So is this guy human or a Replicant with implanted memories like K? They don't really make that clear

So is this guy human or a Replicant with implanted memories like K? They don't really make that clear.

the entire point of the character is to ask that question. Blade runner is about questioning the line between human and android. do androids dream of electric sheep? did k finally become a real human bean?

Replicants are supposed to know they're replicants. Rachael was an exception because she was a special experiment.
This guy is way too secondary and way too cringey to be a secret replicant.


So you say the humans seem more artificial than the artificial humans do via their behavior patterns that seems less than human when compared to a replicant questioning their existence... That's kinda the whole god damn point congratulations for finally catching on.

>philip k. dick

>he had baby photos implying he was a baby once
>is bald like every other human male, unlike K hmmm idk

did decker know ?

Maybe he was the replicant born at the start of the movie?

Did you niggas see the movies?
You wanna get into debating whether or not Deckard was a repli, argument stands, if he was and didn't know, he was special as in "designed to be special", fall in love with Rachael, have a kid etc... If he wasn't, then he just wasn't.
And they made it pretty clear that the only born replicant was memory girl in the white room.

>has a mom
>durr is he a replicant
fuck dude, i don't fucking know. holy shit, you faggots just watching it after the torrent are fucking retarded.

she was human, tho ?

Welcome to SOYWORLD

Holy moly dude r u serious?
Ok, I'll indulge...
>Daughter of Deckard and an a repli
>Pretty sure they went with the "Deckard is actually human" thing, especially noticing how he gets severely btfo by real replis during both movies and never shows any sighn of repli powers.
>You still have 2 choices
>A: daughter is human/replicant hybrid
>B: daughter is pure replicant
Now choose your canon and do the math. It's not that hard.

Replicants are clones not androids you fucking piece of shit

What's with the aggro m8? Are u an edgy illiterate kid perhaps?
Not him but you do know "Do androids dream of electric sheep?" is the name of the work the original movie is based on right?

A replicant could produce a human baby if the father was human. Like IV fertiliaztion.


That's not how sex works user
23 +23

Within soys interlinked.

umm no sweetie