What's the logical explanation for this discrepancy?
Bright [2017] by David Ayer
male alt-right russian hackers
The opposite of anything a movie critic says is true. It's like a law of nature.
people want to like the movie because of the premise, but cant admit that it was a mess of a film.
>critics hate it
>audience loves it
looks like litty raunch romp kino to me
Sup Forums's new favorite movie is Baywatch-tier plebeian. That's the takeaway here.
Metadata on critic approval is useless
>critics score: 3.8
>audience score: 4.3
its alsmost the same idont see th eproblem
I honestly cant understand it.
I thought it was great, but I would still understand if critics gave it only 5-6/10, because i can see that some people mightve found it a bit trite
but 3.8/10? what the fuck are they thinking?
This movie could be described as "Marvel funny" and "a goofy-good time!". I'm just using phrases people use to praise Disney's Star Wars and Thor. Odd that they hate this film. Do they just hate gritty sexy ultra violent urban fantasy?
Critics are all college educated, smart, city people.
Audiences are all rural and suburban retards.
This is exactly what the studio executives want you to think. They blame RT for their films bombing and want to see it destroyed.
Critics can see the glib and trite social commentary that it attempts fall flat on its face because they are generally more informed on these subjects.
What the f*ck did you just fucking say about me, you little out of touch critic? I'll have you know that the FANS are LOVING Jumani (tm), and there've been reports of numerous people pissing in theatres, and I have over 300 POSITIVE reviews. I am trained in acting and can bench more than the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me than just another critic. I will make you LAUGH the f*ck out with you pissing yourself the likes of which has never been seen before in theatres, mark my f*cking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, BRO. As we speak I am contacting Kevin Hart in central intelligence and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for some FUN, dude. RAUNCHY COMEDY that expels the contents from the pathetic little thing you call your bladder. You're f*cking boring, man. I can be on any television set, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my WWE Wrestling technique. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to all my FANS on Twitter and I will use it to its full extend to shame you into watching Baywatch (tm), you little weakling. If only you could have known what uncool vibes your "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you could have held your f*cking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now YOU'RE WELCOME, you goddamn critic. I will get my FANS to piss laughter all over you and you will drown in it. You're f*cking gone, BRO. GET F***UCKING LITTY!!
The piss must flow.
Prepare your kidneys.
A lot of a movie "critics" have an agenda against Bright for bucking the studio trend. Now that they don't have any special access to it (via studio screenings) and have to share with the common public, there's a bias against it. In other words, Bright is the future of the distribution of film, and the old guard is not ok with that.
Netflix user overrate everything
>social commentary
Okay here's a (you) even if you didn't see the movie
/r/movies hates it so now Sup Forums has to pretend to like it
So Amy Schumers special was worse than literal shit?
Elvish directors and studio heads, obviously.
I unironically have no idea how anyone would know what r/movies likes or doesn't
Can you stay there? It would raise the tone of this board.
the state of people who use netflix
bright is one of the worst films i've ever seen
Netflix encroaching on Hollywood’s turf
Just like all the people accused of sexual assault have either shows on amazon or netflix
Tell me you're joking.
so you haven't seen a lot of films?
it's not very good but it's not offensively bad either, a real 4-5/10.
why does everything have to be the BEST or WORST thing ever, like there's nothign in between.
Critics have good taste. The general public does not.
expectations going in.
I imagine most people know nothing about it, it's just a movie that's appeared at the top of netflix one day and it has will smith in it HEY I RECOGNISE HIM, then the movie is just sort of okay but they don't mind.
if they went into it hype as fuck like it was a big franchise movie or something, everyone would be dissapointed probably.
have seen over 4000 films including many truly shit films and would count bright as one of the lowest most ill-conceived and unwatchable pieces of trash i've seen
just because there's elements of technical competency doesn't mean it isn't absolutely atrocious
lol ok
claims of authority mean jack shit when you're anonymous
real talk
How is it? Dont know who to trust anymore and I certainly dont have time to try every single movie that comes out.
The discrepancy here is that critics rate it 3.8 while the audience rates it 4.3 YET there is a 60% swing. They fucked up.
Real talk, it's slightly above average. Fresher than a marvel flick, at this point, but certainly not a great film by any measure.
Obviously critics have incentive to snub netflix when studios pay them for reviews and netflix doesn't.
if you insist, i have a trip
I thought it was an okay movie with interesting world building. Nothing really special. You're not really missing out on anything.
That's not social commentary
Probably a 6/10 film
If you like the premise maybe 7/10
To say it's a "failure" as a film is actually embarrassing for critics
Ignorance is bliss, I suppose. Literally cannot argue with an idiot unless there is some basis of common knowledge upon which we can produce discourse.
I would genuinely like to see how you believe that one-off joke, built on reference humor and nothing more, was meant to be actual social commentary.
3/10 and 4/5 isn't almost the same man
the whole fucking movie is about racism directed at orcs
I wouldn't say I liked it but it was the first netflix movie Ive been able to watch all the way until the end
They have movies that fans and critics liked that I can't even get through
It is a film built around an anti-racist moral, true, but it doesn't draw direct parallels to our society. The value of using these fantasy races was that a race parable could be told without immediately making people feel like they need to defend positions they've already taken. A story about race relations is not necessarily a commentary on society.
