>He keeps a folder full of pictures of ugly people who hold political opinions he dislikes
Yeah, you alt-righters don't do this AT ALL. Especially not with "tumblr whales" or "soy boys".
Now go ahead and try to deflect this by saying you aren't alt-right. I need a good laugh.
It's pathetic no matter who does it, but sure, deflect if you want. Literally anyone who just replies with pictures of fat, pasty nerds of the opposite political tribe should neck themselves.
Is this what normalfags think Star Trek is like?
it's a good scare tactic just look what happened to atheism
tbqh famuliar, i been around here since pretty mucht the start and never seen a more hateful bunch of retards than 'white nerds' and it keeps getting worse each year since Gamergate.
>Two wrongs make a right
The absolute state of leftists.
>I haven't watched the episode but I don't want to miss all the shitposting :DDD
Kekistani tards are liberal tho
Wow Todd's gotten a bit chunky
the only thing i don't believe is the whole no genitals thing. no one would ever do that
this is why we need more women and people of color in STEM
this. i thought theyd have to comfort the new girl as shes called into the captains quarters after every mission
why do people like black mirror again? The twilight zone did it better 60 years ago yet no one fangasms over that.
>the twilight zone
hi grandpa
so was it good???
Feminists and Black Activists could give them a run for their money.
Come to think of it any demographic with strong political opinions seem to be hateful retards.
Well I thought that was pretty normal since the guy coded the whole thing and couldn't bother adding a "sex mod" to it since it would not be featured in the actual game, but apparently when they got out the genitals were back...
I only watched the first episode and I feel disappointed already.
i dont code so what is wrong with this
Sorry we don't bother with blatant Tumblr garbage. Try /who/.
futurama did this episode better like 10 years ago
This desu, BTFO
I've watched 2 episodes of this show and all of them have been "fuck white people" so far... They really aren't being subtle with this are they?
First, comparing 2 pretty different functions and second, having tons of comments for almost no purpose.
Not even talking about the shitty coding or the random "return 5" because this is a bait anyway.
how is the first episode 'fuck white people'? the girl who saves the day is white...
Not Damon got even fatter for his role on Fargo.
>implying that isn't exactly what the aut right says to justify their version of identity politics
>>m-muh hwhite genocide because Stacey wanted to date Tyrone instead of me
Typical white savior complex. smdh
yes but she's a women. A protected class, unlike the brutish white man.
you forgetting about the white guy that gets burned to shit to also save the day?
>missing the point of the episode completely because you're an alt-kek
You seem upset.
>this episode will be discussed most thanks to politics when Hang the DJ was the true kino this season
baka desu
Is the hole season out?
>can't even have the basic fucking pleasure of pushing out a shit
The male code is called fast inverse square root which is used in graphics processing and takes up only 13~ lines of code. Ms. Kloss' code compares 2 given number and tells you which is bigger in 25~ lines of code.
Basically shes trying to compare code that can do something to "Hello World!" level basic code filled with comments.
that just shows the true depths of whitey's evil; he'll even kill himself, and must be saved from himself
So, she needs a program to tell her which number is bigger while the guy needs a program that finds the inverse square root?
I thought girls knew how to compare two numbers and determine which one is bigger by just looking at it.
line on left is legendary - it's called Fast inverse square root. Basically, it's extremely elegant way of computing 1/sqrt(x) - which is used in graphic processing. It has it own wiki page - highly recommend it.
jesus I thought that was one of them meme fat suits
So what are you saying faggot, nerdy white guys ARE evil?
My guess is you're one of them. But yeah you do think they're evil which is why you hate yourself so it all adds up
He made infinity. He literally is the God of it and wasn't appreciated by his peers. You think people treat the creator of Google like this? So he got treated like shit and went home and vented through a video game stimulation. He literally did nothing wrong.
Generally, in good code variable names and function names are explanatory as to what they do and what they’re for. I’ll add comments if there’s no way around some confusing logic but if you need to add comments to an algorithm it’s probably unnecessarily complex
>high profile software company isn’t agile
>software dev refers to another dev as a “coder”
>80s style hacking scenes
>”the firewall deleted the code!”
GAH! What's wrong with your face?
>the code on th left is bad! It is a hacker code used to steal nude photos! Stay away!
It's always the same pathetic leftie cuck who does it. But keep doing it, like i care. I'm an attractive aryan god and i hate niggers.
It's the same as the dead lesbian episode last season! Most fans of BM don't care about those episodes, at most you'll get "It's good, but overhyped." Hang The DJ and The episode where facebook ratings a re currency are the kino of their respective seasons.
>How d'you do, fellow Trek kids?
