Post absolute no soy Kino.
ITT: no soy!
Other urls found in this thread:
Should we skip obvious ones?
Certified 100% soy-free.
fuck you for using a retarded anti scientific meme.
Anyway, Deliverance.
Orlando is a little melodramatic but still
Capeshit is 100% essential soycore.
See also:
Where Eagles Dare
>no soy
>a bunch of faggots getting raped
Pure soy cast
>satirizes nazis
>makes them look cool
100% soy free
also Predator
nice b8ing soyboy
I don't understand why this movie is so popular on Sup Forums I never really got it
Wasn't the book a complete 180 from the film?
All quiet on the western front (30s)
Der Grosse Konig
Jude Susse
Das Boot
The Battle of the Bulge
>The eagle has landed
>All of Dirty Dozen movies/series
>Sahara, both of them plus the movies they were remaking
What are some other old war adventure movies
No soy people can handle martial arts shlock
soy leave
The Edge
No soy at all
director's cut is so much better than theatrical it hurts, and theatrical was good
Very good choice. Other essential Clint kino include High Plains Drifter and Unforgiven.
100% soy free.
>ill see you in hell william munny
A movie with lots of titties, cussing and beer drinking, and of course Kurt Russel
Every Clint film is guaranteed soy free. I think nu-males would have a violent allergic reaction if they saw one.
No soyboys allowed in this dank kino
Women will never understand this.
>muh crusaders were evil
>muh mudshits were innocent angels
Yeah. Verhoeven satirized the book he was supposed to make a movie of.
literally not in the movie
The templars are shown to be unnecessarily nasty
The muslims were constantly unreasonably patient and understanding, always shown to be honorable and civilized, while the crusaders were greedy, violent, evil caricatures. The good guys all had strangely modern agnostic views and were disillusioned with their faith. Basically, islam is honorable and cultured, and Christians are greedy psychopaths.
>No one posting Patton.
Opening speech alone is enough to make a soyboy overdose on test.
>templers are warmongering because they think war is inevitable
>other orders are more peaceful showing bad and good in christendom
>on the other side we learn that the same is true with muslims (Saladin against the mullah)
>later it is revealed that Saladin promised to take back Jerusalem and war truly was inevitable anyway
Soyboy filter: if you don’t recognise this film or have to resort to reverse image search, you don’t belong in this thread.
>all religions are equal
>everyone gets to be a knight
One of the worst cases of historical revisionism in a movie.
Based Peckinpah.
Crusaders did a lot of fucked up shit, but also lot of good. Both is in the movie.
Also If I recall correctly, it was Saladin who started the war, and later revealed that Jerusalem didn't even had any real value.
Goes without saying.
No sos que?
Watching these will actually remove soy from your system
deliverance sucks
unironically kill yourself.
Hell yeah.
BASED lucky jack
anthony quayle in so many of this kind of thing
>Also predator
Totally agreed
What movie? And why is female-putin there?
>be effeminate manlet
>get publicly pushed around by wife's chad ex-boyfriend
>wife cucks him with chad ex-boyfriend
>chad and friends come to kill manlet cuck
>wife sides with chad, publicly calling for him in front of husband, choosing him while her cuck husband was trying to save her life
>manlet rage ensues
>cuck kills them all
>doesn't beat cheating wife to death at the end
Pure soy.
Any Steven Seagal movie.
ice cold in alex
>What are some other old war adventure movies
Flight of the Phoenix is hard-T. Because they actually fucking did it. The central conceit of the movie was done in real life because they couldn't fake it with SFX. They even lost a stuntman doing it for real.
Avoid the remake like the plague.
Well yeah that's a decent soy argument.
With the way Sam was though, for all we know he wanted the guy to beat the shit out of his wife at the end of it but they just wouldn't let it be made that way.
Peckinpah is the anti-soy.
This, but unironically
Out, soyim.
You too, spoonfeeder.
>crusaders didn't do bad things
ok retard.
You won't find any soy here.
masterpiece. if you don't like this movie you are low-test soy injected numale
mr nobody
shit movie
Manly tears, but no soy
The bit where they're trying to crank the ambulance up the hill always gets me on edge.
>other thread full of edgy white bois who think watching movies make them real men
>Miniseries women won't understand
Always worth watching.
based jcvd
i love this movie
fuck that guy drinks like a man
I can be in this thread if I want you obese pudgy Niggerdick loving Jew.