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Bravo Rian. Bravo.

this didn't happen though

>Sup Forums's first exposure to the unreliable narrator

Luke "No dreams, only screams" Skywalker

>redditor's first exposure to the character assassination

Extra cute

I really hate to give this movie any praise at all, but for what it's worth I thought he was really scary in Kylo's version of the event.

except that screenshot is from what ben thinks happened, not from what actually happened

I haven't seen the movie, do you expect me to know?

i'd be scared as fuck too if darth vader's light-side son found out I worshipped his father and had been corrupted by the dark side, that's most likely what Ben actually remembers, I don't think he was bullshitting, he was just fucking terrified of seeing Luke with his lightsaber ignited

>tfw you spend 3 movies convincing your murderous father to see the light but you gotta chop up your young nephew in his sleep because you had a bad dream

You made your bed, now lie in it.

lol Sup Forums in a nutshell

>I haven't seen the movie

the absolute state of the Sup Forums contrarian


there you go, now fuck off


say what you want, reddit, but you cannot deny that luke's character was utterly raped in tlj.


of course I can, because he wasn't

Luke got pulled to the dark side multiple times in the OT, he just resisted it successfully, just like he did here


its not like his version of events were wrong, he woke up to luke over his sleeping body with his lightsaber out and could probably sense his murderous intent

It doesnt make a difference what kind of face he was pulling he still walked into Kylos room with his sabre and an intent to murder him in his sleep

Disney loves you

I can and I do deny it.

Doesn't matter. The movie is still shit.

the absolute state of nuwars fans grasping at straws

Why does it look like his eyes are glassed over? Like, did he fucking hit a huge bong with a bud laced with crystal meth before this was filmed?

Did Rian make this movie just to revive the tv meme market?

this isn't r/starwars, btfo faggot

I am legitimately mad that people defend this movie.
I am convinced it was written and directed solely to piss off fans
There is simply no other explanation for this shit

>its not like his version of events were wrong

they literally were

>could probably sense his murderous intent

he said the feeling passed in a moment, he had no intent to kill him when ben saw him

>It doesnt make a difference

it literally does

>intent to murder him in his sleep

he didn't walk in there with intent, he was reading his thoughts and saw true evil, for a split second was going to kill him, then realized no, that's the dark side trying to fuck up his vibes, don't do it, but he didn't exactly have time to explain that to his evil nephew who was looking for a reason to fuck his shit up

how is a children's movie going over your heads, like seriously Sup Forums I can't imagine what it must be like to be this incapable of understanding basic plotlines

>Pulled to the dark side multiple times

Fucking when? He let his anger get the best of him once when Vader was taunting him on the second Death Star but after chopping off Vader's hand he realized what has happening and threw his lightsaber away.

>could probably sense his murderous intent

I think you need to lay off the chinese cartoons, onii-chan.

>it doesn't matter because my super sensitive feelings say so abloo bloo bloooo ;__;

lol fuck off

>it's bad

>have you seen the movie
>fuck off then

so you ARE literally retarded, got it, thanks for playing

>He let his anger get the best of him once

twice, when he attacked the Emperor, and when he attacked Vader

> he realized what has happening and threw his lightsaber away.

exactly, thank you for proving my point for me, he resisted the dark side, just as he did when, for a split second, he considered killing his nephew who he saw was likely going to become space hitler


I'd like to think these people are of the same type of people like the ones that change their fb profile to I support trans, or go to he will not divide us rallies(for the record i dont give a shit about trump) or feel the need to tweet about their veganism - the mentally ill. No actual sane person would think what they did with Luke in ep8 was alright, especially given his history.

luke's behavior in episode 8 is 100% in line with his behavior from the OT

read the thread for more info

>go into your nephews room
>read his mind while hes asleep
>pull out your laser sword
>ignite laser sword
>prepare to kill your sisters son
>lolol just dark side messin with me

But he never intended to kill Vader even when he was in a blind rage. He disarmed Vader when he could have easily cut off his head. Luke Skywalker would never even consider killing someone if he felt they could be redeemed. That's the whole point of his character you fucking retard. Luke Skywalker would never be standing over his nephew in the first place because he sensed some dark side in him. He flat out refused to kill the second most evil person in the galaxy because he could feel the tiny shred of lightside in him.

