Is it any good?

Is it any good?

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yeah it's pretty good, I didn't watch all of it but the episodes I did watch were compelling

Posting before Sup Forums tier opinions mostly related to the fact that the show is about black people comes in

It's not just wanked because it's directed by Donald Glover, right?

I enjoyed it

it is a 7/10 show
donald glover is good at reaching the 7/10 quality mark these days

he only directed one episode, think he wrote it tho

The only bit worth watching

I've no idea what the show is about but the way it's presented in that picture makes me not want to watch it. "Oh look whut weez haz to dealz withs now, wee iz persecuted black folk but looks hows artistics n shitz we lookz iz"

Every fucking image for every streaming service original series looks gay and douchey, and especially SJW slanted in the most blunt mainstream way possible.

I agree with this. I'd still recommend the show, I liked it, but don't hype yourself up too high

So why are they all eating apples

>"Oh look whut weez haz to dealz withs now, wee iz persecuted black folk but looks hows artistics n shitz we lookz iz"
Fucking Christ you stormfaggots are annoying to listen to.

you do realize that a lot of black people are impoverished and living in these exact same conditions right? it wouldn't be authentic television if it were any different

Those are peaches, you know since the show is called Atlanta. Retard.

>"Oh look whut weez haz to dealz withs now, wee iz persecuted black folk but looks hows artistics n shitz we lookz iz"
Man you really need to get off the Internet sometimes. I also get annoyed by the virtue-signaling thing, but this show really isn't like that. If this is the dialogue running through your head every time you see a black person, you're in this shit too deep

Don't be rude

It's so fucking boring. Everyone is insufferable.

You haven't even watched it.

You people are the most ignorant people on the internet.

It's not as nigger cliche as I thought it would be.
The real Atlanta is just a giant mass of nigger cliches.
This show is slightly better than that.

Like I said I've no idea what the show is about, I am guessing now it's a comedy sketch show which I would be interested in checking out. Blacks used to be so fucking awesome at comedy, but if it's full of "messages" I won't give a shit. When the comedy is full on nigger mode it's great.

That was pretty good

based Sup Forumsposter

>comedy sketch show
maybe next time don't post if you have literally no idea what you're talking about

Hahaaha NO, I am telling you based on all the mopey ass SJW shows Netflix is pumping out it would make perfect sense to think this is a show about innocent black dudes with intelligence who are persecuted for their skin color despite coming from a state that is run (badly) by blacks. "Can't getz no even break no way no howz"

not only is this show not on Netflix, it's also not about any of the things you just described

I apologize for this thread

>Donald Glover
i don't have to watch it to know it's shit.

It's nigger life if you take away the realistic parts and completely replace them with the way that sjws want nigger life to be.

>the way that sjws want nigger life to be
uh killing people, selling drugs, and being unemployed? I think you're thinking of a different show, maybe Blackish


Great job triggering these numale mangina redditors
Like this one
There are a lot of impoverished White people too, but they don't fucking cry about it

It's great whenever that fake-neaggro Dong Lover isn't on screen. That whitey is ruining this black kino.

Sjws are ONLY comfortable with niggers living like scumbags. Where have you been?
Sjws just blame the nigger situation on some fictional white heterosexual male boogeyman that isn't them.

your cognitive dissonance is showing

When whites are impoverished it's because "they're stupid losers and assholes", but when the black man impoverished, it's injustice and oppressions

Whites do cry about being poor but Jews dont give them a platform to broadcast the crying to the entire world.

Nice boogie man argument.


Your absence of an argument is showing

The series is clever and well received by everyone regardless of race, and probably one of the most significant commentaries about black people in the past decade

^see what I mean
Its about how they wish black life really was.
The real Atlanta is nothing at all like this show. Literally nothing at all, people like these characters do not exist in atlanta.

you just claimed that sjws want to see blacks as artsy and intellectual and then did a 180 and claimed that sjws only want to show them living like scumbags, meaning it wasn't about the context of the show at all but rather making sure your innate dogmatic political-ethno beliefs go unchallenged, because it would be too painful for your simple mind to comprehend, literally the definition of cognitive dissonance

No I didnt.
You are telling a lie here about "what I said"
Im immune to your kike tricks. Don't slip in lies that you've completely made up then pretend it's what I said.


Also the show is good, not about white people oppressing black people, more like being poor and hip hop culture. It’s funny

All that because you have a small penis. Goddamn. You really need to see a therapist.

jesus dude get help

>still doesn't understand that jew tricks don't work on me

Are you white?

