Miss me?

Miss me?

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No I miss georgie


Never have, never will

He ruined two franchises


God don't come ruin Sup Forums too

stay away jar jar abrams

Lol, no.



so did he like TLJ? or was advice he gave ignored

Fuck no.



I'm starting to think this whole TLJ debacle is a psyop.

Mesa propose that disney gives immediately emergency powers to JJ Abrams.

I miss Kershner and Gary Kurtz.

Fuck, I even miss Marquand.

Unironically YES.
At least the first movie had good filmmaking. Besides Rey being perfect, Nazi heil scene, and stupid tentacle attack: the movie had great pacing and narrative with fun action.

TLJ was a clusterfuck of stupid ideas.

When Disney announced that this fucker was back I knew Rian must have had fucked big time, and now everybody knows the truth. They announced his new trilogy to fake confidence, now they only look like retards.

Now that even normalfags hate nuWars I hope they go back and reevaluate TFA. Now knowing that it didn't actually set up anything maybe they'll realize that it's empty, soulless trash.

what retarded aspect ratio is that?

TFA is not a bad movie, just a predictable boring and safe bet movie almost with no emotions.

TLJ is just the fanfic of an autistic 13yo edgy girl

All is forgiven, George. Please come back.

I would have rather had a shot-for-shot remake of Empire Strikes Back than Last Jedi. Soulless ANH was fine. If its sequel was Soulless ESB then that would have been fine too. Instead it was a big middle finger by Rian Johnson and the story group to every person who cared about Star Wars at all.

What is so wrong about wanting to see something I enjoy handled respectfully? Why does Rian Johnson hate me for that?

>great pacing and narrative
>fun action
Pick one.

Come on, It had both for the most part.
The movie flowed instead of incoherently going switching between stupid side stories.
And the action actually carried weight.

Everything bad about TLJ is your fault fucker.

I really hope this swarmy kike gets blamed for this mess eventually.

I look forward to when IX comes out and people are posting Rian Johnsons face with 'Miss me yet?'

>implying that this outrage wasn't orchestrated to make Jew Jew look good


Only George can save us now. JJ is just another nu-male cuck. Lucas created original Leia.

I actually can't imagine a way for IX to be worse than TLJ since IX has fewer things it can trash. TLJ slapped its dick on so many things in Star Wars that there just aren't enough things left for IX to ruin. If IX does everything just as badly as TLJ it still won't be worse since TLJ did those things first. The second hole you punch in a wall doesn't really compromise the wall that much more.

It would take a lot of effort for IX to be worse than TLJ.
> Lucas created original Leia
muh strong independent princess

>muh strong independent princess

It's not so much about whether the threads should be made just how retarded the premise and easy of a way to troll it is

>strong independence not making being turned into a slavegirl hotter

Miss me?

Sadly, yes. But I'll get you next time, fucker.

oh yeah I missed to have a hack directing star wars, it's only been 2 weeks since the last one