Is he going to be OK, guys?
Is he going to be OK, guys?
The thing with Daisy is that she is so unlikable that it literally transcends the script and Rey the character becomes unlikable as a result, not that she's a well written character to begin with. You can see it on Driver's and Hamil's face whenever they interact with her in real life. She comes across as the type of bitch that you can't really do anything to please. SHE LIKES WHAT SHE LIKES. Annoying bitch. Worst character of TLJ, which is a triumph considering the fat mongoloid asian chick with the giant head. Worse yet, her ass appears huge in some photos while appearing insanely small in others, resulting in an overall confusion that is just not attractive in any way. Bunnyfu is way better.
poor man's keanu reeves
He's got really, really bad social anxiety and it shows at public events and stuff. He's often blanking out staring into space or the floor when he isn't actively interacted with. Pretty awkward with fans too.
He's having flashbacks
He just knows he looks best when he has a stern or neutral expression. It makes him look like some kind of slavic horseman. When he smiles and laughs he just looks like another dude with a lucky hairline.
>i could be on Sup Forums right now
>doesn't want to deal with rabid manchildren fanboys but is contractually obligated to do so
>really bad social anxiety
Patterson is his only good film.
IMAGINE being Adam in this scene
>my feet hurt
Lol Adam looks like he wants to raw her any chance he might get. He has literally said several times she's a great scene partner.
Are you that faggot user obsessed with Bunnycia in every sw thread?
If you don't have social anxiety you are likely a brainlet.
>Lol Adam looks like he wants to raw her any chance he might get.
>Posts a gif of him literally shriveling away from her the moment she approaches
Oh shit lol, he's fucking averting his eyes holy shit your right
If anyone wants to watch a fun interview of him talking about his dog.
He knows that as a straight white male he may be accused of sexual harassment for even looking at her.
The best part is you know it's not because he's intimidated by her or he's a beta or something, he just straight up thinks she's a bitch.
Adam's wife is qter than Daisy
discount piper
it's because her dress looks like it's made out of garbage bags and he's trying not to laugh. this one is much nicer..
I'm pretty sure it's a case of Daisy wanting his dick because she's a turbo slag, and he's trying his hardest to avoid her because he's married
why does he hate darkies so much
Oh god. Puke.
This. She's so thirsty it's not even funny, he's just trying to keep it professional.
>Being this dumb. He was literally the one most loudly clapping for her when she was called on stage. Here's the clip:
lol poor Daisy. Looks like she expected him to kiss and hug her and he just moves away and she just looks at John awkwardly.
Imagine being Adam Driver in Girls and having to be all like “damn, Lena Dunham, you fuckin` fine, all sexy with your mayonnaise stuffed into an industrial sized garbage bag body and horrific snaggle toothed monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me.” when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Adam and not only act on that show while Lena Dunham flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favourable lighting barely concealing her cellulite and blotchy skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that scene. Not only having to tolerate her moon-faced fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she’s TOTALLY EMPOWERED and DAMN, LENA DUNHAM LOOKS LIKE THAT?! because they’re not the ones who have to sit there and watch her hippoish fucking face contort into types of smug smirks you didn’t even know existed before that day. You’ve been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of 7/10's and Iraqi captives for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Missouri. You’ve never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that’s breaking out on her rotund stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her “curvaceous (for that is what she calls herself)” beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with Pinkberry and Cinnabun in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you’re fucking Adam Driver. You’re not going to lose your future Star Wars money over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
I would watch cuckold porn of adam pile driving daisy while john boyega cries and jacks it in the corner
Everyone knows Daisy wants his dick, but I think he's just nice and professional but he's not going to touch her if he doesn't have to.
And another samefag general
He's a proper married Christian guy. If he wasn't though...
19 samefagging. It doesn't even double you mong
Literally our guy
>if he doesn't have to.
>Episode IX is the first Star Wars film to feature unsimulated sex
>the first one to feature sex
No scene of anakin railing padme
She looks like an ugly 30 year old dog.
