are they worth the download?
Are they worth the download?
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Despecialized is a meme.
Isn't the original version available? I think they came with an extra bonus DVD somewhere.
not in hd, and not as autistically put together.
Yes. Its the only way to watch ROTJ
Yes. It's not as big of a deal for ANH and it barely matters in ESB, but it's 100% required for ROTJ
Just get the 35mm versions...
despacito version is better
>100% required for ROTJ
Could you kindly elaborate on this, user?
No they look like shit despite not having George's retarded voice over changes.
ANH literally has the most changes
You look like shit user
Oh the irony.
Not him but there are some heavy fuckin changes like Jabbas club scene or Vaders redemption. Plus they threw a Gungan in there for who the fuck knows.
it does, but ROTJ had the worst changes
This. It's way worse than ROTJ.
100% YES worth downloading. None of the bullshit Special Edition nonsense. Don't listen to any genZ faggots that says "it's a le meme" or some shit.
ANH is just background added shit. It's still watchable. ROTJ was fuckin ruined.
>Greedo shoots first
>seeing Jabba in the first film instead of his big reveal in ROTJ
>background shit
Fucking stupid motherfucker
What name do they go by? Like you have the silverscreen edition, the version 1 edition, etc. etc.
It's underwhelming considering how much people like to suck the OT dick
vader screaming NOOOOOOO!!!!! in the most pivotal moment in the entire series is a million times worse than greedo shooting first, you autistic fuck.
>5 gigs
my nigger, kill yourself
lord give me strength
he should be making some beep boop robot noises instead.
???? Only worthwhile movies in the whole saga are 4 and 5. 6 is only good for a few scenes, it's ruined by ewoks shit and rehash death star sequence
Yes, I completely forgot how much better the death star attack scene us without the shitty looking cgi xwings
I watched an old widescreen VHS of A New Hope with a friend recently after complaining about the bad Marvel humor in the TLJ, and lo and behold A New Hope has TV Hee Haw level gags and shitty witty exchanges every fucking scene, damn near all the dialogue is made up of horrible witty exchanges. The only cool thing about the OT is all the empire and Vader stuff, it is played stiff and straight and comes off as awesomely evil. Like the villains were from a Hammer horror series.
Funny seeing this thread here, I've shown despecialized A New Hope to my mother and nephew tomorrow. They loved it - and apparently, mom seen this movie back in the Soviet Union days, when it was bootlegged and shittily translated.
I've meant yesterday.
if you're gonna download them in this shitty quality you might as well just watch the unaltered dvd versions
>watching star cux
>3 movies
>5.2 gb
>I think they came with an extra bonus DVD somewhere.
The '06 release I believe. Its a pretty bad transfer of the laser disk letterboxed inside of 4:3.
Better than nothing.
I'm holding out slim hope that if disney and Fox merge that they will remaster the OT and release on blu ray.
I dont even fucking care if its a $200 super ultra superduper collectors edition 400 disk box set of all the shitty movies. I just want to be able to have the movies I grew up with and loved in decent quality.
>they look like shit
what's with this desperate OT revisionism? Disney sponsored shilling?
That's not the issue, dummy. You said the ANH changes were background shit, when they're not.
Yes, a thousand times yes
Just finished watching the despecialized versions again and I'm crying now from the beauty of the original trilogy
Thank you George for imagining and building this amazing story and world and thank you to all the anonymous maniacs that made the de-specialised versions a reality
Thank you
>"Weesa free!"
Last line in the film as a fuck you to all the prequel haters.
I thought it had been confirmed that they were doing a 4k transfer although they had no immediate plans to release it.
>Saw the special edition in the theaters
>Pretty hyped because I was born the year jedi came out and never had a chance to see it on the big screen
>Some changes are kind of iffy, but who cares the originals are still there
>Prequels come out
>Pretty dissapointed, drop star wars for awhile
>One day return of the jedi is on tv
>Decide to sit down and watch it
>Its the special edition, but oh well
>Nothing I havent seen before
>get to the last scene with the force ghosts
>Young anakin shows up
>begin screaming incoherently and throwing things at the screen
Fucking why? All I ever did was love these fucking movies and give george money... Why does star wars hate me so much?
aside from obiwan everyone speaks in quips. Search your feelings.
