Are we gonna see baby reylo next movie?
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user, tumblr noses are big red honkers, those noses in that pic look fine
Go jerk off to anime dot noses then, suck more japanese cock.
Kylo is a mass murderer on par with Vader and no matter how nice he is from now on, the only way he can get a good ending is through redemption suicide.
Anything else is just another fucking nail to the coffin of this franchise which quite frankly resembles a fucking Pinhead from Hellraiser after these last three movies.
This is fucking non-negotiable.
That's not what tumblr noses look like.
>Kylo is a mass murderer on par with Vader and no matter how nice he is from now on, the only way he can get a good ending is through redemption suicide.
no not this time, disney needs a love story happy end like the beauty and the beast
is this a boy? if its a boy it needs to get killed imediealtely give the patriarchy no chance to recover.
Rey is not that brown.
People like to draw her with dark skin because she's from a desert planet. Which is funny because I have literally never seen fanart of Luke with dark skin.
>Rey losing an arm
I wish. If anything Rey will probably beat Cucklo into submission and cut his arm off while he's already down. The resulting orgasm he has by getting amputated by his force waifu will project his semen into Rey's womb and then he'll fade away into the force dieing as the last white male.
Anime noses are the best so why don't you suck MY cock.
You don't know the power of tumblr
I wanna see pregnant Rey
You're doing enough dick sucking for the both of us. Anime characters literally have dots for noses, just say you prefer simplified shit. Don't get ass blasted when an artist actually draws a nose and doesn't bow down to your precious animu style.
Why does Rey have a prosthetic arm?
>Harry is a Muslim
>Hermione is a nigger
>Ron is a chad
To be fair Rowling retconned her own book to allow Hermione to be black.
Did she remove the "[Hermione's] white face" line or something?
This is art from this story:
>the source of his power is the one white part of his body
his dingus?
She said in an interview that she never mentioned Hermione's race in the books ever so she can be any race.
>so she can be any race.
can she be a lamia
with big purple titties?
I remember that. Fans then pointed out that she literally refers to Hermione as "white" in the third or fourth book.
no because lamia a shit
Apparently she said that those fans were wrong because she meant that Hermione was white as in pale from shock, not actually white. Which maybe can get a pass if it's one line. It'd be clunky writing
>Hermione's face shifted from niggaberry black to midnight blurple as the color tried valiantly to flee her face, only to fail from the gravitational pull of her lips.
>>Hermione's face shifted from niggaberry black to midnight blurple as the color tried valiantly to flee her face, only to fail from the gravitational pull of her lips.
back to vorestation you degenerate
harry potter looks like he got one of those guido spray tans.
Can black people even have the colour drain from their face?
>Can black people even have the colour drain from their face?
No. Which is why it's an idiotic lie.
The paler you are the more visible the redness is because no pigment is obscuring the blood vessels. That's what the redness is. Black people can't blush either. Not because they never experience that emotion or physical response but it's just not visible.
Rowling trying to backpedal this when she's even sketched the characters out (all white) is so fucking retarded it boggles the mind. She approved the art too. Where they're all white. See pic.
Trying to backpedal your entire creation just for virtue signalling is insane but it's normal if you're a lefty.
Ben's gonna die a virgin to redeem himself
Can black people get sunburnt?
Black people don't go pale from shock, that doesn't even make sense. And there was another passage that had nothing to do with her being afraid.
yes, although it doesnt show on dark skinned ones until it peels
Do black people have black cum
I read she drewd this one herself. Gary was renamed Dean
that'd be pretty metal
They are literally the same thing except not being obnoxiously red colored.
Yes she did, and the pic I posted is her drawing too. Rowling clearly wrote all the core characters as white.
What's the fucking mystery? She's lying about her own books.
The same way she claimed Dumbledore was always gay. It’s good to see her PC brownie points mean shit now that all of her “fans” are out for blood because she refused to fire “alleged” wife beater Johnny Depp
>The same way she claimed Dumbledore was always gay.
that's a bit more believable though.
I can actually believe Dumbledore is gay. I felt like he had a thing for the pre Voldemort dark wizard, that was more than just friendship and that said person manipulated him but I haven’t read the books in years.
Got cut by Emo Ren when she dared resist Rape and Patriarchy.
Bullshit. He's killed less people than Luke did by blowing up two death stars.
I have seen hate-fucking- not rape, hate-fucking, there's a difference- take place in exactly one movie, and it sure as fuck wasn't a Star Wars film, least of all when SJWs have stuck their hand this far up the IP's ass.
Technically they could have astroprojection sex. The ability to transport fluids over lightyears via the force was established in TLJ.
no! ect
>Technically they could have astroprojection sex. The ability to transport fluids over lightyears via the force was established in TLJ.