Anyone could make a program that would display the message "please don't do that, it hurts me" and no one would sympatize for the program because we know that isn't a real living creature, it isn't really in pain and there is no point in feeling sory for something without, consciousness, emotions or ability to feel anything at all. So why should we care about these NPCs at all? Why won't people see this as the tragic story of a lonely man who made a stupid mistake in his VR game?
Anyone could make a program that would display the message "please don't do that...
>no one would sympatize for the program
Unless the programer is a white male, then it is leteraly rape
Torturing things isn't normal. Shit I play videogames too, but I'm not killing or hurting the NPCs just to hear them scream. Maybe you actually are fucked up, OP. Just like Fat Damon's character.
You can't torture a computer program, under your logic people who write about murder should be in jail for murder too
I didn't say anything about punishment I just said it isn't normal. You might not think there's anything wrong with it, but I think you're a freak, just like I think the guy that kept posting those mouse torture webms was a freak.
I think what he's trying to say is that, no, you cannot torture a computer program. However, deriving enjoyment from the idea of causing pain to something fake, especially if it's based on real people, is unsettling. Kind of like the shit CWC would draw about girls he knew.
>I just said it isn't normal
It's very normal. Just like it's normal for children to pull the legs off of instects or wings off a fly. There are lines drawn when things start to become an issue (like torturing cats), but screwing with an NPC in a video game is extremely safe.
>Drawing pictures of people you know is seriously problematic, gais
Not when you're fingering them in the picture, no.
he had the dna gizmo
He only hurt them to break them, like Jon Hamm in White Christmas. After that he just wanted to LARP because his life was shit.
If the cookies from White Christmas weren't viewed as real people by the society in that episode, then they shouldn't be seen as people in this. He just got unlucky that he uploaded a strong independent woman who don't need no man.
>having crushes on people you know is seriously problematic, gais
>Imagining people naked or thinking about about having sex with them is rape
There is a very big difference between imagining something and drawing a picture and then proceeding to post it on the internet,then claiming that you only did it to keep yourself from actually raping the person in question.
But in White Christmas we were meant to view them as real people, us as the audience aren't meant to reciprocate the dystopian societies' views
It's not illegal to be a creepy werido
Idk man I kill a shitload of NPCs in GTA just for fun.
In White Christmas they're basically nothing but a plot device so I never really had any opinions on them, we only see Oona Chaplin cookie for a bit and Rafe Spall cookie was left in that box by the police for thousands of years and I just remember thinking that it was pointless of the police to do that as it wasn't punishing the actual guy.
Meth Damon!
Lets be honest, most gamers have killed upwards of 10000 people in video games.
> this is what normies think Star Trek is about
What the fuck is wrong with black people?
Can you fuck off trying to derail this thread about race?
In Payday 2 I kill civilians just to hear my plan guy to stop doing it.
And what do you know, I am not a violent person in real life, and then in videogames I often try to choose the least violent approach, like in Hitman where I only kill the target in the fastest way possible.
Violent videogames don't make people violent.
>A nigress
>A nigger
>A """"""white""""""" guy who looks more like an albino nigger
>A Pajeet
>Literally an Alien
>And finally a token white guy
Every year tv gets better and better
Oh and i forgot the jew grill
Roleplaying Games in particular are a practice in empathy. You can do things which are counter-intuitive to your normal nature in these games to experience what others may potentially feel or react to that change. Absolutely, games allow you to do things you could or should not otherwise do- but if you are entirely emotionally detached from the experience to the point where you are just inputting controls you may need mental counseling.
>noun: homage; plural noun: homages
>special honour or respect shown publicly.
>sinonimi: respect, recognition, admiration, esteem, adulation, acclaim, acclamation, commendation, honour, reverence, worship; Altro
How is this an homage to Star trek?
In episode 5 with the robot dog, why did she count and then throw the things at the robot? Did she program it to wake up ever 1000 seconds?
No they're not, fucking idiot
>he isn't white because he's ugly
Very nice judgement
I didn't say violent video games made people violent, I was implying that some people have a certain inclination to use them to indulge in maladjusted behavior, like "practicing" for a mass shooting.
>they get to the modern Star Trek universe
>Lens flare everywhere
>In Payday 2 I kill civilians just to hear my plan guy to stop doing it.