What a disgusting belly button
>implying you wouldnt rub your dick in it
Literally this.
>They actually have a sex scene between Rey and Kylo
I'd maybe actually pay to see it
it would unironically draw in more women than anything else they could do at this point
>the booing at kylo
What the actual fuck is peoples problem it's like if you play hitler in a movie people have to boo at you I fucking hate people so god damn much clapping in theaters like what the fuck stop with this shit it's disrespectful
Im not up to date with this stuff can you give a source for this? Im all for them in the movies but irl daisy seems like a faggot with no emotion
is black on black on black /fa/?
did the mods kill your general faggots?
You seem like you have a hatred of women for rejecting you, so you project it onto this random actress.
not even him but this is an actual 0/10
>Reporter: "Will fans be happy with what happens to Kylo?"
>Adam: "God I hope... I hope they will"
He knew the backlash TLJ would have with the horrible writing and he must feel bad with not being able to live up to fans expectations of actually having a great character arc.
But it's not his fault. He delivered the best performance and saved TLJ from being so forgettable.
Boyega I am sure is more depressed. Disney fucking lied to him with trying to make him a hero.
His character was great though, he should be able to breathe a sigh of relief about that at least.
Delusional reylofags.
>His character was great though
He goes from deciding to not kill his mother to then wanting to kill her again.
How is that great?
Snoke's next test (from what I presume) after he killed his mother was killing his mother so why does he still decide to go ahead with this when he kills Snoke?
>after he killed his mother
his father
I sincerely hope not. Between Girls and NuWars this guy is like the posterboy for soy. His suicide would represent a great start to the new year.
>Punished Adam
A man denied his character arc
Edgy low hanging fruit bait desu
You pathetic reylo faggots have been btfo
How was Kylo supposed to know that Leia survived the missile that launched her into outer space. He thought she was dead, that's why he doesn't care about killing the rest of the resistance ships
I'm always here. Waiting for new Adam threads. Watching. Ready to save new content.
kill yourself faggot. At least the mods got rid of your tumblr/reddit general.
they just stopped making new ones, mods had nothing to do with it
>they just stopped making new ones
Oh, I haven't been making any generals. I'm not even a big reylo fan I just really like Adam. You're safe from me.
>How was Kylo supposed to know that Leia survived the missile
the force you dumb fuck
in lieu of any new content they had pretty much ran their course
good. too many women and gays.
Looks like he hurt himself today.
Finncuck tears still delicious as ever.
why do you queers always assume that? All shipfags must hang.
because that's what you are. no one agrees with you and you say the same shit and spam threads all by yourself like an autist.
I'm a "finncuck" because I think shipping is for teenage girls and gays? make sense faggot.
thought that's his mom
Adam says she's beautiful
shut the fuck up hole
Someone is in major denial, tsktsk
He also said Carrie was beautiful right before that, he's being nice. You really going to call your female co-stars ugly?
>when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room
Change this to banging Daisy and you have a proper rendition of this pasta
No, you're a finncuck because you're scandinavian and have a thing for Tyrone railing your wife
Big upgrade to the absolute walking disaster that was his previous co-star
Is he /ourguy/?
barren cunt
That thirst tho
Who wouldnt wanna make love to her?
Is she pregnant? Who would impregnate this turd
reylo a cute! a cute!
>the smell of halitosis and urine
Fuck i hate fat chicks.
>legit marine
US Marines is literally mental issues central.
shes just a fat cunt
kek like 3/4ths of the military are spergs
I'm pretty sure he addicted to some strong drugs, that's why he's always pissed. He just wants to leave as fast as he can so he can have another rail of coke. I mean this guy refused to hang out with Mark Hamill on the set of TLJ. He's scared someone would notice his habit.
If get lewd or romantic thoughts about the person I like, I cringed away or look away (depending on how lewd the though is) so that they don’t see my shame. I am just saying
She would be a lot sexier with an innie.