People should wear a suit or a cocktail dress if they want to see a intellectual and good movie. Otherwise they put shame on the art. I am not talkng about marvel, star wars, transformers or other trash. I am talking about A24 or nolan movies for example
Cinemas should have a dresscode
Why just cinemas? People should stop dressing like monkeys anywhere.
>nolan flicks
now this is a well-crafted bait
I enjoy going to cinemas in pajamas
This is good enough for a synder film
Who the fuck dresses up in a well tailored suit and tie to stare at a screen for three hours
Are you retarded
People who appreciate art
What should people wear to the films of Wes Anderson?
Suits for Grand Budapest Hotel casual for his animation
That's the patrician way of watching movies. Normies on suicide watch.
>dress up in fancy clothes
>go to local amc
>sit in your seat
>there was a puddle of diet coke, sorry user
>cocktail dress
You meant "evening dress," you fucking yokel.
People used to do that all the time in the past and they worked out just fine.
Yeah well then maybe my seat should have it's own armrests how about that
The suit is the ultimate mark of the wageslave, personally I'd suggest a pyjama dresscode. Appreciating the medium with the most comfortable clothing there is brings more enjoyment to it.
Siting in the theatre while wearing a good lookng suit and smoking a cigarette surrounded with other cultivated and good dresses people would even make the most trash movie a worth experience
You just want an excuse to tip in public. Fuck off. There's 3 simple things that will save the cinema
Whites only
21 or older
Cellphones checked like a coat check. You pick it up when you leave
And allowing to smoke
Fuck off, I don't want your mutagens in my lungs.
I also dont smoke, but the feeling would be different. It would have a real noir movie 80s feeling
Yeah. For sure
You wouldn't be allowed to come anyway, kiddo
They were also drunk all the time, constantly got into fights, started wars, were extremely racist, and beat their wives
All that started to slowly change once people weren't forced to wear stuffy suits everywhere
Gasoline and cigarettes are the best smell in the world
This is pants on head retarded if not bait.
>spousal abuse
All ended after the 1950s
When people wore suit, there were still manners. People knew how to present yourself to the public. Not like now where people go on the street looking like trash
is there anyone old enough here where you could actually smoke in the theatre?
No but I do remember ashtrays on shopping carts. You used to be able to smoke in the grocery store
>all theae tabbaco shills
Line up on the wall, I'll make it quick
80% of the cinema goer most likely dont even have a suit
>smoking is mature
Nolan movies doesnt require suits