Up until a few weeks ago, Fox owned the rights to distribution of the OT. But now that Disney owns it, maybe they will re-release it.
>6 is only good for a few scenes,
I maintain that jedo isn't that bad. If you just had something for han and leia to do on endor instead of standing in front of a door doing nothing for 30 minutes while abadass space battle, and luke confronting the emperor and vader are going on... Fuck that, time for Ewok shenanigans and Han looking bored.
The opening on tatooine is great, the build up to the attack, luke being a comando on endor, the space battle, all of that stuff is really good and satisfying - only to have a wet blanket dropped on all that for minutes at a time during the climax.
George clearly intended the OT to look the way it does in the special editions, that's why he made those changes.
He just didn't have the technology and he didn't know yet how Anakin looked when he was a Jedi.
You should go with the latest editions.
han shot first
I have the silverscreen version of SW. Where do I get the other two?
>Jedi rocks
nah I'll pass
Yeah they're the best we have right now
But last I heard the color correcting process was flawed and the highest res source, the blurays, has crushed blacks that can't be fixed in despecialized
That should only matter if you have top tier purist autism though. If you just want to watch the theatrical releases without stupid changes they are great.
You can also wait for 4K77 in january/february. That's a 4k restoration from 35mm prints. But I don't think there are equivalent projects for ESB and ROTJ right now.
I also with mike verta would release legacy edition or disney would get someone as qualified as him to reconstruct the theatrical from their 70mm negatives. We probably won't know until episode 9 is out and disney is doing their triple trilogy box set.
Yes, Despecialized is the way to go.
There are also some 35mm scans:
Star Wars "Silverscreen Edition"
Empire "Grindhouse Edition"
Jedi "Grindhouse Edition"
Or you could wait for 4K77:
Not sure if trolling or serious.
Get Adywan's version of IV&V
You know as cool as despecialized is. There are some elements of the special editions that enhance it. The smoothing movement on props and miniatures. Removal of those jarring black lines from green screens. A few of the shots of the space ships in flight are much more dynamic and interesting in 3D as opposed to some of the more static shots of ships sliding across screen.
I’ve even seen a few things done online that are tastefully added in such as this improvement to the ObiWan and Vader fight from ANH.
It’s tastefully edited into the original choreography and not over saturating the scene.
I have these, they are great.
Some of the special edition changes and CGI are kept, but it's done selectively and tastefully.
The updates to bad matte paintings and backgrounds is really nice, as well as the fixes for continuity errors are what should have been done in the first place, if anything.
I watched Star Wars recently and the only thing that approaches marvel tier is han solo's intercom cover story
>>begin screaming incoherently and throwing things at the screen
george can fuck himself
vader speaks in quips buddy.
I agree that some parts are better, but I think the philosophy behind having the 100% original shots is that it reflects the work put in by the SFX and prop designers. Replacing those images on screen is like erasing their work. Plus the people who initially saw the original version have an emotional attachment to it, flaws and all.
There are fan edits that are basically Despecialized-except-for-clearly-upgraded-shots. I can't think of any off the top of my head but I'm sure they can be found on
Whats wrong with the NOOOOOOOOOO?
Yes, but that was a part of his characterization. It wasn't used to underline every single serious, tense, or otherwise emotionally engaging moment of the film. Not everyone in the OT was making quips and jokes to underline all the beats of the movie.
Now everyone does it, because it has to be "fun" and all the characters have to be as boring and generic as possible. The prequels are particularly bad at this, but it persists in TFA, but to admittedly a lesser degree.
If you stop and think about the OT characters, you can easily say what they are without saying what job they have or their explicit purpose in the film.
Han Solo is greedy, sarcastic, confident, and can tell a joke.
Luke is naive, but brave, eager, and has a good heart.
