What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Lady Kino?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Lady Kino?
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Armond liked it
Lord Brody liked it
The fucking Church loved it
I loved it.
Good, not the main audience, but overall it is very good. Prob just a little overrated and it might get a nom for best pic but I don't see it winning. Three Billboards has been the best for me. Ronan is certainly going to be an awards contender.
Sersha is kino desu
Nothing happens
It was boring
Editor must have ADHD
Saoirse was ok, mexican girl was hot
Who would've thought the girl from Brooklyn could do such a part on Lady Bird. Range right there.
>1 second webm
what an awful fucking webm
I was gonna go see it in theaters but then I saw that whole welcome to hell sketch they did on SNL and I said fuck that I'll torrent it later but I still haven't gotten around to seeing it.
overpraised mumblecore coming of age schlock that seems to be a rehash of edge of seventeen which was a rehash of juno which was a rehash of sixteen candles etc etc
It can be longer but you'll have the rest of the SNL cast on it.
sorry user
She's minging.
It was good
not good enough
use all 3 MB so I can masturbate properly
What is this? Like a Katy Perry parody?
I can't watch coming of age movies and movies about teen geniuses because they make me feel like shit.
>you will never ever get to redo your highschool years
>Saoirse Ronan will never be your gf
>A Bishop gets Lady Bird better than /poltv/
>teen geniuses
ummm... you wanna rephrase that user!
It's fine. Don't see what the big deal is.
i would user, but unfortunately i didn't make these
i.e. movies where the lead is young and very talented
>no tits
>no ass
>gremlin face
I don't get why (((they))) push her.
nah, some snl shit
stay faggot, faggot.
Her being irish is the only thing you can hold against her
Since when did Irish people have brown eyebrows and blonde hair?
>no tits
>no ass
>gremlin face
she's extremely fertile I see.
Not everyone in Ireland has red hair, you retarded amerishit
im getting real tired of you user
>That's hella tight
What did he mean by this?
i dont like what you're implying there user...
This is something not many people know, the real color of Saoirse's hair is unknown.you can go back to childhood pictures and even then it changes everytime
I think this is her natural color
Lol she's got literally nothing. Her heels are contorting her spine.
Her face is a 10 but she's definitely Irish from the neck down.
I wonder how firm is that tush tush
watch it user
>Her face is a 10
>being THIS wrong
your venturing into lewd territory there bro, i find self flagellation works wonders
That's a very young female agent. Is sersh secretly fugging her?
critics loved this
i pray you see the light user; before the end
You're right, there isn't a measurement that can truly quantify sershas perfection
It is OK to self flagellate your dick while watching pictures of her?
Bishop Barron has great taste, though.
Saoirse is pretty ugly and uncharismatic.
Yup and she has one of the most obnoxious fanbase. Mostly irish cunts fanboy her because hu ho! she is irish!!!!
I'm finishing the review, he's making a good case for this flick so far.
>sersh will never take you out and show you her favorite pub in Galway
enough for me to never watch it
I'm building a shrine for her, don't worry I'm not sacrificing creatures or pouring bodily fluids on it
>yfw this is faster than the /waifugeneral/
I wish sershfags would disappear
dont blame sershabros user, sersha has been Sup Forums waifu for a very long time
I wish mean bully anons would disappear
I'm still angry at the Goose, he stayed alone with Ronan in a room until she did what he wanted
she looks like she's very warm there
Where at
I wish they would make a Zelda movie and cast her
H-he forced her to do something she isn't very comfortably with
not as warm as she is here :)
I could die happy if she did that to me.
And now that I remember better, there were two men in that room, and they locked the doors so she couldn't get out
the way back is an under rated movie
Was it when she was fat? Someone said they made her a buffet
I haven't finished that one yet, user. After she dies I always stop it.
it was from this time
Kek, i remember that thread
breaks my heart, i would never leave her to die ;_;
Ohhh fuck, that webm should be banned
starting my no-fap week again tomorrow
I've been saving up for a week to do a sersh tribute vid
we will trace you faggot
Post it
Don't forget to share
You want my seed?
Y-you're taking things too quickly!
Even if she's severely damaged beyond repair and her hidden sister is waiting for you back at home?
I can save some. Don't be shy.
I prefer her older sister desu
>tfw sersh has your children but you're ugly af so you just ruined her.
I'd fix her user... nothing can replace sersha
This thread was supposed to be about Lady Bird, wtf
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