Yoda could feel the dark side in count dooku before he betrayed everyone

>yoda could feel the dark side in count dooku before he betrayed everyone
>all the jedi masters could feel the dark side in Anakin before he betrayed everyone
>luke could feel the dark side in Kylo before he betrayed him

>somehow no one could feel the dark side in palpatine until anakin literally told them he was a sith lord

is this the biggest plot hole in star wars?

>the devil's greatest deception was convincing the world that he did not exist

it's like a simile and shit bruh calm down dude

No, he was that powerful. He was a true dark side user. A jedi would have had to have met him prior to him turning. He was very skilled at masking his intentions and presence. This is a dark side skill that he mastered. Dooku used to be good and turned, this makes it obvious to Yoda that he has changed. A good person potentially going evil is a ripple in the path and can be seen. A shadow in the darkness cannot be seen and this was Palpatine. Once he knew his skills were ready he got a position in Naboo and even invited Jedi to stop him, and they failed. That's when he knew he could succeed and let the droid invasion happen and got the Chancellor removed and started the course we saw to him becoming emporeor.

In the prequels, many Jedi remark how the dark side clouds the vision of the Jedi. Yoda even says the Jedis ability to use to force has diminished. Its heavily implied Sidious uses the force to hide his identity and to manipulate and misinform his opponents.

so this nigga was powerful enough to basically take over the world through disillusion and fool the best jedis in the world, but he lost in a battle to fucking mace windu of all people?

lmao what is this writing i feel like they just add shit in and then realize that they wrote themselves in a corner

>but he lost in a battle to fucking mace windu
lmao it was all part of the plan

>but he lost in a battle to fucking mace windu of all people?
But he didn't.

Sheev was a master ruseman

are u dumb niggas really trying to say he lost that battle on purpose to make anakin side with him


No. He was on the verge of defeat but used Anakin once he saw the opportunity. So not only did he come out victorious, he also pushed Anakin that much closer to the dark side. He's playing chess, not checkers.

look how fast he killed the others

dark side is 1000% more powerful than light especially when there are so few other dark side users, it all concentrates into sheev

So you're willing to accept knights and wizards in space, but Palpatine deceiving people breaks the immersion?

Mace Windu was the most skilled duelist of all Jedi of the prequel era, but it could also be argued that Sheev threw the fight to turn Anakin.

He's a master ruser not the best duelist what's wrong with losing a fight?

>Mace Windu was the most skilled duelist of all Jedi of the prequel era

I dunno he looked like a bitch to me

>Anakin basically says Dindu's the most powerful
>beats D'jango who beat Obi Wan who beat Anakin
>was beating Sidious who had just smoked three (3) Jedi masters in under three (3) seconds
This last point is arguable as Sheev might have been throwing the fight/playing for time as he sensed Anakin approaching.

you don't get star wars shut the fuck up cunt.

dooku was a far better duelist that mace

>gets BTFO'd by Anakin in under 30 seconds
>Anakin and Obi-wan fight for 15 minutes
>Anakin loses
>Jango held his own against Obi-wan
>Windu beat Jango
>Windu is better than Obi-Wan
>Windu is better than Anakin (at dueling)
>Windu is better than Dooku

>dark side is 1000% more powerful than light
Tempted, this one is. In a closed room there is no light. Only darkness. Surrounding you, all you see. Powerful, is it? So why does it vanish at the sight of a mere candle? Hm?

Because they trained them to use the force.
The emperor didn't use the force in front of the jedi. They thought he was just a normal guy.

They said the force was cloudy or some shit. They referenced it a few times.

>feel like they just add shit in and then realize that they wrote themselves in a corner

No shit.

>"Oh wait Padme is still alive... uhhh.... I guess she can just... i dunnoo.... die of being too sad?"
Fuckin' hell George.

