We could have gotten an amazing looking junk yard planet Jakku instead of Tatooine 2.0

>we could have gotten an amazing looking junk yard planet Jakku instead of Tatooine 2.0

Worst timeline.

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>"but muh practical effects"
They should have just had prequel tier use of CGI


Holy shit, that looks amazing.

Shame really, I'm going to guess that if they were going to do it, it would be extremely expensive or the CGI would have looked like trash.

Why are they alwas inventing new shit when it's not necessary?
If you need a junk planet, take Ord Mantell. Fucking boons

its not fair
its simply not fair

Because Disney doen't care about Star Wars lore, they just make their own shit up because they're too lazy to actually study the Star Wars Universe.

In the end they didn't portrayed good the idea of a junkyard planet for Jakku (like the artwork did). It looked more like a place where some battle happened some years ago.

>J.J. is a hack!

The binary sunset is one of the loudest parts of the movie



Was that bar scene supposed to be in TLJ or is this now general SW art? Thanks for posting m8
Please proceed

Yeah, everything would've been rusted out.

It's Maz's castle

But TLJ's designs were equally dull and the story and entire sequences were direct rip-off of ESB and ROTJ.

The strongest stuff in that movie (Rey on the island, Luke, etc…) was actually developed during Force Awakens but was then pushed to TLJ when they decided Luke should only show up at the end.

In fact, several pieces of concept art for the island Luke was on was approved by Lucas himself but then was changed by Rian into what we got


Was that user going to dump TLJ art today? Anyone seen him post?


I haven't seen him post any more yet. Im just posting some random pieces from both TFA and TLJ art books that he posted

But the beach scense were amazing in the end.
I'd much prefer them fighting the At-Ats on the beach than this shit

What's the problem here?

What the fuck are you on about? Rogue one?



People would have complained and disney wanted to "recapture the magic of star wars" which translates into "sequence for sequence remake of a new hope" even down to starting on a desert planet.

Too good


I blame the unwashed, stupid masses that gave that complaint when the prequels came out.

Who the fuck really wanted X Wings, Tie Fighters and AT-AT walkers rehashed to infinity?

Give us new shit i say. Which is exactly what the prequels did and effectively might I add.
Though i gotta take that back seeing how TLJ ended up

this is from Force Awakens not Rogue One

>Who the fuck really wanted X Wings, Tie Fighters and AT-AT walkers rehashed to infinity?

These people.


>exactly what the prequels did and effectively might I add.

For every interesting thing they did, they offset it with four dipshit decisions.


jakku is ord mantel tatooine
hosnian is coruscant
dqar is dantooine
jeddah is ruusan
canto bight is abregado rae


Yeah it's a Star wars movie too
It was one of them anyway.

It looked great. Was bright and clear
This shit is dark and poorly lit and grimy

I'd much prefer what we got than this concept art

That was a good idea actually.

Gotta disagree.
What bad decisions about the world are there? I guess "lost the will to live" is pretty fucking stupid and midichlorians are godawful but the prequels have still offered more stuff than anything Disney has given so far.

im not sure it would have been a good idea, certainly interesting.


Damn. I wish the filmmakers had listened to Alzmann, whoever he is.

George said that sith can't become force ghost or is that being changed too?

I wish Leia had aged so gracefully. Her botox face was unwatchable.

Going through that image dump, you could actually see the creativity slowly drain out of the concept artists as JJ and his ilk got more involved. Just look at these new walker designs compared to what we got in the movies

So Fifth Brother got an upgrade and Darth Talon is getting molested by a Geth, gotcha.

>I guess "lost the will to live" is pretty fucking stupid

And yet, it's what happened to Princess Leia's real mom as well.

They probably thought this would be too complex for the general kino sheeple.

>all that character art of cute Kira
>let's cast some britbong chav guys
Imagine being an artist to JJ, seeing all your work slowly twist itself into ANH copypastes.

>Darth Talon is getting molested by a Geth
We could've had pure kino

Oh...why did you have to remind me of that...


Because it is true.

Man, that's really neat. Reminds me of these:

Cool looking but not sure it fits the SW McQuarrie aesthetic where land based vehicles and things look more gritty, functional and reality-based in terms of physics. But it definitely would have been different.

