What are your thoughts on the manchild epidemic?

What are your thoughts on the manchild epidemic?

It feels like it's being pushed more and more that it's okay for men in their 20s/30s not to grow up

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What are your thoughts on the Sup Forumstard epidemic?

It feels like it's being pushed more and more that it's okay for men in their 20s/30s not to grow up

It's only a problem with white males in western countries

this but unironically


What are your thoughts on the botspam epidemic?

It feels like it's being pushed more and more that it's okay for a site in it's teens to just die.

It's just advertising to squeeze more nickels

nothing new

What are your thoughts on the reddit epidemic?

It feels like it's being pushed more and more that it's okay for insufferable crossposting faggots who constantly whine about Sup Forums in their 20s/30s not to grow up


I feel the "Sup Forumstard epidemic" is being pushed on here.

The cuck poster never sleeps

why is it that Sup Forums was the first board for Sup Forumstards to shit up? was it because they all came here when moot turned Sup Forums into /s4s/ for a bit?

They know they’re in the decline.

Because Sup Forums was Sup Forums before Sup Forums became a board
/new/ doesn't count

What are your thoughts on the lack of confidence epidemic?

It feels like it's being pushed more and more that it's okay for men in their 20s/30s to worry about what strangers on the internet think of them

fuck off back to Sup Forums you queer

>why is it that Sup Forums was the first board for Sup Forumstards to shit up?

Yeah why would they shit up a board centered around a easily politicized form of media.

Is he retarded?

>omg stop whining about Sup Forums
>I dont care that this isn't Sup Forums your board ends where my feelings begin

Get a grip of your life

redditors B T F O

But in China people are literally dying from playing video games too much. There was a whole documentary about a boot camp that took in teens who were addicted to video games. It's happening everywhere with electricity and internet access.

What are your thoughts?
No really, I bet no one has asked you how you’re doing in a while. How are things? What’s on your mind?

This was posted here on Christmas
Guess the age..

No you dumb faggot, Sup Forums has been intertwined with Sup Forums since 2011 at least because of the stupid agendas celebs push. When it was slower it was much better and we didn’t have retards like you posting here

It's pretty bad considering we have a manchild in the White House.

Answer: motherfucker is 27. Fullblown Sup Forums poster


Literally wrong. There were plenty of black and hispanic manchildren at the school I was going to. Especially asians.

Sup Forums is reddit

This triggers the friendless fedora

Why do redditors start seething so fucking much when they get called out for their soy wars and gaming obsession?

So is Sup Forums and has been for longer
Whats the problem?

Sup Forums was the original Sup Forums but then they left and you leafs moved in.
Now they returned and you retards fear you lifes.

does it?

You're posting on Sup Forums faggot, you're not better

Or maybe the lax Sup Forumsfag mods pushing their own agenda

Based Sup Forums constantly triggering reddit soyboys

but Sup Forums is soy central

>Sup Forums was the original Sup Forums

No it wasn't, I was lurking Sup Forums before I settled here. They came later, way later

Your screenshot is a bunch of people who either haven't visited Sup Forums or who have barely visited it

You're replying to a screenshot of Sup Forumstards actively encouraging the use of reddit, congrautlating themselves on it and discussing their culture as reddit users

shhhh don't say that

Again wo is Sup Forums and has been for longer
Whats the problem?

I too go to reddit OP!
>can't even change the filename


They are, thats why they are so apt at trigger redditers, know thy enemy as you know thy self

To be fair we're all going to live to 100+ if we don't achieve immortality so 30 is more like 20

>the same image everytime

is /leftypol/ too dumb to find new content or is it just laziness?

Post yfw when you get the soytard to dump his kekistani folder.

>niggermod redwood
>a Sup Forumsfag
loving every laugh

Fat Gambino and the mini twinks
Putting the boipusi to walk the track, get that money


>One person who MIGHT go to Sup Forums
>Thread of people who don't

>what's the problem with Sup Forums being reddit
Its obvious that you came over from there in 2016 senpai. Just accept that you're welcome on Sup Forums (reddit colony) and nowhere else

>mfw tried to grow up and be a man and found myself completely isolated and alone because all my friends remained manchildren and so was forced to regress or commit lonely suicide

videojames are fine I guess

Again so is Sup Forums and has been for longer
Whats the problem?

Television and mainstream cinema are the most easily accessible media. Sup Forums is just an easy place for newfags in general to settle in to image board culture because everyone has a decent amount of television/film knowledge. And Sup Forums just happens to be the current main source of newfags, but it used to be Sup Forums and it showed.
The retarded meme culture that spawned after mods cracked down on Sup Forums also helps. Literally anyone can easily force a Sup Forums meme.

>these are the creatures calling you soyboy

Why are wagies so MAD at people who are truly free (neets)?
I mean I kinda get it, I would be mad too if I had to exchange my life for shekels too.


they are the soyboys

>In some cultures people are expected to never leave their parents home

>"only america"


Based kitty

I think it's Sup Forums plebs
When the movie version of these threads get spammed the threads almost always full of people agreeing with the OP, but when its videogame shit they go ape

hits too close to home


We need to come up with more anti video gamer bait. I agree the gamers old ren seethe when you call out their obsession with games designed for adolescents.

This man steps into your house and proclaims it also belongs to him and his friends

Wat do?

I still only want money for Christmas, which I guess is pretty childish, although what I actually do with it is putting it aside to buy presents for the next year. A successful Christmas is one where the bottom line isn't red.

He better be, only excuse to act like that when you're 20+



jesus stop the wide mouthed "smile". It looks so god damn cringe, jesus christ

That glassware set looks fucking dope

t: manchild

if you think about it, people who make these threads just hate themselves

>mfw today I have seen this exact same thread with the exact same replies 20 times already.
top notch moderation faglord

it's a soy thing, you wouldn't understand

What kills me about this is that there isnt any sense of reality. Anytime something bad happens they are suprised,when it should be known humans are shitty by nature and death and destruction are easily apart of life as peace and growth. They cant handle a tv/movie charcter dying let alone real world events. Which is why od never take political or life advice from people like that. Simply no expierence...