The good thing about this movie is the vindication of Lucas and prequelbros that came with it. When the same people who trashed the prequels and parroted the Reddit Letter Media videos started praising TLJ, it finally exposed them as the shit-tasted plebeians we all knew they were.

ah you are baiting, you nearly got me there reddit

>t. brainlet who didn't watch the last version of the story

5 mousebucks have been deposited into your account.

>prepare to kill

no, user, he turned on his lightsaber out of instinct, then realized what he had done

there was no "preparing," you're just rewriting history because you're desperate to hate the movie

>he never intended to kill Vader



> Luke Skywalker would never even consider killing someone if he felt they could be redeemed

when he thought about it, sure, he never attacked Ben though, he thought about it for a split second then realized, "no that's not me"

>standing over his nephew in the first place because he sensed some dark side in him

why not? he sensed a bit of it, then wanted to see just how much there was. He was curious, and realized just how far gone his nephew was.

> He flat out refused to kill the second most evil person in the galaxy because he could feel the tiny shred of lightside in him.

you're talking about Ben right?

not an argument

not an argument

See, I missed the part where you refuted anything I said.
You did watch the movie right?

hes a baite

Leaving off the last half of the story is exactly what Kylo did.

Jake "Get rekt when you're in bed" Skywalker

>you're desperate to hate the movie

If they filmed this scene in different way, it would be ok.
Example. Instead of turning on his saber, Luke could just put hand on his saber in an instict without realising it. Kylo would presume he really wanted to off him and freak out. Here you go, hire me Disney.

it's not really funny user, just pathetic

still not an argument


>it's not really funny user, just pathetic
>still not an argument

>People defending Ben's point of view.
>Not realizing Luke immediately regretted considering killing him. He even said it was a moment of "pure instinct".

You people are idiots.

still pathetic, still not an argument, thanks for playing user, better luck next time

>it’s okay because he regretted it

He says explicitly in dialogue that the darkness in Kylo was greater than anything he had ever seen. He drew out of instinct, to protect everything he had fought for, and was immediately ashamed of letting instinct cloud his judgement. This is actually spoken aloud for the audience.
Then we see his thumb move back to the power switch of the lightsaber to turn it off before Ben wakes up. It is and actual, noticeable cut. This again is for the audience's benefit.

You wonder why people call you a brainlet? Because you only see what you want to see.

>still pathetic, still not an argument, thanks for playing user, better luck next time

Jake "Feeling Snoke? Then get the chop" Skywalker

I dont understand the motivation you tards have
Do you get paid to defend mouse movies or are you legitimately brain dead?

>He regretted it guys, Lukes character is still safe!!

And all he did was cut off Vader's hand when he could have easily chopped his head off or kill him. Even in his anger he never once went for a killing blow. Just like I said if you actually could pay attention to the arguments and fidn a better response than "k".

>when he thought about it, sure, he never attacked Ben though, he thought about it for a split second then realized, "no that's not me"
Obi-Wan and Yoda flat out told Luke to kill Vader. Not for a second did Luke go "Hmmm... well... let me think about it." Luke immediately respond "I won't kill my own father, there's still good in him." Luke would never have even GONE into Ben's room with his lightsaber. If he did end up going in he would have done so unarmed.

>why not? he sensed a bit of it, then wanted to see just how much there was. He was curious, and realized just how far gone his nephew was.
Because that's not Luke's character you fucking idiot. He would never have done that shit armed with a lightsaber, let alone ignite it.