One is out of 10 and the other is out of 5
the movie is a steaming pile of shit and most people are complete mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, plebs that don't deserve to vote
The premise is more interesting than the actual film. The movie itself is ok. Nothing really special though.
lol why were the orcs so obviously based on mexicans then
>calls out the elves
>gets low critic ratings
Must be a coincidence.
They aren't. They pick up bits of Chicano culture because they're easy reference points for the audience to understand the role they play in the film as well as because David Ayer is obsessed with them, but there are many aspects of Orcs as a race that don't make any sense as Mexican parallels. The film has actual mexican gangs who are clearly different from the Orcs
Critics are obviously bought and paid for by the big studio's, the audience has nothing to gain by lying. It's a fun movie to watch, no masterpiece or anything just a setup for a little franchise series.
It's about 6 or 7/10.
Interesting idea, nice visuals, some good action scenes, overal decent performances. Reminded me of old John Carpenter movies.
Bright names the ((Elf)).
Poor reviews and sexual abuse accusations were soon to follow.
in any case how is it not a social commentary to make a film about race relations
I don't understand why orcs wouldn't just be fought to extinction eons ago
that's what humanity does with every dangerous adversarial species that isn't human
see it's so fucking obvious. The critics are retarded, but not in the literal way - they could see what it was doing.
Bright is a dangerous movie.
Critics are morons who have no idea what the public like. They're basically just one step away from producers in that respect.
>that's what humanity does with every dangerous adversarial species that isn't human
Never got rid of Africans.
all this edge and no climax
If a film about race relations is necessarily social commentary, then every film depicting any kind of society is as well. Social commentary means it's making statements specific to our society, not statements that generally relate to an aspect of society. There is no specific statement within the film made about current events. It's just a "don't be racist, guys" movie. They're basically a genre unto themselves.
Im better than everyone, yet I'm completely miserable
>he didn't get Bright
Orcs were never the problem. It was an Orc that founded and led the organization that fought the greatest threat humanity has ever faced. Not only that, that very same Orc defeated the Dark Lord himself in combat.
Hint: The Dark Lord was an elf. They also literally spell it out for you in the movie. The writing is literally on the wall.
>It's just a "don't be racist, guys" movie.
>not social commentary in 2017
give me a break
absolutely dull and annoying a genre
You literally have not made a single argument. Tell me where the specific parallels lie, or shut the fuck up.
the diference is only a half point lol??
What? Humanity viewed them as animals. They exterminated redskins but they never got rid of blacks.
it's a bad movie friend
The thematic content is thin. It presents the allegory but then doesn't really do anything smart with it.
For critics that's interpreted as aiming for something more than a popcorn flick and failing. For most of the movie watching public, it was nothing more than a fun popcorn flick.
>TLJ has a lower audience score than Fembusters
You're confusing Americans with humanity.
Elves = Jews
Humans = White / Non blacks
Orcs = Black people
most people who watch a movie are interested in them, with audience rating almost always being higher than the critical one
>it's a bad movie friend
t. Faerion Riversong
I'm not your friend, Elf.
racial divisions have deepened astronomically in america in the past year. to make a film about race is commentary, or at the very least political, and in this case preachy
also this
except elves = 1%ers
Political is not the same as social commentary. You have no understanding of the terms you're using, and I'm genuinely bored of this
It used to be that critics would criticize something as a piece of art on its merits as art. Now critics are like a kind of corporate agenda defense force, in this instance they were supposed to torpedo the intellectual property, in other instances they are supposed to award trash with dignity
Movies are like pro wrestling now, the perception of the content can no longer be controlled by the intent of its creators.
They can't control who the bad guys and good guys are, those days are over.
Elves are kikes, the mob has decided.
Creator intent is no longer relevant.
ignore the parallels provided as you requested then if you like
The thematic content is thick and juicy as fuck. It's just that it's the "wrong" narrative for these reviewers.
These are the same people that rate movies with what they see as "progressive" content positively because
In Bright, the 1% is taken to extreme lengths. It's putting emphasis on the stereotypes of real world identity politics in order to make them more visibile. Thus the black people are made more visibly brutish and oppressed, and the 1%'s AKA the Jews are now extremely visible, living in their own heavily guarded city sections with sky scrapers and nothing but fancy cars and clothes.
It's so bad it's quite literally as if taken out of America's old "WHITES ONLY" type of segregation.
why do you dense motherfuckers like this shitfest of a film?
what happened to you? do you not have taste any longer?
at long last, have you no sense of taste!!!?
I wonder who's behind this post....
>going $60,000 in debt to """earn""" a """degree""" in trans-feminist indigenous dance therapy and then die of a cold at 45 because you have never held a job that provides health insurance
This exactly. It's not fantastic but it's not bad either. It was something at least different and took some risks. There were parts of it I really liked and it was very well made even if it suffered from the story. It's ok if you didn't really like it but critics calling it the worst movie of the year is pretty embarrassing desu.
there were parts that were excruciating to sit through
painful experience this film
Do you personally think it falls into worst of the year territory?
Did anyone else notice how shit the editing was? I so rarely see such poor editing that it becomes noticeable and distracting.
the thing i hate the most is that suits will use the critics' score to justify creative bankruptcy being allowed to """"""earn"""""" billions at the box office
It makes me yearn for WWIII
Go away, EIDF
of the one's I've personally seen? sure
You're trying to hard for (you). Rethink your style and come back tomorrow
The critics are right, it's trash.
I'm with you on that, fuck I've never wanted to rip out my eyes and ears before I saw this film
Yes. Way worse.
You can dung fields with shit.