What can we do about the Sup Forumstard problem?

what can we do about the Sup Forumstard problem?

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>getting this upset over a label
>must be drumpf supporters!
Or maybe it’s a wave of half assed trolls that rile you up with a simple insult

I'm sure crying about it will help, you should do that some more

The problem is that you're a "Sup Forumstard"

update this with the greaseball from yesterday

Trump supporters are obnoxious, but you insecure fucks are worse.

t. Sup Forumstard

MUH POL BOOGEYMAN!!! Fuck off if you’re going to get triggered by shitposting

nu/pol/, /leftypol/ and reddit are both cancer. Why? Bc is full of white "people"

"what can we do about the Sup Forumstard problem?"

it's ok to be soy

No one thinks chads are calling us soyboys.

Everyone here is a basement dweller - either physically or spiritually.

>tfw the HWNDU original series on Sup Forums made you lose all faith in it
>tfw HWNDU season 1 (NYC) revealed all the Sup Forumstards to be legit 100% confirmed non white soyboys

there is no going back.

Everyone here is one kind of loser or another, who cares what kind?

Don't care that an anonymous person called you a name.

Care of it's true.

why do people in the general far-left and far-right look like soyboys?

is virginity and anger towards society correlative?


>having to re-post the same 5 pics of teenagers again and again while yourself being "adult" and acting like this

We can call everyone with a problem with Sup Forums a slutty little soibiatch until you all fuck off and nobody has a problem any more

t. soy boy



That one guy looks a lot like this one autist from a BR2049 thread

lmao absolutely SEETHING

Sup Forums has the best memes though (aside from "soyboy", which is fucking shit)

projecting much?

that doesn't mean that right wingers are all chads you dumbfuck, and Sup Forums is the living proof

For white supremacists those people don't look very white

imagine being so obsessed that you post your butthurt on multiple boards only to get shit on

so a Sup Forumstard?

>absolutely SEETHING poltard detected

so this is the power of the master race lmao

So people of all races think you're a soyboy and it's not just white supremacists?

Maybe you should stop being such a soyboy then.


t. Kekistanis

It's not Sup Forums. It's the wave of t_d redditors that have come here in the last two years.

I mean the group of people in the picture is quite multicultural, yet their kind is constantly branded as white supremacists online

No amount of memery will ever change the fact that even ironic mulatto Nazis look down on you.

That's a bugman, not a soyboy, user.

t. Sup Forumstard

the left can't me-

This thread is shit, have loli kiss

I hate leftist faggots and kekistanis I absolutely don’t care for your victim mentality you jabroni
Know your role and shut your mouth you kekistani brittany venti whiteknighting queer

Fuck off drumfpie

say it with me


s*ck it

I'm actually a right winger but I despise Sup Forumstards and their stupidity

Why do you hate people of color so much when all they do is critique your unhealthy lack of masculinity? They only want to improve your sad soyboy life.

Their numbers will die soon enough since they can't procreate