Why do girls pretend to like geeky stuff like Star Wars, Star Trek or Game of Thrones?
Why do girls pretend to like geeky stuff like Star Wars, Star Trek or Game of Thrones?
Did Rose ever get that sex-change he wanted?
why do people pretend that Star Wars, Star Trek and Game of Thrones aren't normalfag trash?
Some really do, but most of them don't really care or took the "Nerd culture" to post cringy shit on tumblr.
Game of Thrones is womancore, what are you one about?
When the geek generation from the 90's reached adulthood, their low-status among school peers left place to an actually high socio-economic status (programmers, scientists, engineers...)
Series like TBBT amplified this tendency, and women being motivated by status & peer opinions are now adopting the culture they despised 15 years ago.
>tfw nearly a year until rose posts another video
"Nerdy girls are so hot haha" got memed a lot.
WHy does anyone pretend to like that trash?
because they're individuals that like things that are popular and appeal to them?
Star Trek is too nerdy for girls though.
Star trek is 100% soycore
Star Trek is such fucking commie gobbletygook
no, not at all
to get hit on by silly boys
i miss rose
They dont pretend. The new movies are marketed towards them. They are multi billion dollar franchises and shit for normies. It's no longer weird or underground, nerd culture is entirely mainstream.
That was the most succinct description of this phenomenon I've ever seen, and it describes it perfectly.
When I was in high school, star wars was vagina repellent. Now star wars is for girls and men are somehow to blame for it not always being that way. Worst of both worlds.
Why do you pretend like Star Wars and Game of Thrones aren't easily-digestible fantasy series that can appeal to almost anyone?
That's a good question op. Another good question is why you pretend to be an idiot on the internet. Unfortunately I don't really care about the answers because I'm not retarded so your quest goes on.
Women are just sheeps who follow whatver is popular. No girl I know cared about star wars but because of the suddeynly hype they watched force awakens at release. men too, but less than women
>Star Wars, Star Trek or Game of Thrones
is all pretty fucking mainstream and always has been, not even real actual geeky stuff honestly
Rose just uploaded recently but I'm not sure if they're old videos. I miss her bros
He went all the way at some point