What went wrong? StarJusticeWarriors
What went wrong? StarJusticeWarriors
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Can celebrities just fuck off from Twitter? So many of them just throw to tantrums like little kids that could all be avoided if they just didn't get near a computer until they calmed down.
"sjws" don't exist
It's kinda funny how desperately you want to believe this
you really think celebrities just randomly started using twitter? lol
Lmao!! Disney definitely did something ominous to this guy
Your statement is wrong but OP's image does overstate their effect on his tweet.
i'd rather they stick to being anonymous instead of flushing their career's down the toilet over twitter fueds
they are literally fictional characters invented by the media. they ruin everything right? but have you actually encountered one IRL? they don't exist. only on the TV and computer. just like the "alt right". not real.
If think he breached contract
Remember this?
The force is female, boyim.
Rian "just fucked space battles for the whole saga up" Johnson is truly a fiend for Jake Skywalker.
It's literally the opposite of everything he was saying before. There's no other plausible explanation.
Mouseketeers kept insisting that all the shade Hamill has been throwing on Nu Wars was "just a joke omg you autist." St aright from the horse's mouth he was serious this whole time. HAHAHAHAHA
Clever Mark, very clever.
Holy shit, I didn't notice that. Utterly brilliant.
It's same shit that happend with Bill Murray and 2016th Ghostbuster. You can't talk shit about movie or you won't be paid
During production he might have had a different idea of how to portray Luke or how the story should have gone and may have come to clash with Rian's vision on the project.
After, he saw the finished product and probably realized he was being a conflicting asshole for no reason.
I was hoping this betrayal would push Mark to re-evaluate his place in life and his outlook on the liberal left.
Oh well. He'll be dead soon.
>Can celebrities just fuck off from Twitter? So many of them just throw to tantrums like little kids that could all be avoided if they just didn't get near a computer until they calmed down.
That is Sup Forums but they are just to cowardly to voice their opinion without a name attached to it because they are afraid of losing their job at Applebees.
>After, he saw that he was finished
Oh shit [they] were probably gonna kill him if he didn't do this
Sorry Mark, you cant stop the power of memes.
I know they’re shit but berettas are so sexy
At least he got the ball rolling. That's all he had to do and he knows it.
They're good though. Solid guns.
Pretty much, I think it is like with Harrison Ford.
Like Harrison Ford had, in the past, been known not to be a major fan of Star Wars or acting in the role of Han Solo.
Yet, when he read the script for TFA, he was instantly on board and was sold.
Massive telegraph that they were going to kill him off and he was finally gonna be done dealing with it all.
I feel like Mark Hamill felt, when reading the script, that a "Yoda-like, hermit Luke who refuses to help or get involved, and at one point considered killing Kylo" was not the direction he ever pictured Luke going and felt it might have been counter to Luke's whole arc in the OT. Yet, probably after acting and seeing the finished product and the way he went out (though Rian admits he did incorporate some of Hamill's ideas into script revisions) that his whole slagging on the film was wrong.
>Beretta pistol
They were US army sidekick weapon for 30 years lol
yeah right
Internet forums are liars then. When I was researching most people claimed they sucked
You can't trust gun faggots on the internet. They're so heavily biased. Beretta was the primary choice of military and law enforcement for years. It wasn't until glock came along with their lighter guns/higher capacity that beretta was dropped.
>he didn't get the last kino
>calling someone 22 years your junior "guru"
>but have you actually encountered one IRL?
my sister is one,
she ruins every Christmas.
That's why you don't listen to hipster fudds.
He said some things and faggots like you took it out of context and it spread like wildfire. Now the mouse has to clean up the mess you made for Mark.
neither does the alt-right
He's doing this to protect us. He's distracting them.
He lit the spark that will grow into the flame that will burn the Disney Empire down.
He's just trying to cover his ass so he doesn't get sued for damaging the brand/contract breach.
>2016th Ghostbuster
Beretta's been making guns since the 1520s, nigga. They know a thing or two about the craft.
In all seriousness. What the fuck was the point of digging up the corpses of Fisher, Hamill, and Ford just to have them all killed off
or a bunch of women conveniently all accused him of rape.
Punished mark, the man can never catch a break.
Holy shit... Mark Really has a way with sneaky underhanded tweets. Makes it clear which tweets are honest and which forced.
Isn't the simplest explanation that someone told Hamil that Luke will return as a force ghost or whatever (like Yoda) and that caused his change of mind?
When he's not half-shilling for a movie he clearly doesn't like he is crying over Trump tweets to his impressionable audience. Fuck him. Glad he got cast aside, can't act for shit anyway. He will die as a punchline whenever people mention white protagonists in the SJW future and I will join in the laughter.
And you're to blame. He was being subtle enough that only tin foil hat wearing skeptics would have gotten the message. You could have kept it a secret until he was finally done with the mouse, but he's probably still under contract and they would have fed his family to the wood chipper if he didn't retract what he said.
Would've been funnier without the caption.
To tell the previous generations that all their heroes are not only dead (they'd have to be, considering this is all a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away), but that their lives amounted to nothing and they died miserable, powerless, friendless and alone.
You see, you could have made these movies something for everyone, with one favourites coming back, new heroes rising above them and carrying on the legacy. On the surface, that's what they're trying to do. In execution, it comes across as "Fuck you parents, shut the fuck up and get in the grave!"
>nothing we can teach the girl, everything she needs, she already knows.
>Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to.
or maybe just putting the tweet screencap at the bottom, i think theres something good here and we can workshop a fun meme out of it
it's the same reason georgie boy made the prequels. It adds validity to the connection the new movies have to the existing universe easily.
Fuck you, I'm an old fuck and the prequel was already talked about in public even before TESB. There were articles about George's plans for SW in sci-fi mags.
>he planned to rehash star wars from the start!
kill yourself.
Most of what happens in the PT was already talked about. Vader's lava fall, the secret Sith Lord taking over, the clones, etc.
The details is where Lucas fucked up.
How are the prequels a rehash?
Hamill is such a fucking hack. Luke dies in the new one, right? Now that douche can fuck off back to doing cartoon voices and shit.
Its not even the fact he dies...its how he die.
Hello!!! The movie's crap. They don't kill John because it would be very obvious.
he should just stop tweeting
>the Jews did this
How would that change his mind? His character was still butchered. And I mean, before being unecessarily killed.
Edgy motherfucker you are
Tone it down you should
Cut myself on that I will
Burma Shave
>Have you ever encountered one in real life?
I had to donate to some 'end rape culture' bs just to get into a bar once. They're everywhere
>Star Wars was released in 1977
>The Empire Strikes Back was released in 1980
All killer
No filler
He is probably under the contractual obligation of not bashing the movie or something like that.
Since we already knows how he feels about it it doesn't really matter now but i'll take a moment to say this anyways.
If one can't voice his own opinions because those opinions are not politically correct the dark side wins. Free speech should weight more than social justice if social justice has become censorship.
SJW have to understand that just as they totally have the right to support diversity or say stuff like the force is female or whatever people also have the right to disagree and voice that disagreement.
Hamill should not be forced to backoff.
What's going on in OP's pic? Mark Hamil is going to be in John Wick 3?
They did exactly the same as for Han Solo. First they assassinate the character, and then kill him off leaving no possibilty to fix this mess. Is bigger hacks in Hollywood than the scum that is running Disney. I honestly don't how they could make anything worse than what they did.