New Black Mirror thread
What did I think of USS Callister?
this show is for reddyt only
>getting seduced in a simulation where sex doesnt exist
But I get seduced in video games all the time
Black Museum is alright. Twist is good, parts of it feel contrived,
The main attraction is a holographic AI of a murderer. The girl is his daughter. She manages to poison the guy and shut down the dad's hologram.
It's filled with political buzzwords and prominently features an interracial couple with a boy that looks like a girl. Sup Forums is gonna be pissed.
It used to upset me that they quit even trying to have nuance or subtlety with pushing their (((tricks))) on us, but Netflix has lowered the bar for hamfisted leftist demagoguery so much, I'm honestly shocked that buzzwords, interracial couples and gender neutrality are all that they crammed into the episode.
I want pictures of this boy.
Arkangel was a solid 10
Ending was fucking shit.
Finished Arkangel now. Bit better but still underwhelming. Had more potential. I feel like Netflix watered it down heavily. Hope it gets better.
Arkangel was really disturbing
I liked that it BTFO helicopter mom with a their trigger warnings and gay ass shit
Arkangel felt more disturbing then the USS Calistar
It definitely was.
Plebbit is rating it 6's and 7's and USS Callister 9's and 10's.
Can't believe this shit.
I want Nosedive part II, where Lacie goes off the deep end and starts eating uncontrollably. She develops a whole new set of problems when her ever protruding ass is always bumping into tables, her fat swollen tits block her eye line to her keyboard, and her gradually expanding belly forces her to sit further away from her desk.
What kind of stupid name is Trick
I didn't really like the twist. it felt telegraphed really early. Not sure how I felt about the teddy-AI, feels like the kind of thing where they'd just 'upgrade' the ai into a 'humane' body or kill them. the pushy black lady who moved in on the dude pissed me off too.
good episode.
USS Callister has the same problem that San Junipero is. Basically, without getting political: it's a happy ending and not dark. Underwhelmed. No mind fucks pulled at all, they accomplish their mission flawlessly and the evil mastermind loses.
is it out on torrent yet?
I refuse to subscribe to Netflix.
this season taking shots at /r9k/ types
It's a good story for a sci fi anthology but it's not quite dark enough for Black Mirror. I still liked it though.
just finished it. The feelgood ending was bullshit
fill me up with download link senpaitachi, I'm trying to download from rarbg but speed is close to a zero
I thought it would end with the other player destroying them
Why was Meth Damon portrayed as the bad guy? What he does in the privacy in his own home is his own damn business, they weren't even real people.
A big fuck you to beta virgins who use the internet and technology as a power trip.
I loved it.
Arkangel was great, just finished it. Way better than Callister, and probably one of my favorites in the series.
ermahgerd its out
gonna try to not watch more than an episode a day, wish me luck lads
How many episodes are in the new season? Also rate the season
It was okay. The ending was shit though, really cheesy Hollywood ending. I liked it before when the show had more realistic european endings.. when it was a British show.
God tier, much better than Arkangel
What the FUCK was his problem?
/trek/ here
entire episode was bad; I could list tons of problems. main problem is that they used TOS instead of TNG, VOY, or DS9. trek fans in the future will most likely view TOS similar to how the average "cinephile" views silent films today.
He was such a snivelling little bitch.
>WAAAAAAAAAH I'm blessed with genius intellect, forward-thinking technology, a high-paying job and endless oppurtunities m-m-muh boss yells at me :'-(
It's even worse he wasted an incredible platform on a power fantasy based on a cheesy tv show like Star Trek. He was a fucking loser.
I know some of you faggots sided with him too.
Torrent up on tpb
>is it out on torrent yet?
How do you think everyone are watching it if they don't have Netflix? Retard.
Everyone was a douche to him for no reason. Even the co boss acknowledged this in the end.
That's not the point dude. He was a timid creep and people saw that and didn't even try to change it. He just kept staring.
NEED stream link
holy kek this is some serious autism
haha what if your dad was an app bro *hits vape*
do you really not see how he's a complete caricature of a person? I expected him to start killing employees in real life because his avatars disobeyed him, terrible character writing. the plot was chock full of macguffins too
Exit fucking game
Holy kek you saw a lot of yourself in him and apparently that's my fault.
I'm on episode 3 and really hoping there's some twist that makes it less retarded. Why does this petite anorexic woman have superstrength? Why are there just industrial plants with no security that have unlocked openings to hot liquids? I'm really hoping this gets less stupid somehow.
Calm down, user.
I finished the first 3 episodes. The first 2 have very interesting concepts. USS Callister should've just left out the cheesy fucking ending. It was painful so watch. As it panned out to the city, it should've ended. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND STOPPING THERE. Arkangel had a great concept but the ending felt flat. Crocodile was meh. Very predictable. I'm feeling very disappointed by this season so far overall. I'm starting to think the previous seasons are over hyped by myself.
>white woman better at coding than a POC
really makes you think
I didn't really like metalhead all that much:
without a set up of showing why these things are just killing people / animals, it makes them into steroetypical murder-bots. I was half expecting it to be a "poor people" purge near the end when the expensive house / car were walled off.
