ITT: good looking shots

ITT: good looking shots





tatooine xD







Posting Blade Runner is kind of cheating

Almost all of these are in the wrong aspect ratio. I want to kill you people.








Can you put a source on your shots?

Anything from the first two acts of this movie.

Which pics do you want sauce on?


have any of you fucked around with the colour of The Road on potplayer? it turns into an almost entirely different movie


fuck I was born in the wrong generation

fuck that movie gave me panic attacks, the weed didnt help either



That's gorgeous, where is it from?



the sacrifice - Andrei Tarkovsky

>mfw the camera jammed in mid-take, and they had to rebuild the house and burn it down again

The Sacrifice

The Sacrifice. It's a Tarkovsky movie.

Joking aside, this one is bretty good

Jesus fuck, how old is she?

I felt nervous and sick seeing it in the cinema sober
very glad I didn't smoke anything before

You know someone took shit for that

They gave impoverished commies a job

Tarkovsky endings are the best endings.

My man!

thsi is the only one so far that's really moved me

100% CGI trash shot

fuck off

It was shot in Sweden, you numpty. Tarkovsky defected in 1983.

Why is it tilted slightly.

Yeah, I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. This lab was absolutely mesmerizing.

They gave impoverished syrians a job


Isn't this from Lost in Translation?
>Jesus fuck, how old is she?

You're not Sup Forums if you don't recognise this.



fr*cking epic

>muh orange
>muh blue



>jedi temple is obnoxiously tall compared to everything else
i for one welcome the empire

One of my favorites, even better in motion.


One of the most beautiful movies I’ve ever seen in the theater.


Because it's objectively cooler that way.

The whole scene is kino

why would the jedi building be so big and why are they using so much space how many jedis were there?



what film?

Charley Varrick?

Pretty much the most striking imagery from the movie that isn't Eccleston hiding in the attic


Hi fellows xD



You're thinking of Shallow Grave. That was Goodfellas.

>if i dont like it that means it reddit

saw it in IMAX 3D with a girl who had a weed vape pen and we were high as fuck and it was the best film experience i had.

saw it 2 wks later with another girl sober and thought it was mediocre.

Reddit answer ands pic, fellow

>bodyguard out with the uzi ready to take names


>thread descends into death-spiral of closet redditors calling other people reddit



The Immigrant with based Joaquin

This entire movie could be included in this thread. Bertolucci has made some amazing films

The greatest shot of all time.





Clearly the best of the trilogy


they had to store all the sexual frustration somewhere

just because it isnt impressive doesnt mean it doesnt look good



>absolutely no sense of perspective
b-but my deakins

of all the shots you could have chosen from this, why that one?

i know this shot is way better