My new tattoo

My new tattoo



Bad tattoos are my fetish

Pretty sick ink.

It's not like you could make that flabby pale hairless arm look worse anyway.

Forever alone.

Yiff in hell.

totally not regrettable m8

part of me wants an edge lord tattoo just to piss off Sup Forums

>getting a permanent shitty tattoo to spite anons that one time in that one thread
Genius. Do it.

>tfw you have a Sup Forums related tattoo

Do tell, I've been wanting one but I'm just not sure.


It's a Superman "S" on the shoulder. It's quite big, but discrete, people only notice it when the sleeve is short or I am sleeveless or shirtless.

Funny thing is, there's a guy in my gym that also has an "S", but he isn't exactly a comic reader. Maybe my tattoo is more "normie" than Sup Forums.

I didn't think Shaq was so bored he browsed Sup Forums.

I really like those japanese style back tattoos but the only Sup Forums related stuff that fits that motif is really obscure and probably going to go out of buisness. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

What's his power level Sup Forumsmrades?

>Getting a tattoo of a rapist and 8 dead children

Why would someone do that if they have hairy legs


I know it's not yours, but just so you know, that tat looks like cropped porn.

At least they have good hygiene.

Better than this I guess.

I honestly believe that there should be some sort of test they should give to people if they would want a tattoo
These people are nuts thinking they're not going to end up regretting a tattoo of something they were passionate about for a small portion of their lives, especially if they don't plan to continue said passion for years or decades to come

>ok, all heroes on the right, villains one the left...
>wolverine in the middle of the villains for no reason
At least webhead and bats look ok

>tattooing the porn in your browser history on your arm for everybody to see

Fucking weird

>Not getting one hand of Infinity Gauntlet gems and one hand of Lantern Corps rings

I mean if you're gonna publicly tard yourself everywhere you should at least go all the way



the left one looks like bane in the thumbnail

the best one

If tattoo artists had accurate tests to turn away crazy and dumb people they'd have very little business at all. If anything ink the the one in the OP is what keeps these scratchers above water.

Are you kidding me.

Is this too subtle for a tattoo?

no but it is pretty hot

I kinda need to see the face of the girl who got that. I mean she must have some kind of unfortunate deformity that would push her to these limits, right?

>the tattoo in the asshole

That Bug Bunny looks gay

I have batman and the green Ranger currently. Gonna get wolverine and donatelli pretty soon


10/10 would date

if you have a gander over at Sup Forums you would find that there a loads of ok looking girls who REALLY want attention. Might be of those.

I know. Its hot

I'm fucking scared.

why does her foot have corset piercings?


I'm fucking hard.
i presume its a tattoo


>Not noticing the bra strap
C'mon man, you have to look at the entire picture to see this train-wreck.

I too will occasionally watch the Funday Pawpet Show

Now, if you ever have kids at some point, they're going to ask what that tattoo means and you get to tell them that the tattoo is about a bunny cop from some long ago Disney movie.

>My new tattoo
How long ago did you get it?

It's cute you think she'll care or notice after all that meth

You don't really think that's OP's tattoo, do you?

and then forever after this, you'll see Ralph jacking you off.



>those huge hair follicles

Does anyone have the Luffy one?

its the butthole tat

Here's a good one


Is there a name for this type of tattoo?



>classic heroes and villain designs

>heath ledger joker


I have a Sup Forums tattoo that I'm actually pretty proud of


Sweet! I like it.

If she your waifu?

Yeah, bad.

I hope you're enjoying your WOODEN house and your WOODEN bed, and that comic you drew on PAPER which is made from WOOD.

People are laughing at you, not angry.

Have you ever heard the term "don't cut off your nose to spite your face"?

Like every gym rat musclehead has a Superman tattoo.


I'm getting the symbol from Action Comics #1 so I'm not associated with these assclowns.

Do you really think someone like that is going to reproduce?

If they do, it would be with someone as developmentally stunted as they are, so their kids will be even more mentally ill.

This. Or just get all green lantern rings and pose like Hal in every photo until you die.

This one isn't TOO bad, since its just a symbol and script text. The ones where they do the actual character is where it reaches cringe.


But nature is sacred and humans are disgusting viruses!

My misanthropy means I'm smart and special!

BB's cheekbone(?) looks like a tumor

Godzilla is Sup Forums right?

Jamie Hewlett (Gorillaz, Tank Girl) has an Olive Oyl tattoo.

My sides.

/mlp/ here, you guys aint't havn't seen nuthin.

wow, did i just fall into a pocket of time that brought me back to march of 2016?

He needs something to disguise the needle marks

We can remove tattoos now, it's not hard.

I talked to a girl who worked at a tattoo removal place once, said one of the most common is guys who lose bets and have to get tramp stamps for a year.

The future is now

Hahaha what a faggot.

So do people falsely think it's a nazi tattoo?

The only thing this has going for it is that its not BAD because of the art itself. It's bad for the subject.

They're paired actually by finger. Wolverine debuted as a Hulk villain.


No such thing as too subtle when it comes to tattoos

I'd say do logo only, no text,but that's just me.

>japanese style back tattoos

You mean the tattoos that Yakuza and opposing gang members get to signify their membership?
If you ever go to Japan with one of them you're gonna get killed in the first night.

So be like every sane person ever and never go to Japan?

I mean, it's cute, but whoever got that tattoo will be regretting it 10 years from now.

By the way, this isn't your tattoo, OP. I've seen this before on this board and other sites last year.

That's a very good tattoo, OP, it'll age well.

^^^ meant to say user instead of OP, my bad ^^^

Yakuza ain't the bloods and crips they're not going to kill some gaijin for getting the wrong ink. Though most will probably think you're a douche but they probably already thought that.

Also doing Yakuza tattoos right means easy concealment