She's the architect of the construction site.
Crocodile is based. Best so far. Plot twist is good.
>She's the architect of the construction site
Well that does explain half of it, thanks user.
That plot twist was not good at all. That episode was boring as fuck.
Crocodile was really mediocre. Like a straight 5.
Moved at a snail's pace. Didn't even get a satisfying ending.
5 might be generous
what ep does autists get btfod?
>reminder that Chads always win
On USS Callister for sure but im on only ep 4 right now
Well you can defend it if you want. Dude was in diagnistics, white girl was in engine architecture. Besides she was fangirling hard about the code algorithm so you could say she knew better about the system.
should i skip ep 3? everyone says it shit
Fucking based, was worried when it started but that was a great big budget episode
How is this season compared to season 3?
It looks nice but its trash
this shit is feminist propaganda
where da 1080p torrents at
netflixfags can fuck right off
Netflix shills out in full force today as well.
Hope you lads get paid well
starts off strong and end's weak just like every other season
cant find 1080p
Watching ep 4 now
>tfw no light skinned black british gf
Imagine living like this
Is this just gonna be a The Lobster type deal senpai
Just started a free month on netflix. Don't know how it let me considering I had an account a few years ago and I used the same details to create a new account and the free trial.
Monkey needs a hug
USS Callister: 6.5/10
Arkangel: 9/10
Crocodile: 4.5/10
Can't wait to see what the other 3 are like after breakfast
Have any of you ever read Ted Kaczynski's manifesto? I can't be the only one that noticed that this show has many parallels as to what he envisioned our relationship with technology would become.
glad I skipped crocodile. It looked shit
the first episode was weak
>main character is terribly written
I don't know if the director was telling him to act like it, but I assumed he was a serial killer before the plot actually started
>none of the program holes have any reason to exist whatsoever
you're telling me that he created a huge overlay for a photorealistic VR program in his spare time, but he didn't remove the extremely obvious ways to subvert control? this is selecting lines of code and deleting them level of difficulty, I don't know anything past HTML and I could easily do this if you told me what the code looked like.
>primary protagonist has all of the answers which are all painfully obvious while the other people are complete idiots
the one guy is a coder of some kind and you're telling me he never thought of the stuff that she thought up in under 1 minute
>plot devices/errors carry the plot to completion
here's a list of them:
>sentient programs created through dna strands
>this process happens at the same time as fully immersive VR starts to take off
>invite sent through program not connected to the internet
>network patch physically manifests itself as wormhole because bullshit
>this patch crashes the entire program for some reason
>the programmer didn't anticipate for this at all
>crew other than creator can use the creator's personally programmed controls
>crew can text/talk to people in the real world with this magical device
>main protagonist's real world character turns into a ninja for one scene
So which eps are worth watching?
watch episode 2
>guy playing a game is sooooo evil
>omg so someone save the poor fictional game characters
Was good but as mentioned the ending was a bit wierd. Thought it would be a I have no mouth but I must scream kinda ending
>sentient programs created through dna strands
I held my suspension of disbelief for this, but I drew the line at the fact that the sentient copies he produced with the DNA have all the memories of their counterparts.
why is there a at-least-1-blacked-a-season quota for this show?
is charlie brooker a cuck?
Can we all agree The Twilight Zone is the far superior show?
>I'm the King of spaaaaaaceee
dropped it right here desu. why did they hire that autist aaron paul?
Just finished Ep3. Straight up killed my binge, I'm going to sleep now. You could tell where the plot was going within 10 minutes, and the execution wasn't even very good. Zero interesting characters, not very interesting use of technology, and a cheap twist. First two were great though for me.
not watching a second til i get the 1080p
Ep4 is literally about getting cucked
It shits all over Black Mirror. And I think the earlier seasons of Black Mirror are good.
this level of technology is more advanced than sentient artificial intelligence
an active neural 3d visualization alongside various samples of dna could be used to create an imperfectly sentient program with the level of technology present maybe, but constantly replicating cheek cells which would barely give any information about environment are apparently all you need
He could've just logged out and stopped the update
Wtf is this stupid shit? Just watched Hang the DJ. What is this FEEL GOOD ending shit????????? Wtf?????
>Black Mirror season 4 might not be so dark: ‘The world is in a place where it might appreciate things that aren't so unremittingly horrible’
>'There's a limit to how much constant nihilistic bleakness I can take,' creator Charlie Brooker said
>I drew the line at the fact that the sentient copies he produced with the DNA have all the memories of their counterparts.
how did you watch the white christmas episode?
I think if you watxh the twilight zone it makes black mirror way harder to enjoy cause it feels like it trys to do similar twisrs but they are either obvious or shit. I would like to enjoy it more but a show from the 60s is still superior 50/60 years on.
Good luck (:
By recognizing how in that they formed the clone by long term monitoring of the original's brain activity, it makes way more sense.
someone give me a quick rundown on all the episodes