Of course women can't.
That's how so many of them have mountains of debt.
Whu does she writes like a 14 year old?
because he's an awkward voluntary incel
God damn this bitch is so fucking INCREDIBLY ugly
Was this space kino?
>retards misunderstand the episode
It was bad because the simulations were conscious. The episode wasn't about the evils of white guys it was about
He deservingly got treated like shit because he's a fucking white male.
>The episode wasn't about the evils of white guys it was about
everyone else disagrees
The code being deleted actually makes sense, it's common for programs to overwrite mods and such when updating, what is stupid is saying it was a fucking "firewall" that did it.
>he thinks le rational skeptics are the same thing as the alt right
Do you just lump everyone you don't agree with together or something?
>episode satirizes old sci-fi shows with cheesy lines and technobabble
>then unironically does cheesy shit like DNA memories and update wormholes
Image version of the "repeats what you say in a goofy voice" non-argument.
Wouldn't it have been less work to just stop being such a beta bitch than building that ridiculous DNA thing so he can have a fantasy world?
Put your soy plug back in.
You don't have any arguments and you're a little bitch.
Prove me wrong.
Six or seven Sup Forums posters who are spamming threads doesn't mean "everyone else" lmfao
It's legit not far off the psychology of your average video game playing freak, just a bit more extreme
wouldn't his videogame thing have a safety valve to prevent him from being locked into it
literally every critic has been saying OUCH TAKE THAT WHITE NERDS
Wow the first episode is basically:
White nerds are fucking pathetic and evil. What a great show!
>AI clone your boss/partner cause you're too much of a weak pussy to confront him in real life
>AI clone your boss/partner's son and kill him infront of him to make him bend to your will
>AI clone people around your office for not being a social autist with anxiety problems like yourself
>doesn't erase or re-write memory of AI clones to take part in his fantasy mod
>literally torture them to bend to his will instead
He's not kidding. All I've seen is "This is what they mean when they say Rey is a Mary Sue. They just hate women." It doesn't matter whether or not it was the point of the episode. What matters is this is going to be heralded as "The death of white nerds." or something stupid like that.
*mires you BBC*
this episode was fine until everyone else got agency
It's the same as the "dead lesbians" episode from last season. It's just a "normie/SJW friendly" episode so they don't get bad press. Most fans of the show I know say, at best "It's good, but extremely overhyped." Every other episode is some of best shit worth watching. (The season finale is amazing!)
this was beautiful user thanks.
Yeah, white men must be killed to save the day.
I had to turn on the subtitles to understand what the fuck this bitch was saying
Let's be honest here, you would be pretty megalomaniacal too if you had your own virtual world with digital clones to play with.
Whiteys are inherently evil.
samefag redditor
Christ, I actually find some black women attractive. But, my god.
He wasn't even evil, he just wanted to play.
by killing the bosses son in front of him?
nice he a good boi
he dindu nuffin
Ya'll should be praising this it condemns the evils of escapism that keep betas, beta. Daly never got better in real life because he chose to escape into the game instead.
So, now that I know I'm evil according to Black Mirror, should I just kill myself for being a white nerd?
It's not real, do you get mad when your brother rips your spine out in Mortal Kombat?
not denying that, if i had a digital fantasy world like that and i could put in whoever i wanted i'd be swimming in celeb pussy, but i wouldn't want their real life personalities intact, it's too real, too sadistic, i'd want sexbots with good AI
as far as the reality of Black Mirror is concerned these "clones" were just as real as their real life counterparts, just digitised, they weren't born, they weren't biological, but they had the same thoughts, feelings and memories as the originals, which is what the whole moral dilemma is about, which in turn should be raising questions like what is real/consciousness/soul blablabla, instead these Sup Forums fucking autists get caught up in genders and skin colours as per usual, when for once it's not about that in the least
these fucking retards are so obsessed with their narrow world view that they can't expand their minds a tiny fraction and think about something else for once
inb4 "durr redditspacing/soyboy/leftie" replies because they argue at kindergarten level
Immersion status: DECAPITATED
The functions do entirely different things and the first is basically a legendary piece of programming history.
Meanwhile, everything about Karlie's code is shit and it's full of completely uneccessary comments. If your implementation of max is more than one line you're a god damn retard.
The same setup was already done before in the same series and this kind of discussion has been done to death a thousand times, the white devil subplot is more interesting to talk about.
>90's prehistoric code
>50 years from now into the future where the actual DNA is scanned and a perfect human clone is made digitally
yep. this is a fair comparison, ya got me,
Why do brainlets even watch this show?
nerdy white guys are evil though
more than any other demographic by far
Two can play that game.