You have not seen it, have you? It's pretty balanced. There's not just one type of black character. A lot of the side characters/random encounters are complete dumbasses, and the main characters are likable but far from perfect.

not as good as downton abbey

I mean the main characters. Niggers in atLanta are nothing like that, nothing at all.
You've obviously never seen the real Atlanta

You are just deeply, thoroughly stupid and it's pointless to argue with you. You're literally just projecting your own personality onto the people you dislike. You're ignorant and completely, single-mindedly obsessed with race and politics, so you imagine that you're fighting against an "opposing team" of people who think just like you. In reality you're just a sad fuck embarrassing himself on the Internet

Fuck you Downton Abbey season 1 was kino

Sorry but you lied and clearly made something up off the top of your head and claimed I said it. If it's not worth it to argue with people who won't let you lie about them then shut the fuck up and keep it moving

Really good show. The Montague episode was my favorite.

Anyone who disagrees with you is sad and pathetic

I'm not the same person you responded to earlier. I'm just seeing you singlehandedly shitting up this thread, and said what I think of it

This jew shit doesn't work anymore.
It's 2017. Either make a fucking point or stop trying to character assassinate people because you cant deal with something they said.

I started watching it yesterday, really enjoying it so far. Episodes are only half an hour, id say give it 3 episodes to decide whether you like it or not. Darius and Paper Boi storylines are waay more interesting than Donald Glovers, but Donglover isn’t too bad that he detracts too much from the show

This is a thread about a tv show, not a forum for you to air your grievances against the entire black race. Everything you're saying suggests that you haven't watched a single episode. You're not really making any coherent argument except "nope nope nope I don't like the blacks I'm sure this is bad"

This Jew shit doesn't work anymore.
It's 2017
Either make a fucking point or stop trying to character assassinate people because you can't deal with something they said.

You're a racist piece of shit that brings down the intelligence of the discussion. You don't have any friends you didn't make on the internet, because most people simply don't want to be around you.

I think that was the point

>There are a lot of impoverished White people too, but they don't fucking cry about it
What are you talking about, Trump is essentially just a giant temper tantrum.

>all these numales triggered because real men don't want to watch their cuckshow

go back to reddot faggots


You are assassinating your own character with every post, dude. I did make a point - you're completely wrong in your assessment of the show, I doubt you've even seen it, and this isn't the right place for the discussion you're trying to have.



Best show of 2016 for me. None of the messages from this show felt contrived.


Two words:

Invisible car.

>copying chapelle for the millionth time
race humour which is the commanlity of most black comedy is embarssing, so blase

>There are a lot of impoverished White people too, but they don't fucking cry about it


>Sup Forumstards simply can't shitting up everywhere they go
How do we fix Sup Forumstards?

I have zero idea what it was trying to be. On one hand it's a drama featuring real problems like being poor and your gf being a slut. On the other hand, invisible cars. Like, what am I supposed to do now?

Get in a time machine and go back a few years and use the word you used for Sup Forums back then.
Also while you are in the past, do some research about who started kekestani nazi pepe cult so you wont be too stupid to realize that it wasn't white guys who started it.

how do you come up with a different strawman?

Make America Hate Whitey Again

Those are regular Sup Forumstards child
They do look that bad

It's a comedy

That's not who created the nazi kek pepe cult shit though. That was all spics that did that.

Sup Forums has always been filled with spics newfag

I just said that you fucking oldfag

Blacks from Atlanta are exactly like that. I know this because I’m a black from Atlanta.

So you are saying that the white minority that composes Sup Forums stole kekistani culture form spics?

It’s a dramedy

No, they literally are not anything like that.
Literally not at all. Perhaps you are just a nigger with no self awareness, but the reality is likely that you are neither black nor do you live in Atlanta

Nah, spics arent actually niggers.
They don't claim ownership of every little meme they come up with that happens to catch on. They planned this out.

>Donald Glover

That alone tells me it's shit.

>white leftist men actually watch tv-series that are 100% nigger

Or maybe you’ve only seen small parts of the black community in atlanta because you’re not fucking black, while I, being a black college student from a good home, have been exposed to a much wider variety of blacks. I know hood niggas who act like paper boy. I know suburban black nerds who act like earn. I know “””””woke””””” lightskinned girls who act exactly like van.

Also they Larped as white dudes while they were trying to get it to catch on so it's more like entrapment than theft.
It's was really brilliant move by those dirty spics

Watch the whole episode and see what happens.

Downtown ATL literally any hour any day
>just a small part of the black community
Stop it

that was fucking perfect.

the only white people to be seen are working at the courthouse