How did elves control every part of media, finance, and the judiciary while only being two percent of the population?
How did elves control every part of media, finance, and the judiciary while only being two percent of the population?
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sad the movie didn't show mixed raced orc-humans
he posted it again
Magic, muthafucka
they are the dark lords chosen people, user.
what did they mean by this
High IQ
In short, the superior race
By the guy with the sword there were mixed families, and in the orc music club as well, you degenerate
t. Eredin Riversong
holy fuck this had to be intentional.
They control the finance and banking system, which has corrupted the whole fabric of society. They control the media, using it as means of literal mind-control for the masses, playing the enslaved races against each other in fake antagonistic narratives.
In case you want some deepcore redpills: Their Inferni leaders believe they are in contact with the Dark Lord himself, and routinely do human sacrifices to him. They've been filmed worshiping him at Bohemian Grove, for fuck's sake. There are magic compounds on all living creatures, such as adrenochrome and DMT, that connect our physical bodies to the higher dimensions of magic: they extract these compounds from their victims in order to perform magic rituals and communicate with the Dark Lord. They believe this evil interdimensional entity is giving them advanced magic and technology that they plan to use for the enslavement of all other species in an AI-controlled technological prison, a corporate ad-ridden facsimile of reality, through computer-brain interfaces. We are on the early stages of this NWO plan, which culminates in the return of the Dark Lord to this Earth.
>this is a 10/10 in elftown
The study that showed only Ashkenazi jews had high IQs was performed on an isolated group of them. You can get similar results from all groups of people all around the world. You've been jewed into believing kikes have high IQs
this is an elf thread user, no one mentioned jews
>It's the Netflix shill thread
sahh gee
post screencaps pl0x
big if true
Human Forgeburner.jpg
would you answer the door at 2am or let them break in?
>Dark Lord was an Elf
>Jirak wasan Orc
>Orcs are the evil ones
hmmm really gets my noggin going
Because nobody wants to stand in the way of Noomi Elf
>this thread again
Don't ruin a good movie with dumb troll threads.
Without a doubt.
why do all the orcs in this show look like they have vitiligo? That's the only thing I can't get behind
did you watch the movie? they destroyed the illuminati and obviously took their place
First fat Haldir in LotR and now this. Elf fat acceptance must be stopped!
They are orcs not trolls
t. Celebrimbor
Op gotta farm those you's my friend
Fuck Elves
Ok u frst
How did jews control every part of media, finance, and the judiciary while only being two percent of the population?
How did they manage to control the world then ?
>First fat Haldir in LotR
kek i thought the same
Well no, because *brings the mic closer* Every 10 years the cells in your body actually completely change. I was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- Jaimie could you get that article up? Yeah but it's because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go *looks over at the screen* Look at that ... Yeah, that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? Jesus those things will tear you to shreds
When she sees your D
They had banking monopoly in the medieval world because christcucks decided that banking isn't cool with Jesus. And then once your family has the money making more money isn't that hard.
I haven't watched this yet, but does this setting have no dwarves? I thought they were the fantasy jews.
Elves don't really work as Jews because Elves tend to segregate from the other species. They have their own community and they don't want outsiders. Whereas Jews tend to mingle
except that they still consistently outperform poor little white bois on the vast majority of intelligence tests.
But yeah, I'm sure that IQ is just a number to you. Except when it comes to black people, then it's a clear indicator of genetic superiority. But the fact that Asians and Jews have higher IQs in general than white people does not mean white people are inferior to them.
Do I have your opinion fairly well summarized?
>whats Israel
There's one.
A place where most Jews don't live in.
t. ORCED elfboi
Dwarfs don't live in LA, according to the movie. They are found in Florida though.
but segregate themself from outsiders
and if they live outside of it, they help it to become/stay stable
What is a Brezzik and a Panahu?
Demons and Walrusmen?
except for that one guy. see:
Brezziks are Lizard Men. I have no idea what a Panahu is.
>hi everybody. I speak only in memes.
Consider leaving the house for a little while today.
What do you think they call humans with dwarfism to tell them apart?
Panahu are fish people.
Why do people get angry when there is a Bright thread?
Are they Disney shills and want to bury it real quick?
Fuck he even dresses like a jew
In all seriousness, this malady may not exist in the world Bright takes place in. I got the impression several things from the "real world" that people have tried to find parallels for in this film simply don't exist in Bright.
Who is this baby maker?
>a police centaur
>mixed race couples seen in some scenes
>none of these are EVER touched upon
why the fuck did they make this a movie rather than a series, it makes no sense
Learn to google you fucking idiot. I found her name in half a minute.
You write like a huge faggot dude. I can visualize your prissy little hand movements just from how you type. Jesus that was embarrassing to read.
>he doesn't speak in memes
I think they are taking over, because I noticed an increase in unrelated elven threads of late.
she plays the failed elf assassin stuck on the wall
atleast she wont run away
no way, where is that
looks like the temple scene
Must be. Nobody complained about the countless Goddess of Death threads
>still consistently outperform poor little white bois on the vast majority of intelligence tests.
He just demonstrated how that was a false perception. though. Do you not understand the importance of double-blind testing?
then there's no way that isn't on purpose
Bigger than her elf boi bf.
>1. Lucked out by being the only group allowed to practice usury (it was meant to be a punishment; no-one, not even the Jews, understood economic implications during the middle-ages).
>2. They maintained a strong in-group preference
Nothing personal, kid.
I can infer that you're shallow, ignorant and naive about the Jews. Your line, what Sup Forums rants on about is how inferior they are, some sub-species, and I keep saying how wrong that is! They are sublimely clever. And they are intelligent as well. My indictments to that race are stronger and heavier because they are real, not uneducated ideology.
when is the temple scene?
They fooled most people into believing that they have high IQ, seems pretty high IQ to me
>that race
They are not race.
Ashkenazi jews. The one's with mostly Central and northern European DNA.
Not the Sephardi, Mizrahi, Israeli, Ethiopian jews. Just the Ashkenazi.
Psychopathy (also other mental illnesses brought by several inbreeding) and nepotism.
Your grammar is garbage and you used words in an improper context several times. I'd like to think you're trolling, but it's hard to know these days.
Are gipsies and blacks intelligent for being the world's most successful beggars?
Every time it’s posted. Fucking hell.
they don't have as much money as the jews so no
Based Latino elves
Deal with the reality of the Jew and the world will applaud us. Treat them as imaginary phantoms, evil in human fantasies, and the world would have justified contempt for us.
Nobody believes that.
>they don't have as much money as the jews so no
There are far more white billionaires than Jewish, though.
there are far more whites than jews also
Well then, if Jews are so smart, why are they an endangered species with a plethora of genetic issues?
>f-false goyy
they don't want to be the majority, because then they would have to do work themselves. they want to be an exclusionary old boy's club