OP. Your posts hurt me.
Please stop before i weep

I know. That's what makes it so sad.

I wish they had kept Jedi Killer and had made Kylo a completely separate character. They haven't had any intimidating bad guys in the entire new trilogy, unless you think slipper-wearing "my sides" Snoke is scary in any way


love these red star destroyers

He is though. The top (what we might have had) is so much better and more inventive than the bottom (what we got).

>finn was meant to look like that
I'm glad they cast Boyega desu, literally looks like a normal yuppie caught in over his head

a Sith ghost it's not the sith himself, just part of his power, like a eco of him, meanwhile a jedi ghost it's the jedi being one with the force and still being capable of self awareness

The four-prong looks weird for the sake of being weird, but the other two designs look great

So like a memory attached to something like a sith artifact? That'd be cool.

her voice is what annoyed me the most, user. I think they got her to a decent look all coke considered.

I think the knights of Ren could've been made into a jedi killing squad, with emitters that send out high-pitch noises that make it impossible for force-users to concentrate.

Yep a artifact or a importan place for the sith, like a holocrom or their tombs

Yeah, Sith are all like Tom Riddle's memory in HP and the Chamber of Secrets.

Pretty sure Sup Forums could've managed a better script from these ideas than the one Kasdan and Abrams shat out.

>the only cool concepts were approved by Lucas himself
time to apologize

The whole trade dispute plot, the senate plot, the lack of a protagonist, the emphasis on big spectacle space battles over meaningful action scenes, most of the dialogue, not giving darth maul a personality beyond "spooky bad guy"...

I could go on my dude. It's a shit series. What they accomplished in terms of unique settings is almost immediately overshadowed by how much they fucked up everything else

Why? No one is upset with George because he was an ideas guy. They were upset because he decided he could do more than ideas.

gib twilek gf

>not giving darth maul a personality beyond "spooky bad guy"...
>needing to be spoonfed this badly

He looked like that because he was Han Solo's kid at that time

The EU doubled back on that so hard that I think there ended up being more examples of Sith ghosts than Jedi ghosts.

>Kylo Ren didn't take off his mask to reveal his new cyborg face in TLJ
It would however only cover one side of his face, where the scar was located.

>the lack of a protagonist
Haha, you what my man?

Who was the main character of The Phantom Menace?


It's called characterization. Darth Vader was an authoritarian religious fanatic with a character arc that takes place over the last two films in the series.

What was Darth Maul? His whole character was having two lightsabers stuck together.

Literally who the fuck was the protagonist?

It followed the actions of Qui gon, Anakin, AND Obi Wan.

Who was the person the audience was supposed to connect with and experience the story through like luke in the original films?

Qui Gon

Exactly. Darth Maul is just meant to show that the sith still exist. He doesnt need a full story.

>ywn be this level of retard who get confused for having more than 1 character in a movie

What was his character arc? Why didn't the movie end when he died?

>ywn be sitting in a movie theater watching a halo movie with this blasting youtube.com/watch?v=S68GmenFk2g

>Even just Luke poking at his food while having a light argument with his aunt and uncle---that's where you actually get pulled in as a viewer

And there's nothing like that in TLJ.

Why didn't Psycho end the moment the pseudo protagonist gets stabbed in the shower? Why doesn't Game of Thrones end when Ned Stark loses his head?

Why didn't Citizen Kane stop when he dropped the snowglobe?

>the sith still exist
>in a movie that's a prequel to another movie in which the sith exist

Why would the movie end just because the first character got killed? this is not your fucking disney wars

You do realize that pseudo means fake right? That the person in psycho wasn't the real protagonist so that argument doesn't hold any water. And Game of Thrones continued because Ned Stark wasn't the protagonist. Jon Snow is.

Theres a difference between having multiple characters and having a jumbled mess

>there can only be one planet with a certain theme in this vast vast galaxy
fucking idiots...

I am starting to think you are legitimately retarded.

>Why doesn't Game of Thrones end when Ned Stark loses his head?
That's a fantastic question.

Because that was the end of the story placed at the beginning of the movie. The rest of the movie is what happens prior to the snow globe dropping. Are you seriously this retarded?

There are several protagonists in GoT, Ned was the most prominent one until he died.