>Love kills Joy
What did Villeneuve mean by this?
>Love kills Joy
What did Villeneuve mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Love is boring, the true fun is in getting to the love.
luv is the best one
it was from the book, pleb
>love hurts
why did being the best matter so much to her
>Love kills Jerk Off Instructions
What does this mean?
Posting in a best waifu thread
Jerking Off Instict
>Love can ruin your job
>Love blocks your path
what do?
why must k suffer so
Love is one of the most stupid and irrational things that can happen to you. Doesn’t mean it can’t be fun sometimes, but it so often sticks you with just a single person whose nerves you eventually start getting on and mutually make each other unhappy - without being able to leave each other.
The symbolism is pretty spot-on.
why didn't k just make some sort of deal to make his joy real?
>love is loyal to the very end
>joy is an illusion
surely it makes you think
For a Villeneuve movie I was expecting more open-ended questions/unresolved plot threads. At the end it felt like everything was pretty much resolved and there's no real mystery to explore. Am I wrong?
She wanted K to luv her
Luv was loyal to wallace even though she cries and doesn't like it she obeys and stays on his side.
Joi is just whatever K wanted it to be and was fleeting.
Joi was also manipulated by luv/wallace to track K obviously
Best fu
Shoot her in the fucking head.
Replicant scum.
There are just a bunch of layers, parallels and symbolism(demiurge) you can pick up on if you want to delve deeper.
People still haven't concluded whether she was a real human bean or just a glorified iPhone app yet
Love hurts too.
I mean, this was answered pretty conclusively at the end in that scene that has been memed to death
What possible reason would she have to try to conceal him from her owners at the Wallace Corporation if she was just an object?
Luv literally didn't have to kill Joi tho, It didn't achieve anything, she just did it because she is le evil which doesn't make sense because she is a replicant who doesn't have a worse or better mood like human do. If she actually acted like a true replicant it would have went something like this
>Don't "kill" Joi
>KIll/leave K without acknowledging him
Fucking hack writers, am i the only one that sees this.
God you can tell how turned on she was after kissing K.
She had a thing for K.
Nothing because he didn't write the script.
if only she could do the same thing to my nuts
love is real, joy is not
>[crushing sound]
The Goose looked for 99% of the scenes like he was about to burst down crying like nigga man the fuck up.
I felt more sad for the doggo ;_;
The point wasn't that she was an object or not, but rather she was just what K wanted her to be and thus not real.
The doggo was taken by the leresistance so he is well and alive
There is no dog in the bonfire scene right after they find him. So either they
a) left him
b) dinner
really loved the lighting in that scene. reminded of old westerns.
at the end... wasnt they just leading Wallace to the child? weren't they fucked, offscreen?
>mfw the sparks transition into the lights of LA
>mfw this song starts playing youtube.com
10/10 cinematic experience
>For a Villeneuve movie I was expecting more open-ended questions/unresolved plot threads.
Is that in and of itself better?
>Luv literally didn't have to kill Joi tho
Luv didn't kill Joi because Joi wasn't alive.
>doesn't make sense because she is a replicant who doesn't have a worse or better mood like human do
But that is clearly not the case. Have you paid attention to either of the movies?
Not necessarily, but when it's a well made thought provoking movie it can make the experience stay with you longer. This movie had a few interesting motifs but didn't really offer up any real point of view/argument, or anything for the viewer to do really. It introduced some interesting ideas but there's nowhere to really take them.
That's how it seemed to me anyway. I wouldn't mind being wrong.
A movie can stand on its own and push a complete story without ambiguity for ambiguity's sake. I can't take "It didn't leave enough loose ends." as a valid criticism 99% of the time.
>ambiguity for ambiguity's sake
Literally no one wants this.
Anyway my point was just that I went in expecting something different from Villeneuve, not that it was bad.
i wish that were a tiny me ehehehehhe
Let her block my path
>swn scream at you
>replicants don't have emotion
I think you missed the whole point of both movies.