>you're talking about Ben right?
And this is how I know you're a fucking retard. We're talking about Vader. The guy who exterminated Jedi and CHILDREN along with millions of other people during his life. Not the fucking kid who MIGHT be a bad guy.

user, you're going to run out of images talking to this retard

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The Last Jedi. The themes are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of deconstructionist literature most of the themes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Luke’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these themes, to realise that they’re not just intelligent- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike The Last Jedi truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the philosophical meaning in Luke’s existential catchphrase “See you around kid” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Rian Johnson’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

>He says explicitly in dialogue that the darkness in Kylo was greater than anything he had ever seen
Yeah, that makes sense considering he saw evil incarnate in Sheev and Vader.
>He drew out of instinct, to protect everything he had fought fo
It was not instinct. He looked his saber, had thoughts about killing Kylo, then ignited his saber. That's not an instinct, it's Luke fully trying to rationalize killing Kylo.
>This is actually spoken aloud for the audience.
We saw with our own eyes what Jake did. It certainly wasn't instinct-like.
>Then we see his thumb move back to the power switch of the lightsaber to turn it off before Ben wakes up.
He could have turned his lightsaber long before Kylo woke up. Even in the end, when Kylo looked at him, he didn't try to diffuse the situation.


well, no, it's not ok, he acknowledges that, it's probably the main reason he refuses to train other jedi, but the important part is he didn't follow through with it

I suppose you think we should arrest people for committing thought crimes as well?

see above

>he could have easily chopped his head off or kill him

cutting off his head is almost more vengeful than killing him, hand for a hand, it was brutal rage

>Obi-Wan and Yoda flat out told Luke to kill Vader

you mean the guys who let sidious control the galaxy? yeah no, Luke was always better than that

>Luke would never have even GONE into Ben's room with his lightsaber

you're acting like he went into it with it drawn, he just went in to check on him, his lighsaber is usually on his body, this isn't that unbelievable

>Not the fucking kid who MIGHT be a bad guy.

you mean the kid who turned into the second most evil and then most evil person in the galaxy, just as Luke's visions predicted, the same visions that caused Luke to, in a second of instinct, almost kill him?

keep up, user, I really don't have a lot of time to explain the plot of a children's movie to you

>He looked his saber, had thoughts about killing Kylo, then ignited his saber. That's not an instinct, it's Luke fully trying to rationalize killing Kylo.

you saw his thoughts? lmao, the actual scene was about 5 seconds, he was scanning him, saw the evil shit, then went "I can end this" and by the time his lightsaber was out and drawn, he looked at it like, "wait did I just do that?"

>We saw with our own eyes what Jake did. It certainly wasn't instinct-like.

clearly you saw what you wanted to see, Luke's face wasn't one of rationalization, it was one of "holy shit I actually turned my lightsaber on"

>He could have turned his lightsaber long before Kylo woke up. Even in the end, when Kylo looked at him, he didn't try to diffuse the situation.

he didn't have time to, Ben was looking for a reason to revolt, and Luke gave it to him

Luke says this, he says he failed Ben, he says its the reason he's not going to train Jedi.

I'm not sure how this children's movie plot is going over your head.

>Yeah, that makes sense considering he saw evil incarnate in Sheev and Vader.
Can you quote me a line of dialogue in the OT that states this? All I can muster is about Vader: "I sense there is still goodness in him."
>It was not instinct. He looked his saber, had thoughts about killing Kylo, then ignited his saber. That's not an instinct, it's Luke fully trying to rationalize killing Kylo.
It is explicitly stated in dialogue that it was.
>We saw with our own eyes what Jake did. It certainly wasn't instinct-like.
Your interpretation vs. actual dialogue.
>He could have turned his lightsaber long before Kylo woke up. Even in the end, when Kylo looked at him, he didn't try to diffuse the situation.
You do know lightsabers make a sound when they turn on, right?

evil /= angsty manchild

Vader was goal driven and terrifying
Kylo looks like he needs a baby sitter to tell him how to feel in literally every scene


How the fuck is the darkness inside of Kylo, a character we see constantly plagued with doubt, worse than fucking Sheev?

>tries to kill his sister's and best friend's son


Stop asking too many questions.

Fear, anger, and doubt are all hallmarks of the dark side. Sheev had power, Kylo has the other three. Sheev also wasn't a Skywalker.

>cutting off his head is almost more vengeful than killing him, hand for a hand, it was brutal rage
I'll assume you mean hand and no, it is not more vengeful. He was disarming him. That was the hand holding Vader's saber. Stop trying to push some deeper meaning into shit just to suit your agenda.