Leia is strong, brash, a control freak, and pretty smart.
Let's look at the other movies...
Qui Gon Gin is...possibly drunk? I dunno.
Padme exists.
Anakin is whiney.
Young Anakin is annoying.
Rey makes goofy faces, and is awesomely skilled at everything...for reasons...?
Finn is kinda funny, dishonest, and cowardly.
Kylo is brooding, obsessive and emotionally troubled.
So, it gets better outside of the prequels...but think about Rey. She is the main protagonist in Soy Wars but has the weakest characterization out of Finn or Kylo, or any other main character of those films.
Even though they're 480p they still look better than the special versions with their dumb additions
Resolution isn't the end-all
I'm no quip apologist, but there were quite a few more than that, especially from Leia. The difference is they were part of the dialogue and not a 'punchline' that appears every 5 minutes and that everyone pauses after so you can laugh. Also they were never present during the serious moments, whereas characters in capeshit type movies quip at each other during life and death battles. People make jokes in real life so it's not the quips themselves that are the issue.
All these people got paid for it, why the fuck would they care.
>A few of the shots of the space ships in flight are much more dynamic and interesting in 3D as opposed to some of the more static shots of ships sliding across screen.
I think anyone interested in starwars and film making should watch this
I'm not going to argue which is better, but to argue the shots re-done in CGI are better because they are representational in terms of 3D space and perspective is an ignorant opinion. Representational art is historically the least provoking for a reason, we deal with a represented world every day. When things are not correct, abstracted, expressive, and dream-like. That's how you get an emotional response from the viewer.
Of course I'm definitely not consistent about this. Because I love how representational real photons bouncing off models are.
Nowadays It's so easy to spot a drone that gets all his opinions from Plinkett.
>everyone throws an autistic fit
It's true. Star Wars fans are the absolute worst.
I mean you aren’t wrong but did you watch those RLM reviews yesterday new fag?
>basement NEET doesn't understand leaving a mark on the world and recognition
Absolutely the ideal way to watch the ot.
Please tell me where the fuck to find this???!?!?!
No it's not.
Leaving a mark on the world and recognition are a giant meme dumbass.
All that matters is having kids.
They are 16:9 with embedded black bars
Why is shaneequa posting in a star wars thread
I like the Grindhouse reel captures the best. The extra grain and shakiness make the not so great prosthetics look a little more at home
No, I watched them when they came out.
Does that make it an invalid point when talking about characterization, and when and when not to insert humor, and which characters do it?
Can you not extend that argument out to the Soy Wars trilogy, and see where things got better, yet missed the mark, as I just did?
If i'm not wrong then why even bring it up?
Ok I have a lot more respect for what they were doing now than I already had. Still feel there are small pieces they can smooth over without drastically changing much and still maintaining the original artist work. They really should have an enhanced an original set of the movies released together
These posts are full of shit
when was the last time you watched star wars?
can anyone link me a good torrent to watch the original trilogy?
You can get the film print rip of the first one. I think it was 1080p
How can i watch these without my mom getting a scary email?
I have the 1992 widescreen vhs release. How do they differ from these aside from the 1080p?
With all the PTfags out here, we really shouldn't get divided on which movie got butchered by Lucas the worst. Let's just settle on Lucas being a hack and move on.
Wait for the project 4K77 edition
The prequel trilogy fanedits fix that. They make the prequel trilogy a lot more tolerable.
here, i think its legal to download this so dont worry about letters
my isp doesn't let me go there
What are the worst changes in Star Wars Special Edition?
>ruined by rehash death star sequence
Do you mean the single most badass space battle in cinematic history? Or do you mean the emotional climax of the trilogy?
>Removal of those jarring black lines from green screens.
The only "special edition" element I would ever tolerate is if they took the original film masters for every SFX element and composited them digitally.
The original version of anything should always be preserved for archival and educational purposes, even if a remake or later version renders it completely obsolete. You should be able to see what the 1977 version looked like flaws and all, if not just to see what all the fuss was about.