What went so utterly wrong with this guy's career?
What went so utterly wrong with this guy's career?
What? He never had any big breakthrough?
He was always the funny side character of the bg star actor.
Crisp Rat took all his roles
Maybe he was comfortable doing side jobs and small roles. I love him nonetheless. He's the cooler Mac.
comedy actors have no range
He mentioned things he wasn't (((supposed))) to
dudebro wh*te types died out as whites become minority in america and social media became widely used now every wh*te is a soyboy.
He was doomed from the start because of his receding hairline. You can't play Chad when you're a balding loser
Always playing DUDE WEED LMAO characters will only get you so far
Pretty much this.
Just not talented enough for bigger roles.
Robin Williams and Jim Carrey disagree with you.
Ones dead and the other is a sex crazed mentalist
apparently he was working through a lot of personal shit and was rather inactive for a while
>apparently he was working through a lot of personal shit
lol what a faggot
there actually is a rumor that he's a closeted homo.
Peter Sellers, Bill Murray, Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Jamie Foxx, Albert Brooks, Emma Thompson, Kristen Wiig and Will Smith are some comic actors just off the top of my head that contradict that.
SWS's problem was that he was typecast as the dumb jock but you soon become too old to play that. In a few years he'll be perfect for the washed up sports-star or peaked-in-high school roles and will be able to get work again if he gets one juicy role.
Until then just expect to see him in small parts in things here and there.
none of which a relevant to their range
It's probably because he's a gentile.
>country Mac was 4 years ago
What the fuck
Because he will always be stiffler.
Goon made me love him, no matter how many shitty movies he did before that.
Bruce Willis has made a career out of it
Say again, faggot?
If anyone says that they don't like him hasn't seen Goon.
He's so likeable and he dropped his whole frat boy shtick for the role.
Plus it's actually a legit good movie.
Just don't watch the second movie. It's pretty bad even though Kurt Russell's son is really good in it.
Goon was the best role he did and he did it incredibly well.
He is a typecast goofy comedy guy. He will never escape being stiffler.
I still like the second one because of the characters. It wasn't great, but I was just happy to get more of that world.
>graduated uni 4 years ago
>done literally nothing with my life since then
>Bill Murray
he plays the same shit over and over again, even in Garfield
Bob Odenkirk
exceptions =/= majority