So Black Mirror has gone full propaganda now?
What the fucked happened? It was literally Unabomber kino and now is the most (((FULL MKULTRA))) series ever. Did Soros himself kidnap Charlie Brooker or WTF?
So Black Mirror has gone full propaganda now?
What the fucked happened? It was literally Unabomber kino and now is the most (((FULL MKULTRA))) series ever. Did Soros himself kidnap Charlie Brooker or WTF?
charlie brooker has always been an 'sjw'
netflix acquired the IP after season 2.
This and Netflix put the cherry on top.
It was cucked from the start, but now (((Netflix))) is in charge
Kind of. Gotten through the Star Trek and Black museum.
>God complex beta programmer gets what he deserves.
>guy who fucked up the lives of willing participants gets screwed by victims daughter.
The only sjw part is the diversity hires, I don't care but they could've gotten better actors for sure. I always blame the casting. However the evil people have done an excellent job.
>brooker got NETFLIXED
>his career is the true black mirror episode
>God complex beta programmer gets what he deserves.
mellvin did nothing wrong
It wasn't so evident in the past seasons. Last one was also produced by Netflix.
I think that he simply run out of ideas. That is why AI consciousness is used in so many episodes. And he used some on the nose social commentary to fill in the blanks.
>every single episode someone puts a device on their head and a program reads their mind and something bad happens becuase or it
truly a master of cinema
>God complex beta programmer gets what he deserves.
That would have been true if he had done anything to real people. Such as kidnapping them and locking them in the game. He was killed for torturing a fucking simulation.
Are you aware you posted a screenshot of the episode where the woman is a murderous psychopath? The show's politics have always been the same btw, complaining now just makes you look like an idiot
Where's the propaganda in that episode?
>>God complex beta programmer gets what he deserves.
Oh no a bad guy gets a bad fate they've never done that in BM!
This. He's a little faggot in the UK who always tries to get involved in politics.
He needs to unrionically neck himself.
Can I get a rundown?
What was the show about versus now?
how fucking dense are you? the whole fucking point of the episode is to raise questions pertaining to morality in advanced technology and what constitutes real "life/conscience" etc.
what happens when AI becomes self-aware, what happens when it becomes so good that it doesn't know whether it's machine or human
if you could clone Taylor Swift though a future magic combination of technology and biology, rape her to death every night and reboot her every morning, is it ok to do so just becase the clone isn't original or wasn't born in a uterus? THESE ARE THE FUCKING QUESTIONS THAT BLACK MIRROR CONSTANTLY BRINGS UP REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Lucy liu bot when?
Nothing has changed. The show has always had questionable writing and bad actors, people are just deciding to care now for some reason
oy vey that's anti-semitic goy...
So pre-emptive conditioning to sway public opinion for the eventuality of sex bots? Got it.
i'll take the early 90's Sharon Stone-bot myself
none of that real life personality shit though, i want the masterchef software, sex queen software and bro banter software, with a mute button just for safety
>sorosposting in Sup Forums
Kill yourself.
>if you could clone Taylor Swift
Now that would be a perfect robowaifu configuration.
>rape her to death every night and reboot her every morning,
Go watch their happy new years trailer that Netflix released today. It's basically 2 minites of black mirror footage with clips of trump cut in. The show is full blown sjw propaganda now
sex bots is gonna happen no matter what, demand is too high, no moralfaggotry in the world is gonna stop that
besides it is likely to kill human trafficking and unsafe sex market etc. too many pros, not enough cons
Blackmirror is shit why do you people like total garbage?
Also Brooker is married to a paki so I don’t see why him sticking lib talking points is somehow shocking
can you even try and put more Sup Forums buzzwords in a title. fucking christ will people like you ever uncuck themselves and actually form an opinion that isnt parroted from someone else. think for yourself you piece of shit.
It was never anything special. You just outgrew it.
if i can keep a fleshlight in my drawer i can keep a sexbot in my closet, it's not like i'll ever have a real disgusting woman over anyway, they'll never know
Because I enjoyed the past seasons.
Because I don't follow the lives of celebrities to know who the writer's wife is.
this is so good
Tbf this episode showed a woman with a feminist tier haircut prepare a lecture for a room full of white males about intolerence and then murder a baby
unironically what did they mean by this?
infowars is literally fighting against all the things black mirror brings up as potential threats
apparently the bitch in this episode kept arguing with Brooker and enforced her ideas on him
Brooker is a soyman pushover, but he makes decent stuff when he isn't pushed around, Black Mirror is mostly good for what questions it raises and stuff it makes you think about, the episodes and stories themselves can be pretty meh
Infowars insert. lol
snowflake detected
Info Wars is just tinfoil hat propaganda for conspiracy autists and to sell Alex Jones' shitty merchandise
even if 5% of the shit he spewed was true, i'm 100% sure he does not know and does not care about any of it
>he didn't stop following Brooker after he dissed Gamergrate in 2014
Wew lad. No one who was against Groopergrape turned out fine, it only got worse for them.
>being a tory
literally drumpf yourself
I'm four episodes into the new season and she's the cutest girl by far.
tories are traitor marxists
doesn't stop every single labor voter from deserving death
He married a poo what did you expect
I've only seen the star trek and black & white episode so far. They were terrible does it get any better?
Oy vey, did you forget the part where he murders a seven year old boy?
I mean yeah I supported him through the end but if you were a dickless simulation you'd be upset.
That's a shame
Season 1 and 2 were my favorites genuine shocking episodes, concepts and twists that felt like somewhat grounded sci-fi in the UK.
How is this episode cucked again? Because they cast an Indian? Not trying to sound liberal, I'm actually confused.
Because the other chick was a homicidal sociopath, but the audience is supposed to feel sorry for her because she's a woman.
because mellvin did NOTHING wrong
How? I fucking hated that bitch the whole time, how could you feel sorry for someone that kills 4 people (including a fucking baby) to cover her tracks? The protagonist was the indian, not the dyke.