love some of the sequels, but the opinion is quite spread on those.
God Emperor is probably the most divisive boom in the series, since its the most batshit insane.Its a good read in any case.
DONT bother with anything his hack of a son has wrote tho, its worst than devianart tier fan-fiction
God Emperor of Dune is underrated imo, definitely my second favorite
Penguin Galaxy editions are kino.
It's my favorite but I wouldn't say it's good.
I can't read some of those titles.
That started in Heretics with the introduction of the honored matre whores. Brian's work reads like bad fan-fiction though.
just checked it, my version is 400+ pages, but its a translation so theres that
I didn't say it wasn't fast and easy you dumb brainlet. It's boring and meandering.
Left Hand of Darkness
Once and Future King
Stranger in a Strange Land
2001: A Space Odyssey
uh oh user, sounds like your cognitive dissonance is kicking in
Are you drunk or just dumb?
Neuromancer is literary kino
chill out dude, stop being such a tryhard
Yeah, dude. Stop being a tryhard.
space muslims
>Left Hand was among the first books published in the feminist science fiction genre and is the most famous examination of androgyny in science fiction.[7] A major theme of the novel is the effect of sex and gender on culture and society, explored in particular through the relationship between Ai and Estraven, a Gethenian politician who trusts and helps him. Within that context the novel also explores the interaction between the unfolding loyalties of its main characters, the loneliness and rootlessness of Ai, and the contrast between the religions of Gethen's two major nations. The theme of gender also touched off a feminist debate when it was first published, over depictions of the ambisexual Gethenians.
It's literally a book about Autistic Russian Trannies.
Why isn't this being into a movie right now
Probably because the Gethenians are kind of dicks (no pun intended). I started the book wanting winter-time trap erotica, but I stopped halfway through and it was mostly just old faggy politicians being sassy dykes at eachother and scheming in their poorly insulated houses.
Maybe there was QT feminine benis later, I dunno.
Also they're vegetarian to, IIRC.
>fantasy author
>making things up
There will be quips at some point. Maybe only once but once is enough.
The Harkonnen/Corrinos will be homophobes to virtue signal they're the bad guys, with the Baron standing in for the conservative politician who is secretly gay but publically condemns homosexuality
The Bene Gesserit I'll be completely absolved of any moral complexity or villainly.
Basically, any and all characterization from the source material will be tossed out the window in the service of delivering some preachy SJW message reflective of the current trends popular now instead of the timeless themes and questions that made the novel a classic in the first place. The movie will be worse than bad, it will be mediocre.
In a setting of space-arabs, "x might not be white! RUINED FOREVER AAAAAAGH" doesn't make much sense
>Crime & Punishment
don't ever go to /lit/
Or to any book club of people over 25
I've read C&P. Why are you guys bullying him?
C&P is the go-to book for plebs to namedrop to look intellectual.
Voiceovers would be a good thing. Paul, and later Leto's, inner dialogues are pretty crucial to the story. I've always admired the Lynch Dune for including the voiceovers.
Babby's first
Its like saying "I wont watch close encounters, its a War of the Worlds ripoff which is pleb shit anyways, Ill go watch fightclub instead"
If you shit on a book for being pleb tier, dont fucking refer to other pseudo patrician entry level books
>ruin it
it's not good to begin with
Its not nearly as good as other sci fi books, but then again LOTR isn't among the best fantasy books either
It is fun to read and a good story that follows the hero's journey type, a more politically charged star wars if you will
>God Emperor of Dune is underrated
It's completely overrated. People constantly argue that it's as good or better than Dune. They'll also bring up how weird it is when there's nothing that weird in it at all. The time jump between 2 and 3 is pretty big but it's the only way to establish just how successful Leto has been.
Crime and Punishment is significantly better than Dune. Not him, you'd just have to be a fucking idiot to think they were on par.
And /lit/ is full of pretentious dickheads, their opinion means nothing.
The Left Hand of Darkness is great and unironically the best love story in a science fiction novel.
Well ofcourse it is, but it doesnt stop being entry level as fuck
Entry level is the most pretentious criticism there is. Obscurity has nothing to do with quality. Most classics are well known and well revered for a fucking reason, and most obscure gems remain obscure for a reason too. No one gives a shit about your Tibetan farmer's spiritually charged take on Columbian politics written in the style of an operatic recitative. Fuck off.
>LOTR isn't among the best fantasy books either
What is then?
There IS a thing as simplification, which is why classics appeal to everyone
You dont have to read 500 books on the genre to enjoy them, and while they can be and usually are great books, they almost never fully express what the writer feels
It was already ruined by Lynch, as much of a Lynch fanboy as I am.
If Dennis gets the same freedom and budget that he had on Bladerunner, I don't see how it can't be good. I think it needs to be split into two movies to really work though
You’re so pretentious. I’m the guy that named C&P. You know why? I looked at my bookshelf and named the first fucking thing. And you pseudo intellectuals are acting like it’s some telling statement. This thread is /lit/ condensed. A bunch of pretentious jerkoffs talking out of their ass.
Name of the wind, magicians, I kinda prefer eragorn, wheel of time
the latter doesn't mean the opposite you mong
if you presented two options and then said "is it the latter?" then it would make sense
the book is not action heavy, but there are some big scenes
>If Dennis gets the same freedom and budget that he had on Bladerunner, I don't see how it can't be good
He hasn't really taken on anything of this scope before (apart from arguably Arrival) though. He's at his best with personal, small scope storytelling. This is new territory and not necessarily territory that suits him.
Arrival and Prisoners sucked ass
Sicario and Bladerunner were modern day masterpieces and Enemy was pretty good if derivative
jesus christ
Son, you haven't even read Crime and Punishment, you just pulled out the first title that came into your head.
>”name a book”
>name the first thing that comes to mind
Sicario had some bigger scenes to it. Honestly, I don't think it's fair to say anything isn't his territory since he's yet to make the same movie twice
even as a 12 year old I knew Eragon was fucking trash
I've been managing 60 or so myself now that I've started catching public transport to work. I used to be the same as you and read over 100 a year when I was younger, but after I graduated high school I probably read 5 in a decade, and two of them were books on golf
It feels good to be reading again.
Post what you’re currently reading. Pic related.