When are they going to bring this show back?

When are they going to bring this show back?

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Too deep for this generation...someone cried when Terra never give another chance to Beastboy...oh man...even Raven give a nice advice, this show can be so fucking real...

I didn't know Cyborg used to be black. I had always thought he was just full robot.

You'll get TTGo and you'll like it!

Can one lose their race by becoming a robit?

>he didn't post the other half of it, where Starfire says one of her many deep lines in the show
I'm starting to think people here hate Starfire so much they make her look dumb on purpose.

He's probably trans something. Too trendy these days not to put a label on it.

What if robit IS a race?

If this show came back, it would get the same treatment Samurai jack did. Sup Forums is ungrateful as fuck and needs to die

This. Sup Forums just begs and begs for rehashes and then when they get them they just complain that they're either too much of rehashes or not enough.

the problem with nostalgiafags is that they don't really want the show to come back, they want to feel the same way they did when they were little kids watching cartoons. But those feels are gone forever, you can't go back in time.

Then it's the best race.

>you can't go back in time.

Please, delete this.

well... I mean.. transhuman has been a word since the 60's.
Posthuman, singularity, etc etc..


Needs to be catchier if you're going to get attention and cause a fuss today and create clickbait.

yeah but in the sense it's typically used in today's age that's imply he's trying to transition I to human rather than transitioned past.

So he started out as a robot but got damaged so they chopped up some black dude and glued the pieces to the robot? Sounds about right

>rob it
ok, I know he's black, but come on, that's pushing it

I'll never stop waiting.

So in the cartoon Terra was implicitly banging Slade like the comic?

They'd want a new character to fuck off while more focus is put on the characters they wanted back in the first place?

That last episode was nonsensical garbage no one needed or wanted.

Why do people even like this ship? It was a forced trainwreck solely for the purpose of setting up for the betrayal. Not only did that made the relationship look like nothing, which it was since he knew her for a total of a few days altogether, but it was also nowhere near enough to give proper weight to the betrayal. They junked literally everything else from the source material, why keep this plotline, especially if they didn't have the time to properly develop it.

>If this show came back, it would get the same treatment Samurai jack did.

>They junked literally everything else from the source material
Probably because it was shit.

anybody know what episode it is?

I think its the one where he goes undercover at the hive

Robot is the most optimal race.

Never, they've rebooted this twice.

Liking TTGo?
That is a thing that will never happen.

A cyborg by definition must have organic components

I like Starfire. As a horny teen Raven was my favorite but later on I appreciated her optimistic personality more, even in the most dire of situations.

No, it would get shit on by contrarians.

Episode 27 "Deception"

user Beast Boy was way better in the comic, now thank to this show, he's an unfunny comic relief character that dosen't get any character development in the comics, he almost solo Deathstroke, he's a jobber in comics, but now he's not even that

what are you talking about, it is back


It's something?