The dark is generous.
Its first gift is concealment: our true faces lie in the dark beneath our skins, our true hearts remain shadowed deeper still. But the greatest concealment lies not in protecting our secret truths, but in hiding from the truths of others.
The dark protects us from what we dare not know.
Its second gift is comforting illusion: the ease of gentle dreams in night’s embrace, the beauty that imagination brings to what would repel in the day’s harsh light. But the greatest of its comforts is the illusion that dark is temporary: that every night brings a new day. Because it’s the day that is temporary.
Day is the illusion.
Its third gift is the light itself: as days are defined by the nights that divide them, as stars are defined by the infinite black through which they wheel, the dark embraces the light, and brings it forth from the center of its own self.
With each victory of the light, it is the dark that wins.

The dark is generous, and it is patient.
It is the dark that seeds cruelty into justice, that drips contempt into compassion, that poisons love with grains of doubt.
The dark can be patient, because the slightest drop of rain will cause those seeds to sprout.
The rain will come, and the seeds will sprout, for the dark is the soil in which they grow, and it is the clouds above them, and it waits behind the star that gives them light.
The dark’s patience is infinite.
Eventually, even stars burn out.

The dark is generous, and it is patient, and it always wins.
It always wins because it is everywhere.
It is in the wood that burns in your hearth, and in the kettle on the fire; it is under your chair and under your table and under the sheets on your bed. Walk in the midday sun, and the dark is with you, attached to the soles of your feet.
The brightest light casts the darkest shadow.

*flies up above and then throws the senate at u to hurt u from up above*

Actually made dindu says directly that the dark side of the force surrounds Palpatine. But apparently that's not enough to act on or even really care.

There are a million ways they could've had Anakin cause padmes death. This was some bullshit.
Also what kind of bitch loses the will to live when she just gave birth to two kids

No. It isn't a plot hole. It's G-canon that Palpatine was the most powerful Sith in history. It's directly stated in the films that a dark shadow had been cast over the Force. Palpatine was mind fucking everyone. He was able to obscure himself in the Force, which is in the official novelization of Revenge of the Sith, also G-Canon by proxy of being a film novelization.

Go to bed, Matt.

>The dark is generous.
>Its first gift is concealment: our true faces lie in the dark beneath our skins, our true hearts remain shadowed deeper still. But the greatest concealment lies not in protecting our secret truths, but in hiding from the truths of others.
>The dark protects us from what we dare not know.
>Its second gift is comforting illusion: the ease of gentle dreams in night’s embrace, the beauty that imagination brings to what would repel in the day’s harsh light. But the greatest of its comforts is the illusion that dark is temporary: that every night brings a new day. Because it’s the day that is temporary.
>Day is the illusion.
>Its third gift is the light itself: as days are defined by the nights that divide them, as stars are defined by the infinite black through which they wheel, the dark embraces the light, and brings it forth from the center of its own self.
>With each victory of the light, it is the dark that wins.
>The dark is generous, and it is patient.
>It is the dark that seeds cruelty into justice, that drips contempt into compassion, that poisons love with grains of doubt.
>The dark can be patient, because the slightest drop of rain will cause those seeds to sprout.
>The rain will come, and the seeds will sprout, for the dark is the soil in which they grow, and it is the clouds above them, and it waits behind the star that gives them light.
>The dark’s patience is infinite.
>Eventually, even stars burn out.
>The dark is generous, and it is patient, and it always wins.
>It always wins because it is everywhere.
>It is in the wood that burns in your hearth, and in the kettle on the fire; it is under your chair and under your table and under the sheets on your bed. Walk in the midday sun, and the dark is with you, attached to the soles of your feet.
>The brightest light casts the darkest shadow.

young nigga forgot that love can ignite the stars.

Yea and I ended up dying peacefully in my bed. How long did you scream before you hit the bottom?


that last passage ruins the entire poem and so was left out. seriously i feel like lucas made him put that in their in the editing or did it himself. there is no redeeming love in the story, thematically it makes no sense

Sheev was a master of deceit and the Dark Side in general. It took a Jedi trained unconventionally plus the "chosen one" plus their familial bond to take him down in the end, and that was after he had conquered and governed the galaxy for dozens of years.

Sheev is pretty much the most accomplished Force user in canon (until Episode 9 where Rey will single-handedly bring peace and prosperity to the entire galaxy).