Pure Edition

So, will we have any official reylo content on 2018? (feel free to add anything you can think about on this list):
>TLJ Blu ray with bonus content
>TLJ Novelization
>New Forces of Destiny episode featuring reylo (voiced by Daisy and Adam)

Adam interviews Daisy:

Short videos:

Long videos:


Daisy resources:

Previously: →

Other urls found in this thread:


First for endgame right here, lads

first for sheev





Ok real talk. Check this:

>pic related
It was confirmed that during TLJ shooting they both used to have go for a dinner together (the two alone). They both confirmed in interviews that the became close during that time.

>0:18 “There was a night that I think Adam was around, so me and him got together for a little drinkie-poo…"
So Daisy and Adam spent a night together drinking and alone, after TLJ shooting ended.

So tell me /rlg/, do you think if Adam didn't have a wife/couple something would have happened between him and Daisy?

so many shills today, disgusting.

Why are shipping threads allowed? Especially back to back?

Can /who/ have a separate 10xRose general? How about destiel? Or jonerys?

I'm a Reylofag but seriously, we have nothing to discuss. Try to make one thread a day at least... 3 is too much

none of those ships you mentioned are good tho, user. Reylo is Sup Forums's official ship. prove me wrong

kys, found the retard who made the previous one

Post art with your favorite Reylo dynamic

Make one for them if you like it

It's neither incest, shota or thicc, it'll never be Sup Forums's ship

Bringing over this discussion because it's a good one

I get the feeling that Kylo is aware of Poe and his meaning to Leia. So there's definitely a rivalry there. In many ways, Poe is sort of the "what if" Ben Solo, down to his similarities with Han.

Finn was also set up as a good foil to Kylo in that he managed to break out of his brainwashing and still choose the light for himself. And at the same time, he got closer to Rey and Han Solo. All of that is why Kylo is so murderous toward him during the fight in TFA.

People think it's going to be Rey/Poe in IX but I think it's more likely that Kylo will end up jealous and livid over how close Finn and Rey are again, even if it isn't romantic. Finnrey is dead but that doesn't mean they can't use its corpse as tension in IX. But I think it'd be less about romance and more about Rey having someone else she really cares for around her while Kylo feels he has nobody but her.

>10xRose general?

why 10, user 2 would be enough tho

Man I'm indifferent to happy endings but I'm fucking rooting for these two to have a big, princess-bride one.

/who/ is a show for faggy losers who refer to themselves as ‘geek sheik’... so no.



Reminder it's really easy to ruin these scums lives
Find their user name
Use pip to look for the other sites they use
Search kaiji in our archive
Send to their families

Don't worry these generals will get banned in a week or so. See you all in 2019 lads

>Don't worry these generals will get banned in a week or so. See you all in 2019 lads

wrong, mods are based /rlg/ shippers

This is awful, kill yourself.

I don't think mods exist on Sup Forums

Oh hey is this the autism general?

So Han and Leia didn't know what really happened at Luke's Jedi academy, right? Because if they did, Han would have for damn sure mentioned it while trying to get Kylo to come home and that Luke and Leia reunion probably wouldn't have been all that sweet.

Yes, consider assassinating my son and then fuck off to the middle of nowhere instead of trying to fix the mess you made. Uncle of the year.

Why did they do Luke like that, /rlg/?
It didn't have to be this way

Now this is autism!


hahaha so funny bro nice one

jokes on you, I don't even have a Tumblr

delete this we are not tumblr NONONONONONON-

>not blood related, don't act like it, didn't grow up as it, don't roleplay
>a 19 year old woman

Wrong on all counts

you can only post in this thread if you ship adam and daisy too

if you only ship kylo and rey then you're weak

Occasionally. We'll get banned anyway with all the leftypoltards thinking this is the shut up and dance episode
Just 700+ days

literally who

Leia already replaced him with surrogate son Poe. Seriously, was TLJ's goal to make me dislike Leia? Because it kind of succeeded. What a shitty send off for the character.

My point is ship threads shouldn't be allowed. You're not discussing the movie or show, you're discussing two people you wanna see fuck and see everything in the prism of them fucking. And what little show or movie discussion there is is repetitive and low quality

It's useless to resist, Reylo has laid our hearts bare: tumblr really wants white supremacy, Sup Forums wants to be loved, reddit remains retarded.


Poor (((buzzfeed))) writer who probably just lurked these boards. You sure showed the tumblrinas

So is Nu-Wars The Last White Guy

I wonder when the first time Han and Leia seeing Ben as Kylo Ren happened and what their initial reaction was. Or did Leia sort of sense while all the shit at the Jedi Academy went down that Ben was lost to them?

>Implying that seeing the movies through the prism of Rey and Kylo wanting to fuck isn't doing it right
Reylo is literally the ST's core and main plot. Their balance is what everything is building toward. Have you not realized this by now? Both Rian and JJ have called their relationship the center of the story.


Daily reminder when episode 9 (blu-ray) will come out I'll make a Reylo movie out of the trilogy. A Star Wars: The Reylo Cut (or The Reylo Diaries)

What's funny about it? This thread is autistic af

When did Tumblr start supporting pedo culture?