What are some other waifu bait films?
what kind of underwear does luv wear
dead ringer for younger famke janssen
Love kills Joy. K drowns Love. The operative allegory being that once joy is gone it’s best to do away with love and transcend to a greater purpose as K did.
Post more best girl.
Also summoning Best LuvPoster
The plot concludes but what this movie has achieved is in terms of worldbuilding. Here we have a sense of history, politics, the role of the population, diferent classes of replicants, free replicants on earth and so on. This is a huge thing because now you have this set of rules and events in the story that define what this universe is about, and anybody can start writing fanfinction that works without made up crap and can work in-universe (as both movies show that every character has a life of it's own, and it's not there just for the script).
Plus it expands on the themes of the original
Are they real? Their *feelings* are on the same level of replicants? Below? Above(as they are constantly updated)?
In the original there is no device that can track every move of the user, it's feeling and know every person in depth. Joi can do all of this. So this opens many possibilities
>Hierarchy in replicants
Here we get to know more diverse replicants, it's not just a tiny group of robots on the run. They interact with each other, some hate each other, others love each other. To be named being something highly regarded (as a slave class).
And so on. For me the highest achievment is to succesfully move the story forward after all these years. BR and 2049 are one story now, as there is nothing in 2049 that feels wrong or out of place in-universe.
she's a (K)illjoy
Trips are truth.
I watched the film but I missed this detail, no idea how....
After he get knocked down, he somehow wakes up in some sort of resistance hidden bunker. How did he get there? Did Luv leave him where he was and just had some people pick him up randomly? What happened.
Completely passed me by.
>The whore replicant dropped a tracking device inside his jacket
>That device led the resistance to his location in las vegas
>They picked him up and dropped him in the resistance bunker
Here ya go
Oh, I thought the whore worked for Luv and Wallace.
And it was Las Vegas? The film assumed everyone knew the place, or something. Was it a famous part of the old film?
Casinos? Could have been Atlantic City, I guess, but that would have been a hell of a trip in the flying car.
>Sexual imagery everywhere
>A fucking themed casino
>Deckard sayin "They made money seem like candy. You could come here, make money, lose money and just forget all your troubles for a while"
There is no other city in the world that fits this description
submit to mommy
God I'd love to see her get Blacked.
it shows up on the map on the computer i think. its vegas
Fuck off, cuck
K rejected Luv. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
I don't think that's the one that starts playing when that transition happens. That song plays after K sees giant Joi, after he's already spoken with Freysa. The score for the ashes transition is part of a song in the soundtrack that I can't seem to find right now. It's only a segment, and it's the one that plays when the prostitutes walk up to K for the first time.
Die in an oven, Shlomo.
what is this stinging sensation in my nostrils
It's this one youtube.com
Fucking bitch, drowning was too good for her
Delete this
It was kind of hot tbqh
This. I was hoping Deckard would get his cuffs over her head and strangle her, so best angel could be killed by maybe-human.
If you like this movie you have shit taste, plebs like you are the reason the sci fi genre is so awful, kill yourselves
>replicants dont have feelings
holy shit can you imagine missing the entire point of both Blade Runner films this hard?
Ok, reddit.
I hoped she faked her drowing so the goose would put a bullet in her face, splitting it wide open
fucking cunt
And what kind of pretentious dreck SHOULD we be watching, Jay Sherman?
rian johnson pls go
It had good visuals but everything else was trash
>being a brainlet
>when the plebs took the waifu bait
The rest of the movie was superb.
Who's the best one now bitch!
>"I do hope you were satisfied with our product"
marvel tier quip.
pre-programmed sales phrase that she uses with all clients
she said it earlier to K
actually resonates when you use your brain
now jog on
humans are a glorified bundle of flesh, a shitty memory consuming app in the big phone of the universe. That's the theme of these movies
That's also why Deckard being a replicant makes so much sense to me