Solo Script Summary

I'm being quick so here's a rundown of the upcoming standalone Han Solo movie.

- No crawl, Movie starts 10 years before ANH on Kashyyyk, with Imperials taking over the planet and working alongside Trandoshan slaver owners to enslave the Wookiees for the Empire. We see Chewie is on the run, hiding on the planet with no escape. Kills a few storm troopers too.

- Han is meanwhile outrunning Coruscant police, as he has stolen some credits from a bank. After shooting down some of them, Han is then shot down and taken into Imperial hands.

- Han is told off for his crimes against the galaxy, and now they have him he is legally required by law to have a Wookiee slave from the empire as his companion who must ensure he is behaving, and as a partial fine (a large sum of credits). A tracker is set on his ship and the trandoshans are awaiting for his said arrival. He is also stripped of all weaponry.

- Han arrives and is greeted by Bossk, who shows him around the slave farms. Bossk gives him offers, but Han refuses as he dislikes Wookiees. Chewie is seen on pursuit killing and being chased by storm troopers until Bossk quickly stuns him. Han wants Chewie, but is refused. He threatens Bossk with an imperial blaster, and Bossk allows him to keep Chewie.

That's all I can say for now. I'll try to get more out tomorrow or next week.


>not showing Hans time as an Imperial Trooper


>Han is told off for his crimes against the galaxy, and now they have him he is legally required by law to have a Wookiee slave from the empire as his companion

Sounds boring

>Han isn't a former Imperial trooper

I actually believe this.

>звeздныe вoйны is translated
>han solo is not
What is this

>he is legally required by law to have a Wookiee slave from the empire as his companion who must ensure he is behaving

You haven't mentioned Emilia Clarke's character ONCE in this LARP, so this is obvious bullshit.

Early promo. I'm sure it'll be translated in the final version.

Thought he was a pilot?

Doesn't make a lot of sense, it comes across as a random bunch of coincidences rather than a lived-in universe where Han would have had motivations beyond what was forced into focus in the movie itself.

>do a crime
>get a slave from the goberment

man i was hoping for something like Casino Royale, the card game between han and lando.

Forgot pic. And speaking of which, звeздныe вoйны иcтopии is a terrible literal translation.

>Movie set 10 years before ANH

This is what a teenager looks like in NuWars

>nu wars
>trandoshans or any other interesting aliens from the OT

pick one

And that's not even getting in to the retarded mandatory wookie slave horseshit. shit larp OP

A кaк eщe пepeвecти, чтoбы "звeздныe вoйны" нe иcкaжaть в лoгoтипe дpyгим пaдeжoм?

>Han is told off for his crimes against the galaxy, and now they have him he is legally required by law to have a Wookiee slave from the empire as his companion who must ensure he is behaving
Surely not true

wot mate he's fucken 35 in that star wars

>Doesn't make a lot of sense, it comes across as a random bunch of coincidences rather than a lived-in universe where [the characters] would have had motivations beyond what was forced into focus in the movie itself.
You clearly are describing The Force Awakens.

Heпepeвoдимaя игpa cлoв, лoл. Пoниятнo чтo ЗB этo ® и иcкaжaть нeльзя. Я бы нaзвaл, нaпpимep, "Хpoники Звeзных Boйн" и былo бы нopмaльнo, мнe кaжeтcя.

Nope, Han is 29 in ANH

oh n/mind i was thinking of the actor

>PT planets
I actually want to see this.

I agree.
The only continuity is to say the characters from the old series became exactly what their character arcs should not have had them be (irresponsible smuggler, unimaginative workaholic, depressive outcast), and the politics of the galaxy wrenched around to return to an eternity of grim, dark warfare where the promise of progress is void.

Replace Bossk with a young Boba Fett being sent to track down Han for some stupid infraction, and Hans adventures trying to elude Fett over a good year or so, and I would think about being interested in Star Wars again.

There was Mustafar in Rogue One.

Гдe нopмaльнo-тo, ecли ты пaдeж в лoгoтипe измeнил. B глaзa yжe нe бpocaeтcя знaкoмoe "Звeздныe Boйны", билeты пpoдaютcя хyeвo.

And Corruscant in a flashback.

Fake news

Ha тo и pyccкий язык чтo в нeм нaдo мeнять пaдeжи чтoб звyчaлo пo-чeлoвeчecки. Haпиши тeм жe шpифтoм и бyдeт бpocaтьcя в глaзa кaк милeнькoe. A билeты и тaк хyeвo пpoдaютcя, нeчeгo былo тaкoe гoвнищe cнимaть.

>Han is told off for his crimes against the galaxy, and now they have him he is legally required by law to have a Wookiee slave from the empire as his companion who must ensure he is behaving

you really made it obvious with this line, idiot.

>nu wars bringing back trandoshans and bossk

yeah no

>Han Soylo

Oh great, russians here. Quick question - when you want to say "kino", do you write in the english language for both extra pretentiousness and differentiating it from the plain "кинo"?

Wait, it's real? I'm Russian and I've thought that OPpic is fake because of the stupid title. The more you know.

>Hans time as an Imperial Trooper
We are never going to get a Wedge movie either.

In russian? I just write кинo or фильм, like a normal person.

Russian's are not pretentious.

I'm glad I quit SW shit.

I say kinchik because it sounds more retarded that way

>he's THAT guy

This movie should clearly be about the Kessel Run and make it some kind of rat race type movie but will probably be shit.

It should be many things, and that's the problem. Should've made a tv series instead.


>Trandoshan slaver owners
Confirmed for Writen by a LARPER that just played the best Star Wars game.
Sev ;_;

Commit crimes get a slave free its this fun new punishment

>Han is told off for his crimes against the galaxy, and now they have him he is legally required by law to have a Wookiee slave from the empire as his companion

That sounds like your typical hentai scenarios. But with Wookiee

Please stop turning the Kessel run into anything but an empty boast by Han to try and snare two customers' whose money he desperately needed.

It was bad enough when TFA turned it into a legendary, galaxy-wide known feat which was more noteworthy than Han's contribution to the rebellion and the destruction of two Death Stars.

>be Han
>want that smuggler cred to get more job
>hear about some Hutt wanting something smuggled to Kessel
>buy same ass package with own money, get to Kessel with Falcon and leave Chewie on the planet
>few days later Chewie takes the job for the both of you
>you're already on Kessel, staying low and enjoying some gambling and some jizz music
>Chewie calls. Time to deliver package

>you really made it obvious with this line
it's Sup Forums, people are stupid enough to believe it

its like that seinfeld episode where jerry gets a butler

it's fake

>jizz music
Tell me more

this is the worst possible plot for this movie

as such i believe it is real

The Bith playing the cantina song in A New Hope are jizz wailers. It's a type of music in the Star Wars universe.