What is the difference between the rebels and the first order?

Aren't they just two sides killing thousands of the other?

>And what little show or movie discussion there is is repetitive and low quality

Have you seen all the NuWars and BR recent threads here? Literally no movie discussion at all and they're definitely harder to filter since they pop up every 5 minutes or so with different names.

At least with the generals you can filter their title easily and never get to see them again.

>buzzfeed editor browses Sup Forums

Shame if she got fired for visiting a white supremacist website :^)

It's not really surprising why a lot of people hate the trilogy and are in such denial about Reylo. After TLJ, it's basically a romance story told with a female gaze. That's something m-muh Star Wars has never done.

>romance and getting two people to fuck is the point of Star Wars


It certainly seems so

First Order is way more aesthetic.

It's the point of this one. Rey and Kylo coming together is the entire trajectory. Why do you think everything else is so shit around it and their scenes are the only ones it looks like anybody is actually trying on?

JJ said it best in his TFA commentary. "Now let's get back to the story we really care about, Rey and Kylo Ren."

Based kike, I love JewJew now.

>Not really

This is so sexual. And the way he closes his hand after as if he cherishes everything he can get from her.

Thing ng it's a romance story and about them getting together is my issue. Rey and Kylo can be the point if there's more depth than some will they won't they with a bigger story and influence like the force, dark side, light, how seductive one can be, etc outside of just a romantic lens

No, it's about the balance of dark and light and finding peace and purpose in it. A story that will be told through Rey and Kylo's romance.

just like the nazis. Amazing uniforms and shit

I made a song for Daisy:

You are my Daisy, my only Daisy
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my Daisy away

I-I hope she likes it.

Stay there and don't speak to me or my board ever again

>Implying Disney SoyWars is somewhat related to Lucas Star Wars

user wtf you're doing...

It's a will they won't they because them coming together is the balance. It has to be saved for the last movie. This is how storytelling works.

They're telling it through the lens of a romance because that's a classic story that every human being can understand. Star Wars has always presented its morals like that and there's nothing wrong with it.


I love how tumblrinas are trying to conceal this SJ faux pas by shipping Finn and Rose:

>aww they're so cute together (yes stay away from Ben's princess, negro)

>through Rey and Kylo's romance.


Real talk how come there isn't a Sup Forums general board as it is for /vg/? Or at least /sw/ I don't know

Yes. Deny it all you want, but it's obvious. And I can't wait to see the whining over it when IX is out and the whole thing is complete.

Old thread is still up:

Come back!

Then that's shit and reductive

there should be a star wars board, just like /vp/, a board invented to contain the flood of pokémon threads in Sup Forums

Gr8 argument m8

>fucking John Boyega himself is trying to get /rlg/ banned

>ruskie roastie
got one

Tumblr has natsoc communities. Not everyone is a sjwhale

>Reylo denialfags were BTFO by TLJ but still somehow think they'll be right about IX
Can't wait for 2019, lads.

>tfw big guy wanting a rey

New SW threads every 10 minutes. Posted a great Croatian movie I wanted to discuss yesterday for some shills and contrarians to start spamming more than 20 new BO $$ threads in an hour

The mods don't give a fuck, they probably deserted by now

Nooooo! I'm a Reylo fan too! I love Kylo Ren! I have all his toys!

Fuck off bodega


kys n*gga

Been waiting to discuss this shit, but seriously, Leia is a big ass hypocrite. She and her brother are the biggest fucking problems when it came Ben.

Han may not be close to Ben, but he loved Ben with all his heart.

In the novelization, Han says after being stabbed
"I forgive you, I hope you forgive me too."

Poe is discount Han not "what if" Ben. Ben still has his father and probably his mother in him as well and he's actually their son. It does look like Han and Leia try to parent everyone but him though, especially Leia, which is pretty fucked up. No wondered they created a monster with such shit parenting skills.


why does rey have a beard?

Too much racism! I liek Reylo too!

one of the synthoms of endometriosis

There's a reason why Han got so close to getting Kylo to come back. He got closer than anyone, including Rey. Because he was genuine and didn't have an ulterior motive like Rey did with helping the Resistance. In that moment, he just wanted to forgive his son and bring him home. If this had happened years ago, it probably would have worked but it was too little and too late at that point. Kylo's family already failed him, they can't save him.

Ben was the biggest problem when it came to Ben.

Kid is a fucking psycho and needs to be put down
>Oh no my master had brief thoughts of killing me to stop me killing everyone!
>Now that my master is taken care of I better kill everoyne at the academy and burn it to the ground!

fuck off

true, I'd join the First Order

hes testing for triggered answers a simple and effective of getting (yous)

IIRC Leia knew Snoke was targeting Ben from the beginning which is why she sent him to Luke since he was a jedi but she regretted not telling Han about it because he is his father afterall.

How long until we get Jonerys versus Reylo threads?


Oh sry we have a larger audition in this general
>tfw fbi agents shilling in /rlg/

>implying it wasn't heavily implied to be a battle
Kylo walked away with half the students on his side.

Thanks. More Reylo lewd sexual art? ;)
I am a very close friend of Adam and Daisy.