Mike: [If Superman really existed] there would be people on CNN arguing back and forth about this and that etc...

>Mike: [If Superman really existed] there would be people on CNN arguing back and forth about this and that etc. but we don't need that. We live THAT. Movies are about escapism - we don't need to see people on CNN complaining about politics in a Superman movie!

>Jay: Yeah, especially in superhero movies - like in this movie you see buildings blown up. And it's like - I don't want to watch superhero movie that reminds me how miserable real life is...

>Mike: Like two days ago Brussels airport exploded...

>Jay: Yeah, I was thinking about that during this movie!

So we should turn our brains off for movies?

I don't give a fuck about movie reviews anymore. I only care about best of the worst.

>I don't like thinking!
oh it shows mike and jay, it shows

Why do people still take these hacks seriously? They liked The Force Awakens. I'm glad The Last Jedi so thoroughly disappointed them, they played a big role in the death of Star Wars.

I shouldn't have to pretend to be retarded to like a movie.

Comic book hero movies are not the proper medium to explore real life crises

Why the fuck not? We’ve seen the same bullshit for the last 15 years. What’s wrong with something different?

Being different doesn't automatically make something good.

If you're not a worthless nu-male who claps when they see a superhero, you get tired of this garbage and seek out something different.

M8, I want comic book movies to mostly stay the same because there are a million other movies that handle different stories and themes. Comic book movies should stick to what they do best and let better movies handle the headier stuff.

You're part of the reason cinema is dying.

>cinema is dying because superhero movies aren't dealing with terrorism and modern day politics
Get your fucking head out of your ass.

if you really watch capeshit for meaningful commentary and insightful storylines your neckbeard can't grow any larger

Can someone please shield these stunted manchildren from reality? We don't want to traumatize them by a little thing called reality.

It's a serious symptom. Cinema is dying because it refuses to take itself seriously and improve itself. What you want is stagnation.

Like you, I watch it for the funny quips and #memes.

Go go Hulk! Please bring back my childhood. PLEASE!!!!!

I love the kiddy colorful films and Nintendo. Please stop show me reality. That's a trigger warning. You're in my safe space now!

>Night-of Half in the Bag review is really tepid even if they say they're supportive
>Plinkett review avoids even talking about TFA for a huge portion of the running time, and doesn't say much when it finally gets around to it

I think something worse happened with TFA for them than with the prequels; the prequels inspired rage, because they still cared. TFA inspired nothing, because it was so safe and they can't care about Star Wars that much anymore.

This post is so goddamn retarded that I'm surprised you were able to write it.

I would ask if you read romantic novels for philosophy but I doubt you read a single book in the last 5 years.
Movies should know what they are, hoping for serious tone in a movie with a guy dressing as a bat beating up criminals means you have no clue how important tone is.

>Cinema is dying because it refuses to take itself seriously and improve itself
Are you confusing video games with cinema?

That's not the reason why.
Cinema is dying because studios think that brand recognition and iconic status of characters/imagery is all you need to sell a movie.
>Hey, Superman is in the movie so it will surely make billions right?
>Hey, Luke Skywalker is in the movie so it will surely make billions right?
>Hey, dinosaurs are in the movie so it will surely make billions right?

DCEU movies and Marvel/Disney/Star Wars movies have complete polar opposite tones, and yet they're both guilty of ruining cinema.
What we need are original stories again.

>hated prequels
>liked Force Awakens
>disappointed by The Last Kino
>no love for Snyder savior of cinema
Pleb Reddit Media folks

Ok time to remove all media and buildingd blowing up from films. We don't want this film to have any connection to reality. Make our protagonist a CGI racoon and juat play nostalgic music over and over again to give them a sense their childhood didn't die 20 years ago.

>muh contrary
all of star wars is shit and reddit tier

>Why the fuck not? We’ve seen the same bullshit for the last 15 years.

Yes, the post-modern nihilist garbage is getting old. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to apply a stale formula to a comic book character so anathema to that style? Snyder and his fuccboi brigade of 14 year-olds, that's who.

You are absolutely right. Stop taking abstract ideas and try to be sincere about them. This is 2017. If it's not a self-condescending joke, I don't care. If it's not a hollow soulless corporate-mandated film, I don't care.

Bring on the funny quips!

>le strawman
what a waste of time, i'm not even going to bother

>taking itself seriously is now "nihilistic"
>joking about its own existence and the implausibility of it is "optimistic"
The absolute state of RLM spouting MCUcks

they always draw rey with a small forehead and jaw

Comic books can be decent mediums for exploring tougher material than kiddy battles of good and evil, but they have to step up to that kind of thing. Superman, and Hack Snyder especially, are poorly placed to do that.

It's no good to address the tough real-world issues if your emotional and analytical intelligence aren't up to the task, especially if your superhero of choice is the boy scout. And let's not kid ourselves, it's not like Snyder or anyone else involved felt like they had a story to tell with Superman, they got hired on to make the movies because DC wants to make money on its properties. There wasn't an artistic drive at the root of MoS/BvS, there was purely a corporate profit motive which had some artistic drive attached to it later to justify it.

When will Hollywood learn not to trigger us with serious stuff like news and destruction? In my fairy land safe space, only happy thoughts are allowed! YAY WE'RE ALL SO HAPPY :))))))

>Sup Forums hates capeshit being taken seriously
>gets mad when their favorite reviewers say capeshit shouldn't take itself so seriously

I love all this amount of asspull and selective criticism you apply just to justify an entire genre turning into borderline retarded quipshit. Because MCU movies are products of passion?

What, I can't go an hour or two without being reminded about real life human suffering?

>muh original eye peas
remember Pacific Rim? it bombed, and now it has a shitty sequel

>when their favorite reviewer
Hey Mike you fucking retard nobody takes your shitty Youtube channel seriously anymore after that sellout TFA review.

They wouldn't even find Brussels on a map
fucking wannabe deep critics

if mike and jay says it then i agree cuz they know so much

For movies involving men who can fly and shoot lasers out of their eyes, yes retard.

It's actually possible to dislike both MCU and DCEU movies, just so you know.
Also, you're straw-manning.

The topic of the thread is DC. Not Marvel

You can make kino out of anything, pleb

>Mike Cucklasa
>Jay Bugman
>Rich in Soy Evans
>Red Goyim Media

If it 'bombed' then it wouldn't have a sequel to begin with.

>not using greentext
You fucked up.

Sup Forumsermin do not understand this concept

it bombed in the US

So the problem is foreigners.

Of course it did.
Burgers are stupid.

>capeshit is cinema

Mike and Jay are stupid. The only problem is that the movies do all this dark shit and still pretend superman is the lawful good stereotype we know. I mean, this and the fact that they're boring and for brainlets who think making obvious jesus analogies makes it deep.

the prequels are the biggest disappointment since you were born
the force awakens was fine for a soft reboot
the last jedi has more plot holes that an improv sketch
and fuck snyder