Because Payne says funny things. Not because you enjoy the screams of the defenseless NPCs or so i hope
Glad someone is finally speaking about this problem.
So he deleted their genitals for the Star Trek mod because the show is "wholesome" but the full retail game has dicks and pussies?
>people unironically defending a lonely, sadistic nerd who tortures his coworkers for petty reasons
They are by all intents and purposes they are real people, not npcs. They are sentient and feel pain.
If you get enjoyment out of torturing npcs you have fucking issues, simple as that. You are trying to deny it but you are wrong. Only a sick demented fuck would even get enjoyment out of that you fucking weirdos. Same thing can be said about people who watch gore videos
His branch is TOS. The retail game is more like Discovery/Cinematic Trek.
Wait, do i actually have to explain that? Are you retarded?
That may not be actual rape but it's still creepy as fuck you creepy piece of shit
>I didn't say anything about punishment I just said it isn't normal.
It's perfectly normal, though. People just grow out of it when they realize it isn't socially acceptable. But it's still there, you just repress it.
It's implied he has some sort of sexual dysfunction, most likely a mental one. Which is probably true of anybody that gets off to torture.
>torturing npcs
Again, you can't torture NPCs.
I guess you missed Westworld? Should watch it. Has a whole storyline dedicated to some guy's frustration that torturing the NPCs doesn't give him any pleasure because they don't actually suffer.
Lel noticed that too
Seek help before you become the next supreme gentleman.
Violent videogames don't make you violent, but they make you look at violence and not even fucking blink.
You are too retarded to understand the point. It's not about whether you can torture them or not you dumb fuck. If you are the type of person who would attempt to do such a thing then there is something wrong with you. You are in denial, you must be a sick degenerate weirdo
>If you get enjoyment out of torturing npcs you have fucking issues, simple as that. You are trying to deny it but you are wrong. Only a sick demented fuck would even get enjoyment out of that you fucking weirdos.
No. There's nothing psychologically disparaging about someone torturing an NPC in a video game. There are millions of people that made their Sims suffer and go on to live completely normal, non-violent lives. If you want to really harp on someone getting excited and then turning into a sexual offender, abusive, or criminal, start with ostracizing homosexuals instead.
t. brainlet
Ok cunts, assuming you autists actually saw TNG's Measure of a Man and all the holodeck episodes. These fuckers ain't NPC's. They are basically the people in his office up to the point creepster harvested their DNA, with the same personality, memories and knowledge. They are basically clones of real people. So let's say I clone one of you fuckers then rape, torture and murder your clone in front of you. How would that be ok? (unless you're into vore and so is your clone)
On a related note, how many of you fucks would get willfully cloned just so your clone gets to live in a videogame forever?
I like to think the idea for this episode started with the Star Trek teleporter dilemma where a new consciousness is created and your original is destroyed whenever you use one.
Using that idea as a basis it's obvious this shit is not okay, whatever technology is being used here is creating an exact copy of the data of your brain, which in turn is creating a new consciousness no different than a real person's.
And if you believe in a "soul" you are just retarded
I thought BM season 4 was going to have 100% female leads? Is Todd a woman now?
>>And if you believe in a "soul" you are just retarded
That was explored in TNG with Thomas Riker. Then there was the Barclay arc exploring fantasizing about coworkers, then there was the Moriarty arc where they accidentally make a real person instead of an NPC.
Fucking Trek been over this shit.
>tortures his coworkers for petty reasons
he played pretend with pretend characters
i bet you thought that futurama episode was horrific as well
>So let's say I clone one of you fuckers then rape, torture and murder your clone in front of you.
i'm not a fucking video game character
How do you know real people are realy conscious and feeling?
More like you're trying to justify dehumanizing what are actually people with some vague bullshit that doesn't exist. The only difference between office chick and ingame chick was the vagina.
Virtual clone, real clone, you... I mean it's not like I can tell the difference, bend over.
m8 i am flesh and blood
But I specifically get off to sexual torture.
Cutting off dicks and breasts is my favorite fetish.
>he played pretend with pretend characters
Except those were not pretend characters, they were played by clones of his cow orkers.
