How are these so called "critics" so wrong, Bright sure isn't a great movie but it was very entertaining and funny at times with a good pace and plenty of good action.
How is this possible?
We really don't need 47 threads like this every day. You could easily have asked this question in another Bright thread.
Both audience and the critics noticed the obvious metaphor with the elves. Both reacted in the way you would expect.
>muh social awarness
>muh fun
What's the issue? Did the movie have conservative values?
Perfect post
I checked the cattledog before posting and I'm not here very often.
>good action
Nah it was shot in the worst way.
Check out that scene were they try to drive of in the copcar when the mexican gangsters show up. Right after Wade shot the cops.
It's awful, it's impossible to see where the car is, why he can't drive away in one go, where the enemies are. It's the definition of a bad action sequence.
Oh i get it! this that fourchan "irony" right? Fun!
>How are these so called "critics" so wrong,
Most critics hate the state of films. They only pretend to like Marvel and Star wars so that fanboys dont attack them and general audiences dont dismiss them. Bright isnt great but its better than most Marvel films. Difference is that its a new franchise with out a fanbase of support.
Also studios and reviewers are afraid of netflix. So its like they got a free pass to bash it.
Can you please explain me the obvious metaphor?
Max, did I ever tell you about the time your father organised a dangerous film shoot despite several warnings from experts, which resulted in the deaths of actor Vic Morrow and two children, and that because he was wrongfully acquitted, he had the opportunity to raise you, and that only nepotism allows you to continue your career as a mediocre screenwriter?
He was a good friend.
Seems like your brain has trouble processing very simple things. There was nothing wrong with that scene.
I can understand studios being afraid of Netflix, buy why would critics be? Can't they just review Netflix movies too?
Gee, user, I wonder for whom elves are a stand-in for in this movie.
I haven't seen it but wouldn't a movie about social commentary be right up their alley
They're not.
Watch it again. It's just yelling in the car while they bump into things.
the 1% obviously.
Seems fair
Meta critic is just rotten tomatoes 2 :electric boogaloo.
No he can't. Because his entire worldview is informed only by memes.
>a movie about social commentary
So what, like a documentary?
But seriously, Bright is not meant to have a social message. I don't know why people can't seem to accept this film as it is.
Because the studios pay the bulls and get them in screeners, its a symbiotic relationship.
I though the social commentary was done pretty well since it worked in the world they created with this new strata of beings. It was probably embarrassing for the Hollywood elite.
I've watched Bright every day since last Friday.
Listen to me closely and try to understand what I'm saying: I don't have the same problem with this scene that you do.
I'm just going by what the critical consensus says. Maybe today I will watch it if it is actually good
Here's something you should try in the future:
If a trailer or poster for a movie strikes your interest and you think you might want to watch it, do that first.
Watch the movie FIRST. Then, and only then, go read reviews. Stop walking into a movie with a pre-programmed opinion that doesn't belong to you.
Ultimately, the only person that should be able to tell you if a film is good or not is YOU.
Around Elves..
Read the negative reviews: critics are literally children
no man is an island user.
My guess would be that traditional movie studios still schmooze with critics and throw them gift bags and both parties know the fear of shutting them out of screenings for unfavorable reviews is still there.
I don't believe Netflix at this point does screenings or any of that shit that obviously creates a bias to a reviewer so there's no point in playing it safe with a Netflix movie like there is with TLJ where not only does a reviewer risk being socially ostracized but also being shut out of screenings (meaning they can't do their easy as shit job) and losing out on those free gibs.
>My guess would be that traditional movie studios still schmooze with critics and throw them gift bags and both parties know the fear of shutting them out of screenings for unfavorable reviews is still there.
I remember reading how consumer reports had a policy where they would refuse to accept any product given to them by a company to review and instead had staff members go buy the item at a retail store like any other person would, are there no reviewers that do this?
Says you.
Personally, I am literally the island they used for the location of Luke's house in the new SW movie. AMA.
No worries, not everyone appriciates a good action scene.
I could say the same thing to you.
I dare you motherfucker
>Bright did not care about its women characters - though clearly, [Noomi] Rapace and [Lucy] Fry did. It's a shame the movie's script wasn't strong enough to communicate all the work they had done to fill out their characters' backgrounds.
I don't even understand this one.
Streaming services have their own internal review systems, as biased and flawed as they are. Normies wont even bother with movie critics and just trust the ratings and the comment section.
At least with studio releases reviewers have some influence.
the 1% metaphor? not everything is Sup Forums logic
Never once in my life have I ever said "Oh, this movie looks interesting. I think I'll read some reviews to help me decide if I want to see it or not." I've never done this. Not on streaming services, not on the internet, not in a fucking newspaper or magazine. I'm willing to bet most people on earth don't give a fuck about movie critics or even comment sections when it comes to opinions on movies.
The reason I did was because of the lead actor Denzel Washington, I don't usually watch his movies so I checked out the reviews.
