Will political correctness always be in films for the rest of my life?
Will political correctness always be in films for the rest of my life?
Probably, lefties are only going to get worse.
Yes. You either accept it or just like become an old jaded grandpa at age of 26.
Until right wingers start making their own films, yes.
It's not like all these old filmmakers were conservatives or right wingers they just didn't interject their political beliefs into film so much.
That's because lefties nowadays are scum
Only after this man dies
Will alt-right pussies who cry about everything always be on Sup Forums for the rest of my life?
I feel as if the pendulum is starting to fall backwards or starting to slow down. People are fed up.
yeah, guess you should leave
Will neocommunists who cry about alt-righters like you always be on Sup Forums for the rest of my life?
im here to bash the fash. i couldn't argue with the nazis on Sup Forums so now im here
>an old jaded grandpa at age of 26.
Stop spying on me thanks
I think that sjw are responsible for current state of kino.
15 years ago I would not care if main was women or black, I would just watch and not give a fuck.
but today after they are screaming everywhere about this bullshit with POC and strong female, every time I see black or women as main cast I wonder who was behind this and in most cases writer was some retard sjw like with lancelor or achilles.
Maybe feminist were less retarded back then, but keep in mind that Married witch children was written by feminist.
I really don’t understand why everyone’s whining about “political correctness”. I’d rather be called “Jewish” than “kike”
Will faggots who have nothing better to do than argue about politics always be in my Sup Forums for the rest of my life?
will Sup Forums be on Sup Forums until the rest of my life?
if you hate it so much why don't you get the fuck out?
>mainstream society suddenly turns in 1950s
>Sup Forums overnight switches to a radical communist breeding ground
I can't enjoy Sup Forums for the discussions anymore but baiting responses out of Sup Forumsacks in every thread is its own fun
This. If you don’t like Sup Forums discussion, then fuck off back to Sup Forums
yes and it will only get more extreme
Just give up on western media user, its what im starting to do
Do you think that black would chimp out on a movie with white ryan gooseling as luther king or mandela?
THen why is it okay to push black in historically white roles?
as someone who enjoys Sup Forums and likes trump, I can confirm that baiting Sup Forums posters is the most fun I have on this board aside from posting this image and saying "like it or not, this is an EXCELLENT point"
>complains about Sup Forums
>ehhehehhe i baited u
Political correctness is akin to thought crime. It is highly immoral and unjustified to censor thoughts and ideas, the very premise of political correctness. Humans have every right to believe whatever they want to believe and not one human is correct in their beliefs.
>That's what he believes
>In reality he leaves some butthurt response in one of the Sup Forums threads that are there baiting and raising awareness towards Jewish tricks in Hollywood.
These people never heard of deus ex machina?
this is literally exactly what will happen, look at Sup Forums under the bush years
>wtf there's a woman in this movie!!?? REEEEEEE PC STRIKES AGAIN, FUCKING JOOS
>this is literally exactly what will happen
No it won't
Wonder Woman and Marvel movies were made by lefties and they were still good.
We just need to get rid of the SJW from Holywood just like America got rid of Ku Klux Klan.
No it will
newfag detected
don't get your hopes up kid
hes not hoping for anything you retard he's just stating the true fact that Sup Forums will always be contrarian
t. actual newfag
i wish this weren't true but i know it is
lmao, you redditors will never understand this site like you think you do.
no, also ur mom is a whore
I thought you underage faggots only showed up during the summer
Social repercussions for calling someone a "nigger" isn't punishing "thought crime".
yep, I've stopped watching television and film and switched to MIT open course lectures on youtube
hollywood hates you, just accept it and move on, let the welfare fat cats support them
t. dumb cunt
Yes, better jump to anime.
Sup Forums is a Sup Forums colony
As long as I can turn on the radio and there is some illiterate retard screeching 'Niggerniggerniggerniggernigger, I am 300% nigger' to the sounds of special education school music band, then it is a punishing a thought crime.
It is either illegal or isn't, otherwise you are a fucking libtard in dire need of a visit from merry fellas.
Probably, but I think that if the left keeps going too far, as they always do, that it will blow up in their face and there will be some kind of counter-culture movement that will replace them.
am studying media/film at the moment in college, they're all selling this post modern leftist stuff
I seriously can't remember the last film that had a strong pc message
You're probably just ignoring all the films that aren't super pc and chimping out at every example of a film that is pc
It will, if you keep paying to watch these movies.
Social repercussions aren't a matter a legality, you mouth-breathing retard.