>you mean the guys who let sidious control the galaxy? yeah no, Luke was always better than that
What the fuck did you want them to do? Sidious just beat Yoda and Obi-Wan couldn't bring himself to kill Vader. They made the logical choice of going into hiding as the entire galaxy was basically out to kill them. Obi-Wan watched over Luke and Yoda waited until one of Vader's kids was ready to be trained. Hell, Yoda even says that he had been watching Luke.

>you're acting like he went into it with it drawn, he just went in to check on him, his lighsaber is usually on his body, this isn't that unbelievable
So Luke just sleeps with his lightsaber on him? He didn't have it on him while training with Yoda, he chose to take it with him into the cave on Dagohbah. Just like he chose to bring it with him when he went to "not" kill Ben. If he never had any intention of killing Ben there was no reason to bring it into a child's room at night while the slept

>you mean the kid who turned into the second most evil and then most evil person in the galaxy, just as Luke's visions predicted, the same visions that caused Luke to, in a second of instinct, almost kill him?
This right here just proves you're level of stupidity. The only reason he became the second most evil person in the galaxy is BECAUSE Luke went into his room at night with his lightsaber and ignited it. If Luke hadn't have had his lightsaber on him none of it would have happened. When Luke walked into Ben's room there was on a POSSIBILITY that Ben would turn to the Dark Side. Darth Vader had already been evil for years and killed countless people and children and Luke STILL refused to kill him.

>mfw there are people on Sup Forums that could actually save Disney Wars

>you saw his thoughts? lmao, the actual scene was about 5 seconds, he was scanning him, saw the evil shit, then went "I can end this" and by the time his lightsaber was out and drawn, he looked at it like, "wait did I just do that?"
You're either pretending to have seen the movie, baiting, or have memory worse than anyone in this thread. Luke explicitly says what his thought process was during that scene. Knowing what Kylo Ren could do and rationalising how he could prevent it by murdering him. Which is also where the "my intent on killing kylo faded away"/just an instinct lmao excuse comes from.

>I suppose you think we should arrest people for committing thought crimes as well

No, but I damn sure would've called the police if someone went to my bedroom while I was asleep with a loaded gun, you fucking autist. What a horrible analogy, you don't get any sort special treatment by regretting doing something wrong.


you saw his thoughts?
>Jake goes to Kylo in the middle of the night to read his mind, he does, then he backs off, then he looks at his saber for a few seconds (you don't have to be Tesla to understand he was contemplating on whether to kill Kylo here), he ignites his saber, he looks at his saber for a couple of sec, then he looks at Kylo waking up (his saber still on), Kylo reacts by attacking Jake and pushing him back. Yes, that was just an momentarily "instinct" from Jake.
>it was one of "holy shit I actually turned my lightsaber on"
After contemplating of turning his lightsaber for a few seconds.
>he didn't have time to, Ben was looking for a reason to revolt, and Luke gave it to him
No, he did have time to, if you claim it was just an instinct. He had plenty of time to turn his lightsaber off way before Kylo woke up. A Jedi Master like Jake should have been able to diffuse the situation even without his saber. "Looking to revolt" is your own headcannon.
>I'm not sure how this children's movie plot is going over your head.
Seems you're referring to yourself here?

>Can you quote me
Are you trying to claim that Darth Vader and Sheev were less evil than Kylo? What?
>It is explicitly stated in dialogue that it was.
I don't care what the fuck is stated in the dialogue by Jake, fact of the matter is the scene doesn't portray what he says.
>Your interpretation vs. actual dialogue.
>hurr durr I'll take Jake's words, rather than judge the scene with my own eyes! I'm smarter than you hurr durr
>You do know lightsabers make a sound when they turn on, right?
Your point?

formerly chucks

this would have improved the movie a great deal if Luke said this

>evil /= angsty manchild

right because murdering dozens of people is totally just a phase and he'll get over it

>Vader was goal driven and terrifying

full-power vader was, yeah, remember Anakin in the prequels (which are still canon, btw), he was a bitchy little punk, same as Kylo is