This movie is honestly laughably bad and the fact that threads like this full of faggots agreeing with the retarded OP is just proof that this place has become /r/movies.
Not completely true. A smaller movie with less buzz or interest that gets savaged by critics will be hurt, or at least back in the day. People just want to gauge whether they should waste their time and money.
Its a shame too, cause if people actually bothered to fully read a movie reviewer article they would discover just how valueless most critics opinions are. The most painfully unfunny people ever.
Actual Bright critics:
"true enchantment is in short supply"
"Finally, high fantasy for the sunglasses-on-the-back-of-the-head set."
"you can't spell "law force" without "orc." And you can't spell "David Ayer's twelfth cop movie??"
"Bright is too boring to be the Best Worst Movie of 2017. It might just be the Worst Worst Movie of 2017."
"Netflix original [is] a mess of apocalyptic proportions, a black hole of a movie that sucks all life from the screen."
WTF kinda banter is this?
>Article Mentions that TLJ had the same result as other movies like the new Ghostbusters (loved by critics and hated by audience)
>Liberals can't figure this out yet
>People just want to gauge whether they should waste their time and money.
Yeah, if you're talking about going to the cinema. Very few people still do this with any consistency. Sure, everyone goes to see the new SW or Marvel movie in theaters, but for the most part people watch movies at home.
11 million people watched Bright last weekend, even though critics were destroying it by the time I got to work at 7am on Friday. The fact that Nielsen will be releasing Netflix viewing numbers is only going to make old-style film studios see Netflix as more of a threat. Every movie Netflix puts out will get shitty reviews. But if Bright is any sort of indicator, the critcs' reviews won't matter.
>Orcs are niggers
>niggers are also niggers
I mean 90% of what Netflix has been putting out has been complete garbage.
Critics work at companies that still use old media distribution, and have parent companies that make movies for normal theatrical releases. It's really that simple.
They need to shit all over every all-streaming option possible. Period. Finito.
Even Reddit hates the movie. You done being contrarian yet?
Fucking. Bingo.
it's an allegory not a metaphor.
No, referring to the Elves being a metaphor is accurate. They are not an allegory on their own, as an allegory is more of an interplay of separate metaphors.
What is TLJ at?
Is it just me or is the critic score getting lower too?
We're broken people now
We're burning out
It is, ever so slightly.
>SJWs hate it because they think the orcs are nigs
>pol likes it because they think the elves are Jews
Pro tip: your both wrong
Run everything in the world
Keep the poor man down
I wonder what the metaphor is
I saw this. I’m no liberal, I actually consider myself a moderate conservative, so i don’t care about politics when watching a movie.
I didn’t like it, It was boring and it felt to long. The dialogue was cheesy at times, and the cinematography was boring. The premise and world building was interdicting, but the exsecussion was meh. With a better screenrighter this movie could have been much better.
t. Cryptoelf
*the world building was interesting. Damn autocorrect
No, Sup Forums is only saying it’s good (it’s not) to make Last Jedi look more inferior (which it isn’t)
the whole race angle aside, I thought it was an ok, yet inconsistent movie that had an interesting premise, but didn't build on it. End of Watch is a Cop-Movie (same director) and District 9 is the better Alien Society vs Real World-Commentary.
By far no complete garbage but a lot of wasted potential.For example, why didn't the world history and our society completely change when the so called war of the 9 races took place 2000 years ago, magic, elves, orcs and other shit being present.
The Battle of the Alamo still gets cited as a historical event, yet, would such an event even take place when society and culture is changed this radically.
Imho the movie would have been much more digestible if the fantasy races came to our world just recently, like 10-20 years ago, kind of like district 9, that way these elements feel still alien to "normal people" and dominant human culture would not have been changed that much.
Oh and I also liked Will Smiths banter with his partner, but thats generally a strong suit of his and Ayer, even if it may feel a bit mundane, certainly no lethal weapon.
true, max landis does some half cooked dialogue and movie ideas that sound like weed fantasies (in a bad way, like check his super mario real life adaptation pitch on yt)
this was so fucking silly man. completely ridiculous
The elf cries out in pain as it strikes out at you
Fuck off autistic loser in life
I think it means "Noomi didn't get enough screen time" which I agree with but it wasn't necessary for the movie or what they were trying to do
i wanna see more of the magic feds, could have been an interesting tv show
Bright felt like it was hitting me over the head with a SJW hammer at first, with Orcs being nigs and Elves being whiteys, instead it ended up just being a comfy bro cop movie
fuck the critics
Maybe but at least, unlike buttblasted sjws, we're having fun.
I did an elf hunter character in oblivion... good fucking times man, fuck em, fuck em all, those small wood elves also died.
The fanboy NPC was creepy
oh what a bliss it is to murder him again and again and again.
Not saying i am a necromancer (thats illegal) but somehow he got up when we were alone in the forest so i kept killing him.