The Slav was hot
So is a cat... I think you are confusing sentience for the hardware on which it runs. If we were to have a sentient AI you'd think they're fucking robots just because you run on wetware?
Slavs always hot.
pretend clones in cyberspace
> If we were to have a sentient AI you'd think they're fucking robots just because you run on wetware?
>Just like it's normal for children to pull the legs off of instects or wings off a fly
That's definitely not normal.
And the fact the other was an existing physical being while the other was ones and zeroes
All this talk about TNG seriously makes me reconsider how fucked Barclay was. He was definitely banging holo-Troi and Crusher and murdering manlet Riker every chance he got. Maybe they should've let Riker beat his ass for being such a creep.
He got better.
There is literally no difference between binary and your two neurons firing...
Ok thought experiment, I have a machine that transfers you in a virtual world, while simultaneously destroying your meatbag. Like transporters in Trek work. Do I then get to treat you like some NPC with no agency of it's own just because your neurons are now replaced by transistors/quantumparticles/whateverthefuck?
i would accept that i was dead and become catatonic
So you default to a dog playing dead... Enjoy your eternity Fido.
no i'd be dead
I wonder if you would have more, less, or the same empathy for an exact clone of yourself
I even know a guy that has an identical twin brother and he says they feel more empathy for each other compared to their other sibling or other people.
Barclays shit was insulting, but there was nothing too malicious. There was never meant to be any thought given to the morality of Jordi falling in love with the woman who designed the Enterprise, we had no idea if she was fine with a holodeck simulation of her being used as a waifu?
No you wouldn't. You would just lay there fingers in ears looking retarded.
You should unless you're a psychopath.
I still think Geordi was worse because he specifically gave Barclay shit and turns around and does the same thing. But yeah at the end of the day I think TNG's PG nature is what saves those characters and stories. There's nothing really explicit in TNG, except for what we all wish there was.
so I assume you were not on the side of Data back in The Measure of a Man
It's Bain remember your big guy.
He does say funny things.
I think that applies to on-screen-violence, I can still distinguish the difference.
Well, no fault with vidya then, Brevik too played Cowa doody.
I want a pornographic series space opera. Pornography is a valid medium dammit!
If meth dude had never tortured billy he would have never grown up to become the man in black and torture miniature robots
>There is literally no difference between binary and your two neurons firing...
Except that the other is a legal human being, legally part of human society and legally has rights which is the only objective basis for morality and "empathy". Checkmate.
I seriously have trouble figuring out how you'd think that by reading the post you quoted.
That damn episode codified what means to be a person to me.
They're "digital clones". They are not real. If somebody made a digital clone of me like this and I found out I'd be incredibly creeped out, but wouldn't try to get the police to arrest him.
>those lens flares when the crew gets teleported to nu-trek
Well legally niggers were farm equipment some time ago. Laws are not set in stone, and if they were we'd write new ones on other pieces of stone. See Measure of a Man for this exact scenario.
You are forcing a person into the machine and knowingly destroying their body, you murdered that person. Meth Damon didn't harm any living human being, all those Normans got to carry on with their lives.
He's a god... until he isn't.
His game is not connected to the internet... until it is.
Should have had a bleak ending where he wins. It didn't make any sense.
There's that one Brazzers director that posts here. Write him a pitch and save it for the next time he makes a thread.
You're confusing real with organic again. They have the same minds as the people they were.. just not the bodies.
Not more than the TNG teleporter did, from that person's point of view they just got transferred/transported.
I like how the female character gets an outside connection and the first thing she does is blackmail herself with porn to get her to break into someone's home.
Still she's not people according to some.
can't have that, quints.
this show empowers womyn and minorities now, not warns about the semi-plausible dangers of technology. Also they went full retard with the fully conscient digital avatars thing.
They were not avatars...
I haven't been back here in a while but holy shit did Sup Forums sprout a leak?
But the teleporter is just a hypothesis and can never be proved if the original body just vanishes and a new body is created. With your machine you would knowingly kill a person and merely recreate a digital copy. You may aswell try and say taking a photo of someone and then murdering them is OK.
Organic is real, end of. Artificial Intelligence is just that, artificial. What he did is super creepy but not unethical.
>t. never played a GTA game
Is that McPoyle?