>Kylo looks like he needs a baby sitter to tell him how to feel in literally every scene

yeah, he's fucked in the head, he killed his dad, fucked up his mom, gets triggered as fuck when he sees his mentor again to the point of letting the resistance escape and regroup

he couldn't be anything different, he couldn't be a Darth Vader, his inferiority is basically his character

in episode IX hopefully we get to see Kylo unhinged, brutally killing everyone (including those within the First Order) that get in his way

that's a good question, he must be really fucking dark then right?

anakin was turned after he had already become a jedi night, ben was turned as a child, combine that with the bloodline of anakin, and you get a force that can fuck up the entire galaxy

>Stop trying to push some deeper meaning into shit just to suit your agenda.

it's actually pretty basic screenwriting user, vader takes his hand, luke takes vader's, again if a movie for children is 2deep4u you need help

>What the fuck did you want them to do?

nothing, I'm saying that Luke was better than their beliefs that Vader should be outright destroyed

>So Luke just sleeps with his lightsaber on him?

how do you know he was sleeping? maybe he was fapping, stop inventing shit to suit your agenda

>He didn't have it on him while training with Yoda

he wasn't a jedi master then

>If he never had any intention of killing Ben there was no reason to bring it into a child's room at night while the slept

stop reading into shit to suit your agenda

>Luke went into his room at night with his lightsaber and ignited it.

snoke already turned him, Ben was just looking for a reason to revolt

>Are you trying to claim that Darth Vader and Sheev were less evil than Kylo? What?
According to Luke, who has faced all three, yes.
>I don't care what the fuck is stated in the dialogue by Jake, fact of the matter is the scene doesn't portray what he says.
What does instinct look like?
>Your point?
That Rian apparently underestimated the intelligence of his audience by about 49%.

he was contextualizing it after the fact, the action of taking out his lightsaber itself was instinct

>special treatment by regretting doing something wrong.

luke doesn't get special treatment, he fucking exiles himself with the intent to die and let the jedi fade away for, in his mind, critically failing ben as a mentor

>"Looking to revolt" is your own headcannon.

it was literally dialogue, snoke had already turned him, luke saying "ben no" had no effect, he was going to burn everything down

"oh well my master was standing over me with a lightsaber time to bury him in rubble and murder a doze children" isn't exactly the actions of someone who wasn't already looking to revolt

>Seems you're referring to yourself here?

objectively not the case

>"I've seen this raw strength only once before. It didn't scare me enough back then. It does now."
>attempted to murder Ben in his sleep
>leaves Rey alone
Kinda bullshit. He's not scared at all.

>According to Luke, who has faced all three, yes.
>According to Jake and Soyboy Johnson. Both not really reliable.
>What does instinct look like?
Something you do on an impulse, without thinking. Contemplating on whether to murder your nephew is certainly not "instinct".
>That Rian apparently underestimated the intelligence of his audience by about 49%.
>hurr durr I'm so smart I enjoy trash like TLJ.
Can you be any more delusional than this?

luke saw it and continued training Ben, luke saw it in Rey and outright refused to train her until R2 was like, "fucking do it pussy"

also, he didn't "attempt to murder" (didn't happen btw) ben because he was strong in the froce, he went into his room and, out of instinct, ignited his lightsaber, because he saw that he was potentially more evil than Vader or Palpatine

>Something you do on an impulse, without thinking. Contemplating on whether to murder your nephew is certainly not "instinct"
You really should watch the movie since in the true version he doesn't go in to Ben's tent to kill him, only to scan him. If he went in to kill him, why wouldn't he have the lightsaber on from the get go?

>Rian Johnson
>Crystal Meth


luke "milk tiddies, kill kiddies" skywalker

>right because murdering dozens of people is totally just a phase and he'll get over it
Exactly, it makes him a shit villain.
He throws tantrums and kills people
There is literally nothing threatening about a cunt that can stop a fucking blaster bolt in mid air, when you can psychologically steam roll him with a hug

>remember Anakin
Oh great example, we all just loved the prequels didnt we...

>in episode IX hopefully...
You even openly admit you're delusional

>According to Jake and Soyboy Johnson. Both not really reliable.

the movie's part of the star wars canon and no weak-ass petitions you make will change that fact user, Luke saying "I saw him being more evil" is reliable as fuck

>Contemplating on whether to murder your nephew is certainly not "instinct".

he didn't contemplate, he just acted. He actually says this in the movie, maybe if you saw it and weren't just roleplaying someone who saw it you could formulate an actual argument

>mfw in Luke's version he also stands there thinking about murdering the little shit
>shills HAVE to defend this by contract

>There is literally nothing threatening about a cunt that can stop a fucking blaster bolt in mid air, when you can psychologically steam roll him with a hug

because not everyone can do that to him

Luke's a jedi master who knows exactly what it takes to get to his former apprentice, everyone else just gets mowed down.

It makes him an excellent villain because he is imperfect, not as good as Vader, but that's the whole point, he can never be as good as Vader, both in the universe, and to the fans.

>we all just loved the prequels didnt we..

I brought it up because it was star wars canon

>You even openly admit you're delusional

Delusion (noun): "an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder."

please explain how "I hope we get to see _____ in the next movie" is delusional? Do you know what words mean, user?

>it's actually pretty basic screenwriting user, vader takes his hand, luke takes vader's, again if a movie for children is 2deep4u you need help
Running out of arguments, I see. The only symbolism of that scene was Luke seeing that Vader's hand was mechanically. He then looks at his own mechanical hand and realizes that if he were to strike down Vader then he would become Vader. It sounds like you need some help understanding a kid's movie.

>nothing, I'm saying that Luke was better than their beliefs that Vader should be outright destroyed
You never said anything about. You said that Obi-Wan and Yoda let Sidious take over the galaxy. That has nothing to do with what you're stating now about their beliefs that Vader should be destroyed. At least learn to argue, but judging from how short your responses are getting I can tell you don't have an argument anymore.

>how do you know he was sleeping? maybe he was fapping, stop inventing shit to suit your agenda
What about sleep am I inventing to suit my agenda? Jedis sleep. Ben was asleep. It was night. Was Luke standing in Ben's room all day waiting for him to go to sleep? No. Luke was somewhere else, probably trying to sleep but unable to. There's no reason for him to carry around his saber, let alone bring it into a sleeping child's room.

>he wasn't a jedi master then
Yoda was and didn't even have a lightsaber. In fact Yoda shit-talked lightsabers and how they don't make a Jedi great.

>stop reading into shit to suit your agenda
No, no. Tell me. Why did Luke need to bring his weapon into the room of a sleeping child. Stop trying to deflect arguments.

>snoke already turned him, Ben was just looking for a reason to revolt
Vader had been turned by Palpatine for years and yet he wasn't beyond redemption. If Ben was just looking for a reason to revolt then that should have made Luke not want to take his lightsaber into Ben's room even more.

TLJ is shit and no matter how much Disney pays you it won't stop that.

And you should reread my other posts because I actually narrated Jake's version of the events already:
Jake goes to Kylo in the middle of the night to read his mind, he does, then he backs off, then he looks at his saber for a few seconds (you don't have to be Tesla to understand he was contemplating on whether to kill Kylo here), he ignites his saber, he looks at his saber for a couple of sec, then he looks at Kylo waking up (his saber still on), Kylo reacts by attacking Jake and pushing him back. Yes, that was just an momentarily "instinct" from Jake.

We're arguing on whether Jake tried to kill Ben instinctively or he contemplated on it.

>the movie's part of the star wars canon and no weak-ass petitions you make will change that fact user, Luke saying "I saw him being more evil" is reliable as fuck
I consider canon whatever the fuck I want. nuWars is nothing more than fanfiction for me.

>he didn't contemplate, he just acted. He actually says this in the movie, maybe if you saw it and weren't just roleplaying someone who saw it you could formulate an actual argument
>i'm retarded: the post.


All the poor bastard ever wanted to do was pick up some power converters from Toshi Station

>Johnson tries to make le unreliable narrator meme
>every narration results in Luke's character being a fucking nephew murderer contradicting his character arc in the OT
Jesus christ Disney

What was going through Marks head during this scene?

Idk why but I find this meme to be absolutely hilarious.